Rock wool question


New Member
G Evening all, When starting your cuttings in rockwool, Do you leave them in the rockwool when transplanting? Can you put a rockwool cube in a cup...fil in around the outside then dont have to transplant so soon?? Thanks All Red
Transplanting Rock Wool

I agree for the most part. However, I was taught to plant the rock wool cube slightly above soil level. the rationale being the water retention value of rockwool is so great that when u water/feed, the rockwool is full of moisture all around the stem and holds it for a couple days. This can increase chances of stem rot (caused by fungi). Now cover with soil and water retention is greater. Takes longer to evaporate. Make sure u get all of ur roots covered in the soil. This can't be the only way, but its how I was taught and quite effective. If u'd like to c what I'm talking about u can look at some soil level shots in my journal. Click the "Follow My Grow (completed)" link to get there.
I always cover mine with the soil. I was seeing allot of green algea growth on them when I left them uncovered. I think of the rockwool as having similar water retention properties as soil, thus see no real difference. I havn't run into any stem fungus or rotting issues in soil to date.



Other than getting the soil super wet at the initial transplanting (if the soil is drier than the rockwool, it will suck the moisture right out of the cube), the rockwool and the soil will reach a balance and retain moisture equally.

I also cover the RW with about 1/2" of soil to prevent algae and no rot problems. Just be aware of the wet/dry cycle and don't overwater.

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