Reservoir water


New Member
Hi everyone. My tap water here is about 307ppm. I need about 54 gallons every time I change water which is going to be once a week. The other day I walked by my central ac drain outside and got this crazy idea to see how much water it produces in a day. I would have more then enough water to do the reservoir change. I tested with the meter and it was at 30 ppm and had a ph of 6.6. I am wondering if anyone has used this water and if so how were the results. My system will be up and running here shortly and I'm hoping to get some feed back. I really don't want an r/o system right now. I've spent enough money to this point. I'm guessing it would be the same as distilled water. I plan on filling a large enough light proof container with it to keep algae from growing in it.
Thanks Pit. I've have read every page of your grow journal and can't seem to get enough. I did read about your ppms being 275 but I figured 300 to 320 was a little over the limit. I have some white russian and some blz bud from seedism germinating right now. I was wondering if you heard of the BlZ? I know its off topic here so I apologize for that. Once again thanks for the reply.
Only concern that I have with using the water that comes out of the AC is the small metal particles that the run off will have. You will need to weight the + and the - of this.
I was going to use my AC runoff, but it has little bits of black "fungus" looking stuff in it and is 4.5 ph.
Thanks for the replies. After letting my tap water sit for a couple of days with an air stone the ppms drop to 265 which I think is manageable. The ph is around 7.1 which shouldn't be to hard to bring down. This is my first aero/hydro grow so I'll probably have some questions before I get everything dialed in. Once again thanks guys.
The only bad thing I have found about RO water is you will lose about 90% of the water that goes through it !! That seems awfully wastefull ! I just buy distilled but at a buck a gallon I don't think that would work out for you ...If your tap water is under 300 ppm thats not so bad mine is over 470 !! Nasty !
Thanks Hippy. I had the tent all set up for aeroponics. The isue I had was heat. I can't bring reservoir below 83.5 and my ph keeps rising to 8+ which I'm thinking is because of the heat. I am going to save the aero system for this winter when my room temps are cooler. I even have a window unit blowing in the tent with a duct but the ambient temps in the outer room are 90 and the unit can't handle it. I am going simple with my first attempt. Spent some more money today but I don't want to loose my little girls. I'm going to try the old hempy bucket system I read about the other night. It seems as though I might be able to control everything easier that way till I become more familiar with all this. Once again thanks for all the replies.
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