SensiSeeker/Hydroponic - Pineapple Express Auto & Auto Jack Indoor Grow


New Member
Hey Everybody!! I recently quit a previous forum since I have found this one last week and loved it so much more than were I was before. 420Magazine Forums from what I have read really help everyone so much with input and constructive advice. I hope that I can learn more from you all and in turn share my experiences.

Well let me catch you up on what I have been doing/ my growing experience.
I found a seed in a bag and tried growing it on a whim and had so much fun that I ordered these two seeds online and really am trying to get better and better with each grow and as I am able to acquire more and better supplies and equipment.

These seeds were germinated on august 4th and were put into rock wool cubes. These pictures were 2 weeks later (Aug 20th) I think I may have gotten them mixed up but I figure I can match the name to the bud after I harvest and see the finished product.


What strain is it? Pineapple Express Automatic & Automatic Jack

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? PEA: Sativa Dominant/ AJ: Indica Dominant

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flowering Stage

If in Flower stage... For how long? For

Indoor or outdoor? Indoor

Soil or Hydro? Hydro

Size of light? 6 CFLs about 1600-1700Lumens each

Is it aircooled? The closet has multiple fans pushing air around and I leave the door open to air it out 2 times a day

Temp of Room/cab? Ranges between 85F and 90F

RH of Room/cab? 40%-50%

PH of media or res? N/A

Any Pests ? None!

How often are you watering? 2-3 times a day

Type and strength of ferts used? Following directions on GH FloraMicro, FloraGrow, and FloraBloom bottles.
Re: SensiSeeker/Hydroponic/Pineapple Express Auto & Auto Jack Indoor Grow

This is the Pineapple Express(i think) today (9/12)

Automatic Jack today (9/12)


Some of Pineapple Express' budsights

I am getting a 250w HPS light setup hopefully tomorrow(according to UPS)
so that should help out a bunch I think...

Anyone see anything that I could improve then please let me know.
Re: SensiSeeker/Hydroponic/Pineapple Express Auto & Auto Jack Indoor Grow

my pineapple express is still in seedling form for about two weeks, its a inch off the soil, and on its third set of leaves yet no true growth soory for filling your thread with my woes... Ur pineaplle on thee other hand is looking amazing keep up the good work:welldone::bravo:
Re: SensiSeeker/Hydroponic/Pineapple Express Auto & Auto Jack Indoor Grow

thanks doctor! I'm following your grow as well. I also have an automatic blueberry on its way, I can't wait for that one. The pineapple express seems to be growing a lot faster than automatic jack as far as flowering goes.

The bigger plant on the left is a bagseed that I had grown on a whim and it is almost 2 and a half months old and I'm just waiting for some of the trichomes to turn amber before I harvest it. Her name is Auxana.


This is a close-up view of the top cola on the plant on the left.
Re: SensiSeeker/Hydroponic/Pineapple Express Auto & Auto Jack Indoor Grow

Plants are looking stellar. Bag seed doesn't look to bad either :) The auto jacks are pretty good yeilders for auto flowers the pineapple not so much. Very interested to see how these turn out. Looks like you have everything under control so far. If I had to guess the one on the left is the jack. Sub'd
Re: SensiSeeker/Hydroponic/Pineapple Express Auto & Auto Jack Indoor Grow

SORRY my camera went MIA for a little bit!

This is the bigger nugs of harvested Pineapple Express


All of these are different pictures of the Automatic Jack.
I am not too sure when I should harvest though, I plan on putting up more pictures so I get get some feedback about when to chop her down.




How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am reporting this to be moved to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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