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Wife actually made a special request that I tell everyone the the Sannie Jack I grew is awesome. Big top and bottom and also smooth and tasty. Pretty sure she was max high when she asked me to do that. Wait until she gets that SJ puck I have waiting for her! LOL!
Hay what was really funny was the project manager told me he needed grease for the orifices he got reemd in over the estimate they were not happy with the prices, but hay what can I say it's luies veitton high class bull shit right! they can afford it if they want quality craftsmenship! or they can hire the guy standing out on the freeway off ramp to do it and hope it all comes out right.
Tell him there a bunch of guys standing in front of Home Depot looking for some work ! You know your going to get real quality there boy :thumb: :rofl:
Updated pics of my fictitious plants.

This is the WW. Those brown looking leaves are not brown it was just the light when taking the picture. All the leaves that had the damage are lower down and look fine. They just have spots.

Unknown indoor mix that showed sex in veg. One of the baby clones that I moved to front so the light doesn't block it.
This is the Gumby hashish method from youtube not hard to remember but write it down so you wouldn't have to watch the video over again.​

You saw what I came out with, and instead off disregrading the syphon recycle the syphon believe me there is always more see this below that's from the recycled water pulled out from last night and resettled resin.​


After picture below
Wow Doc! Tee it up brother. That looks like a long ball to me. I can remember back in the day when hash was so exotic. When it hit town the whole place was a buzz. You need to carve a special stamp and call it Tardis Hash or something. The seal part of the brick was highly sought after. It has lots of bs factor associated with it.

Grats on the check. Life is funny that way. That big wheel of life keeps turning my brother. :peace:
i noticed that there are alot of gro journals in this forum. i have one in the journals in progress page since its a Deep Water Culture grow should i make my journal here instesd?
Just wanted to give an update on the recycled resin water from the gumby hash method, I recovered 3 more grams of hash from that alone.

So now the big hash ball 38 grams has a little sister 3 grams, an so far that's a total of 51 grams of gumby hash on the first run from 333.5 grams of bud an leaf, and then the recycled resin water that gets syphoned off! don't wast that resin water recycle crap make tea or butter with is.

Do you think it would be worth it with just leaf and trim? For me, bud is for burning/vaping. I'm thinking it would Got to get me one of the paint stir drill paddles. About how much ice did you use for your 333.5 grams?

Yes use what ever you have! leaf, trim, bud! or combo that's up to you, for smaller amount adjust size to that.

I used a dry wall mud mixer since I already had one, I should have use 3 or 4 buckets, only had 2, I used one 5 gallon bucket filled that have way! stuck it in the fridge only because I had room let get to 40 degrees then added in the materia,l then I used a 2 gallon bucket full of ice, you have to run the drill paddles for 10 or 15 minutes straight non stop.
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