Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender Under 120x3w LED

Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

They look really good sam, I have emailed the guys at growblu with the website email thing they got there but no reply as of yet, might need to check spam. :/
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Could use some advice guys. Not freaking out in the least, as my plants appear to be doing well but...

Two weeks ago I noticed just the slightest nute burn going on with the white lavender. Backed off nutes completely and have been just watering with straight water. This is a brand-new strain and so there aren't a lot of grow reports, but I saw someone else mentioned it can be a bit sensitive. Was watering yesterday and noticed several bottom leaves look like so:


Yet here she is today:


and she looks like she is going strong. No sign of deficiency in the upper leaves. Nute burn did not progress past the very tips of some of the older leaves when I originally noticed it. I'm thinking nitrogen deficiency is setting in and it's time to give her a good half-strength feeding. Would you guys give me your opinions please?
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Heya sam. they looks good. I and others ive read tend to start of with a 1/4 dose of everything, and then work your way up i guess and see how your plants respond. As for the lower leaves. I have this from time to time on my plants too on the inner leaves and the ones furthest down. I think it might also have to do with them not getting as much needed light to do photosyn. with so they die out. As long as the rest of the leaves and tops look find your looking golden. Starting off with the nutes should be a good idea now :thumb:
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Alright, will do. Thanks for the advice man. I was holding off because of how much nutes are in this Roots Organics. I guess it makes it a little tricky for a beginner to know when the soil has run out of energy. Yes these leaves that are dying are also not getting hardly any light at all because of the thick canopy it is developing from LST.

So when feeding 1/4 strength nutes, is it generally recommended to continue with 1/4 strength or slowly build it up? I think I'm going to veg for another 2-3 weeks depending on how much height i get during that time.

Thanks again dude.
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Well i use Canna terra nutes and they have a site where you can see how much nutes you need persay 10L water. I have given my girls only close to full nutes once and they didnt really like that and that was most recently, you can work your way up to full dose and see how your girls react to it, but i am not feeding them all too much as its not organic and im going to be smoking it so i dont want to over feed them on it. As for how much the soil still contains etc. i doubt that those are depleted yet, but thats why you start off smaller doses to see how the girls react as you have not mixed the soil yourself so cant be 100% sure how much is in there and what level its up to, i mean you could read the bag and see whats in it and then see what nutes you have and cross reference that and then feed according to what it may be missing. Or you just go with 1/4 feed and see how they respond and then up the dose when they get bigger etc. :) hope this helps. Also watch out for having to high of a build of of salts. I tend to give them a plain watering in between with just bud candy so that i dont have any lock ups. I am also new to growing, but im just sharing what ive gained from others and what i tend to do atm, have not killed a plant yet and all lush and green still so must be doing something right haha. well yeah dats about it i think. hope this sheds some more light on the topic. :peace:
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Cool thanks for taking the time to explain. I don't care so much about my final harvest weights to be honest. I could get a zip and I'll be happy. So I'll back off the nutes to 1/4 and just ride it out. Don't want to overdo anything...

When you talk about nute lockout, saying to water plain water, do you mean bi-weekly just plain water? I end up watering about 2 times a week with these 3 gallon pots. So every other watering is getting nothing but RO(my water sucks hard) and calmag. Is that what you mean?
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

I use General Hydroponic Flora series nutrients and use nutrients every time i water unless i am flushing. i would start your plants on 1/4 strength and gradually increase them with each watering until you are using full recommended strength.
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Well been vegging for about 5 weeks now and I have 3 lovely ladies. I'm thinking about throwing them in to flower tomorrow. Yield is not a huge deal to me for this grow, I mostly want to not kill them and grow good quality bud more than anything. What do you guys think? They've all pre-flowered so in my mind, nature is saying it's ready to go...


The little potted guy in the middle is my first cough clone, made him last week and he rooted in 6 days and roots were crawling out of the root riot cube.

He was taken from the most vigorous cough plant:


The white lavender is just a bit behind in growth, but they both look great.

The cough has responded really well to lst, supercropping, topping. I think I count 7 or 8 main colas here...


So what do you guys think? Veg them longer? Throw them in to flower? I'm guessing I'd get at least a zip per plant and I'd be more than happy with that. The coughs are supposed to only double in size during the stretch. Not sure about the white lavender as there's really no info around about them.
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

I'd go with your feeling man, if you wanna flower them flower them and seeing as you are not in it atm for quantity then flower away id say :thumb:
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Gotta agree with Maxxi there... one thing to remember, they will stretch. Probably not as much under the LED, but they will get bigger, so take that into consideration when deciding when to flip to flower. I'm pretty sure I could fill my 4x4 tent with 1 to 2 plants in 3 - 5 gallon pots with a 2 month veg... I know I could in a 10 week veg. Just something to think about... personally, I'd probably take clones off of each, wait for them to root, then flip and start training the clones for moms. If you decide you don't want to keep a strain full time, then flower the mom in training as a nice bush :) :Namaste:
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Awesome thanks for weighing in guys! I put them on 12/12 tonight. Who knows how big they will get and I just want to get the basics down, then I will worry about maximizing my grow space and yield. Took clones from the big strawberry cough and white lavender and they rooted just fine. They're in soil now under CFL's. I was going to try my hand at the bonsai technique. If for nothing else, just for the cool factor. If it doesn't work out, I've got way more seeds/strains then I will use in the next year. Already looking forward to growing kali mist and jack herer...
Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Well it's been 3 weeks since I've posted an update... Our privacy on the internet in the US is slowly being taken from us unfortunately, but that is an entirely different topic. I would only say if you guys use tor browser bundle, go get the latest update and disable javascript if you want your privacy protected.

Things seem to be going pretty well. The one lanky scough stretched almost 2.5 times it's size, I'm still not sure if it's entirely done stretching yet as it grew roughly an inch taller in the last 2 days. Been trying to tie down some of the taller branches a little so there's not too much of a height difference in the canopy but it's about a 4 inch difference right now between it and the 2 other plants. If and when I do this again, I'm only going to do 2 plants and I think I'll try a scrog.

The plant I'm most surprised with is the white lavender. There are already visible trichs on the leaves, and the buds are really starting to fatten up compared to the scough. It hasn't stretched all that much at all. The smell coming off it is intoxicating to say the least. This strain might be a real winner.

Also, the LED is just kicking butt IMHO. It has been about the same warmth in my tent compared to a 300w MH, but the amount of light it produces is startling, and my plants really seem to love it.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I quit using the Age Old, the last 2 times I used it, even at 1/4 strength it slightly burnt my plants. My supersoil happened to finish 2 weeks ago and so I top dressed with it instead and haven't had any problems since. It's kinda hard to gauge with these organic soils when their nutes are used up without allowing them to become a little deficient.

Anyways, the supersoil is kicking butt.



Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

This white lav is really starting to kick some butt. Used some plywood to even out the canopy a little so all my little colas are the same height...


Here's some white lav


And this was through one of my loupes. Just looked cool :)

Re: Samsquanch's First Grow - Strawberry Cough + White Lavender under 120x3w Growblu

Starting to fatten up. The Strawberry Cough isn't as embarrassing now. Think its slower growth on the biggest plant could have to do with the limb length compared to the 2 bushy guys. We'll see how much longer it takes to finish compared to the white lav.


Strawberry Cough

White Lavender
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