Sticky Buds


Active Member
After 4 weeks of flower my buds are nice and sticky ! and smell gooood !
I always wanted to know what this indicates and how far are they along in the flower stage ?
I thank YOU in advance , and sorry for my memory loss as I used to know the answer to this pre stroke :(
The reason the flowers are sticky and smelling is it's protecting the next generation...the seeds.

The best way to judge is to get a jewelers loupe or pocket microscope (30x-60x) with a LED to shine on the Trichomes (sticky resin) and look for three stages. There is clear, cloudy, and amber....clear is not ready and will be a light head buzz, cloudy is ready and will give a head and body buzz, and amber is starting to deteriorate and lose potency, but will give you a couch lock buzz.

When you start to see milky/cloudy/amber they are getting ripe, about 10%-20% amber over all of plant is where I like to harvest. :)

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