Seedling help!


420 Member
Hey all, thank you for taking the time to read, hopefully someone can give me some tips here of what's going on. I've been fairly careful not to over water them, only a bit every few days, when the cup is dry and light, trying to train the roots upward because I had to bury them quite a bit as they got a bit leggy during germination.

Soil is :
Promix BX
Compost/worm Casting
Reefertilizer Start

I've heard of a few things, as I said I really dont think its overwatering because I have been holding back quite a bit as I mentioned.

I have heard of maybe diluting hydrogen peroxide in water and watering them with it. All the cotyledons has withered away at this point, which is normal from what I have read. I've had them under a few Fiet Electric Led bulbs while the weather has been bad sing germination. giving them roughly 18 hours of light a day,

While the weather has been good I have brought them outside in the sun lately, because this will be a outdoor grow when I transfer them into 5 gallon fabric pots

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here are some pictures of what I'm up against here. Maybe it's the water, I had originally used tap water, then started using water ran through a Brita filter, am I doing this wrong? Or should I go buy a few jugs of distilled water.


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How old are they? They need a bit more water I think and maybe a 1/4 strength or les nutrient.( at least one light feed for a kick start) They look to be struggling. Too much heat and little water is risky. Don't use peroxide, they don't need that. You might kill them. Does your tap water have chlorine?if so just leave I sit out for a day. Don't filter it you don't want to remove calcium
Hey all, thank you for taking the time to read, hopefully someone can give me some tips here of what's going on. I've been fairly careful not to over water them, only a bit every few days, when the cup is dry and light, trying to train the roots upward because I had to bury them quite a bit as they got a bit leggy during germination.

Soil is :
Promix BX
Compost/worm Casting
Reefertilizer Start

I've heard of a few things, as I said I really dont think its overwatering because I have been holding back quite a bit as I mentioned.

I have heard of maybe diluting hydrogen peroxide in water and watering them with it. All the cotyledons has withered away at this point, which is normal from what I have read. I've had them under a few Fiet Electric Led bulbs while the weather has been bad sing germination. giving them roughly 18 hours of light a day,

While the weather has been good I have brought them outside in the sun lately, because this will be a outdoor grow when I transfer them into 5 gallon fabric pots

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here are some pictures of what I'm up against here. Maybe it's the water, I had originally used tap water, then started using water ran through a Brita filter, am I doing this wrong? Or should I go buy a few jugs of distilled water.

I’m a promix user. And I find it’s hard to over water. As long as you’re not keeping it fully saturated consistently. Then I doubt that’s the case. Giving it a more thorough watering less often, is better then constant “touching up”, in my opinion. As the promix dries, your roots will search out more damp medium. And I would let it get light. But never too dry. If it’s separating from the edges, I’d say that’s too far.

If it’s hot and your letting them get a bit too dry, I’m sure the plant will start to look sickly.

Do you have a TDS meter? I totally use tap water. But it’s 18ppm. And I use aquarium bubblers for 24 hours before using the water, to rid it of chlorine. For months on my first grow I would get reverse osmosis 4ppm water. But ended up having calcium deficiency. So I ditched that strategy. Tap has been just fine.

I’d also look into what you’re feeding, and at what levels. You could run into some trouble if you’re feed is off.

You should be able to turn it around!
Also...they don’t look too bad! I think your feeding perhaps is the place to look. Being an inert medium, you’re responsible for all it’s needs. And they look to be just entering into the range you’ll need to be taking care of it. Ph should be around 5.8. I ph my seedling water to 6 PH. Then start my PH perfect nutes, and they auto correct to 5.8.

Making sure they get good light and rotating them is also good!
Thank you for the tips I really appreciate the help I just got through soaking them with a pump spray bottle 1l that has been sitting since yesterday morning. I'm feeling that should be enough till about Thursday or until they feel light again. I'll have to get a pH meter
Usually, rule of thumb, once the leaves span to the outside rim of the solo cup. Their ready for an up rooting to a bigger pot, or you may run into root bound symptoms if not done at the appropriate time. You do have holes in the bottoms of your cups right? It may be a simple concept to some, but you would be surprised. :thumb: Plants are looking healthy so far!!:welldone:
Thank you for the tips I really appreciate the help I just got through soaking them with a pump spray bottle 1l that has been sitting since yesterday morning. I'm feeling that should be enough till about Thursday or until they feel light again. I'll have to get a pH meter

It’s definitely important to get your PH on track. That alone will cause you many problems if not in check. Because your in Promix, it’s important to feed with soilless ph levels. Running higher soil type PH levels will cause you problems.

My tap water is 7.3 PH. If I was feeding that to my plants. I’d lock out all sorts of stuff. It would likely be a disaster.

You should definitely invest in a ph meter. Or at the very least. You can use a cheap store bought color drop kit for like $10. I’d recommend researching and buying a nicer ph meter. TDS meter will also help you with getting an idea of what you’re feeding. So you can begin the process of working out the kinks, and mastering your grows!
Thanks guys, ok so I will go and get a meter, if it reads soil ph it will read water ph too? And yes I have hole in the bottom of the cups. I haven't tested the pH of my tap water. In the event my tap water is higher pH, it is still possible to get the plants back on track though right? back to a 5.8? The nutrients I have is the Reefertilizer Grow, I haven't added any nutrients to the cups so far aside from the mycorrhizae Reefertilizer Start
Thanks guys, ok so I will go and get a meter, if it reads soil ph it will read water ph too? And yes I have hole in the bottom of the cups. I haven't tested the pH of my tap water. In the event my tap water is higher pH, it is still possible to get the plants back on track though right? back to a 5.8? The nutrients I have is the Reefertilizer Grow, I haven't added any nutrients to the cups so far aside from the mycorrhizae Reefertilizer Start

I personally wouldn’t use the soil ph meters. I just ensure what goes into the promix is the correct PH when I’m feeding. Promix has buffers to help keep it from getting too acidic. I check runoff ph once in a while to make sure the buffer is still doing it’s work.

I generally like to feed in 5.7-6.2 range for promix. It’s not a bad thing to let it float around a bit. I’m not familiar with your nutrients. I use advanced nutrients ph perfect line. Gives me everything(except enough calcium) and I don’t need to bother with PH. So I would definitely look into your nutrients viability for cannabis.

And you should definitely be able to get back on track. It’s still early and you have time to get things under control. I’m a worrisome type. And I’ve concluded you have to do some pretty fundamentally wrong things, to actually kill the plants. Lots of reading is suggested!
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