Super Sativa Seed Club, SSSC, Catalogues From The 1980's : Rare Archival Images

Smokin Moose

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex Moderator
Many young growers these days have no idea of the history of commercial seedbanks. Back in the 1980's, an Australian of Dutch parentage, went back to Holland from Australia to recover from h****n addiction. Part of his recovery was an idea he had to source and sell premium Cannabis genetics from all over the World. This idea came to fruition with a Government Grant for his rehabilitation from the Dutch Government to do so. This was the genesis of most modern seedbanks we see today. Neville is no longer on the scene, and SSSC was taken over by Ben Dronkers, and Sensi Seeds was formed, using Neville's genetics.

The infamous Neville

For history buffs, I have compiled a collection of images from SSSC and a few other early seedbanks, to give you an idea of how things were in the good old days.














Mate, the first seeds I ordered from Neville, prior to '88 was the original Skunk 1, Beatrix Choice, and Skunk1 X Basic 5 (now known as NL5). I had 3 400W MH lamps that were put together from scratch by a mate of mine, even down to building the ballast. Back then, you could not easily get HID lamps, and they were very expensive. I had a grow space of 3m X 2m, and was, unfortunately, the first person ever in Canberra to get busted using artificial lighting to grow dope. I got done with 6 1/2 kilos (including what I had drying). I got a 2 year suspended jail sentence, 3 years good behaviour bond (probation), a $5000 fine, and I had $5000 seized as proceeds of crime. It cost me my home and my marriage. Mate, I did my time in the trenches in this damn war on drugs. My kids suffered terribly as a result. Bear in mind too I was playing international sport at the time, and was the Australian Captain for my sport (don't ask!), with an overseas trip coming up to the World Championships. It nearly ruined my sporting career.
Yes mate, it was tough here back then.
Great article.

I think I finally got rid of my SSSC catalog (exactly like the one pictured) a few years ago when my kids found it in a box in the garage. They thought the guy with the bag over his head was pretty funny. :peace:
great read moose , and tribute to neville .
A man without knowledge of history
is like a tree without roots :rasta:
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