Spy in the Sky to Help Energy Bid in Poole

Ms. RedEye

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One cold, clear night a spy plane will be circling over Poole taking pictures with a very special camera.

The light aircraft will be fitted with a thermal imaging camera to map the amount of heat escaping from homes and businesses across the borough.

The £17,500 project, funded by the Energy Saving Trust, aims to help residents and businesses beat the cost of rising energy bills.

When the project is complete everyone will be able to find out through the council’s website how their property fares, with a colour-coded rating based on the level of heat loss.

“The rising cost of heating our homes, schools, offices and other buildings is a big issue for everyone in Poole, including the council,” said Cllr Don Collier, cabinet portfolio holder for the environment, Borough of Poole.

“This innovative project will allow us to help residents and businesses reduce their energy bills and also support our efforts in facing the bigger challenges of climate change,” he said.

The aerial study will provide a borough-wide snapshot of energy efficiency using thermal maps and help the council identify which households could benefit from energy-saving grants to better insulate their homes and reduce fuel bills.

For the flight a winter evening with a temperature below 4C is required, when people are more likely to have the heating turned up.

The aircraft, fitted with a thermal imager, will fly at 3,000ft over the town collecting the images which will be laid over a map of Poole.

So what colour will your home be? The darker the colour the better, with the hot spots showing yellow to white and the better insulated properties black to blue and green.

The information will allow the council, in partnership with the Dorset Energy Advice Centre, to identify which homes may benefit from advice on grants for loft insulation, which can save 15 per cent of heating costs, equating to £155 for an average household.

Similar equipment has been used by the police to pinpoint cannabis factories, which use high levels of heat and light.

The council plans to make a further flight in 2011 to chart progress.

News Hawk: MsRedEye: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Daily Echo
Author: Diana Henderson
Copyright: 2008 Newsquest Media Group
Contact: Contact Us news from the Bournemouth Echo
Website: Spy in the sky to help energy bid in Poole (From Bournemouth Echo)
Wow this article was completely random till the second to last sentence. Oh yeah dont mind us were just gunna take these pictures of all your houses and ooops! oh no! we found a grow op, lets hand the pictures over to the police and raid them for no good reason!

Sounds rational to me..
the supreme court ruled that you must get a search warrant to use a thermal imager on someone's house...
people need to get involved over there and put an end to this project...
it is a clear violation of our rights!
the supreme court ruled that you must get a search warrant to use a thermal imager on someone's house...
people need to get involved over there and put an end to this project...
it is a clear violation of our rights!

Well this story is in the UK, so our 4th amendment rights do not apply to these poor souls. They have let their government take their guns, their privacy and of all things they are now proposing bans on fire extinguishers in public places! :whoa:

Furthermore, there have been cases here in the US where IR cameras were used without a warrant or consent to prosecute individuals for growing. The courts reasoning behind this was that the person in question allowed the heat to leak out, thus they had "no reasonable expectation of privacy" when it was detected.

So while it is technically illegal to coduct such monitoring without a warrant, it appears they are able to justify their illegal actions after the fact if they do find something they don't like. Once again, a good lawyer is vital to deflate these wild interpretations of the law. :peace:
The images aren't supposed to be realtime. : /

hey hey flyfish: just noticed you just passed 420 too :) Time to cut class and have a med.break :bong:
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