Seedlings falling over


New Member
Hiya...I have some Blue Cheese seedlings...week old them under a 125w Envirolight...for some reason they seem to be leaning...havent got a fan on them so that cant be the cause..I did have the envirolight very very close to them...could that be the problem?

p.s I would upload an image but dnt know how and I dont want to use photobucket or anything like that.
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Sounds like they may need some support.
Prop them up, if they lean too far they may snap.

This doesn't Norml-ly happen when the lights are too close
But rather when the lights are too far away.
You need a fan on them after,
you make sure they are supported good.
As plants are moved around, be it by wind or handling,
micro Fractures occur and are healed thus making the stem stronger.
the one on the front on the right has been propped up with a cocktail stick and some I have put some more soil in for extra's what they looked like before I burried them n supported em a bit more...

does anyone know if they should be ok or are they fucked?
you have some room in the pots. add more soil. that will help keep them from bending. the light being closer should help them to not stretch. i'd say they will be fine. just get them to stop stretching. at that stage i would just have them under cfl's and i'd have the cfl's as close to them as i could. its hard to burn them with the cfl's unless they actually touch.
I did have them on 18/6 but then I just took the timer out n now they on 24...put some more soil in to give some extra support..I just really hope the one that went over the most will perk up and come out stronger!
These guys have got you covered.

Indeed, move those lights closer to stop the stretch. :peace:
oh yeah, a little trick i do when they are leaning is to turn them so they are leaning away from the light. maybe move them just to the outside border of your light coverage while keeping them within the light. then they turn towards the light and straighten back up. then move them directly under again.
Hiya...thats what I did...the way they was leaning I turned them the opposite way...did that as soon as they were leaning.


Checked this morning n they are all standing on end like they had a good dose of viagra lmao!!

Cheers for help and the reasurrance lol :)
i have the same problem (i think) as Xposed, had 36 seedlings all doing great, nearly a week old, a few started to wilt, which i thought may have been as they were a little dry(worried about dampning off so didn't want them too wet)
propped them up, but they've gone limp and really dont look happy:(
This has happened to about 6 so far im at a lose end and would apreciate any advice.
Lights are only small floure's not too far away, not too close, its warm, the only thing i dont have yet is a fan, as it scared me watching them blow over :)
... the only thing i dont have yet is a fan, as it scared me watching them blow over :)

A gentle breeze will help strengthen the stem over time. Outdoors, they would naturally get this treatment by the wind and it is not going to hurt them. :peace:
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