Sleeping in room where drying plants - Resperatory and throat illness


New Member
Today I go in to have my throat scoped...scared to death to tell ya the truth. Wish I had never smoked cigs all those years. Now I have something in my throat and am getting worse everyday. I dont neccesarily think it is from drying my plants in my room.....I am just grasping at anything that would explain this. I have built a cabnet with a filter and small exhaust fan to dry my plants. So I hang anywhere from 3 to 6 hangers full of buds to dry in it. It exhausts into my bedroom....not thinking that it would hurt my. Its filtered through carbon filter.
I think I need a different place to talk about this. Mabey a health forum. The ear nose throat DR is at 2 this afternoon to have the camera take a peek. Freekin just shakin in my shues for what I will learn.

Cona :scratchinghead:
Re: Sleeping in room where drying plants. Resperatory and throat illness

Good luck, hope every thing is ok .....:420:
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