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Amen, bro, Deep Water Culture don't judge or condemn, we don't diss others for their opinions or beliefs. We are all jews, christians, muslims and budhists, we are democrats, libertarians and republicans, Cowboys and Indians, we are red, yellow, black and white.

We all share an Earthly Mother and Heavenly Father, we all share a love for the herb and growing it, making us all brothers and sisters.

Amen to you and fry. I may have to try and learn that.
So now I am curious RM. If someone comes to your house or another situation and totally rips you off do you get mad?
If your dog just hates someone would you trust them?
I am just wary of people. I couldn't care less what they do and know all have a lot of baggage and I actually feel bad for most. But I don't know what word you would use to judge(be cautious of someone) cause they may hurt you.
anyone notice in the left hand side of the window it says "error on page" or "done, but errors on page"? I noticed that when i tried inserting an image. Instead of using the direct link from your photo, try coping the medium image code and paste it in the Reply box. idk if that helps.
Amen to you and fry. I may have to try and learn that.
So now I am curious RM. If someone comes to your house or another situation and totally rips you off do you get mad?

I simply ignore them and walk away.
If your dog just hates someone would you trust them?
I am just wary of people. I couldn't care less what they do and know all have a lot of baggage and I actually feel bad for most. But I don't know what word you would use to judge(be cautious of someone) cause they may hurt you.

I'd sugest a book to you called THE SECRET. It is about controling what is around you with your thoughts and positive thinking. It says if you think and expect Positive, you get positive results. If you expect Negative, you get negative results.

If you lived near me, visited me often and really knew me, you'd see and know I live a magical life, full of many blessing and very few hassles and negative experiences.

We spend our TODAYS making our TOMORROWS and I've learned how to do it well.

I'd sugest a book to you called THE SECRET. It is about controling what is around you with your thoughts and positive thinking. It says if you think and expect Positive, you get positive results. If you expect Negative, you get negative results.

If you lived near me, visited me often and really knew me, you'd see and know I live a magical life, full of many blessing and very few hassles and negative experiences.

We spend our TODAYS making our TOMORROWS and I've learned how to do it well.

A number of years ago I made up a little poem, kind of crude but you'll get the idea:

Let today be,
Tomorrow come,
And Yesterday alone.
I will think on all of this. I guess I am very jaded since I am a good person and give give give and all I get back is a huge kick in the ass in many forms. I still give cause that is me and yes I feel good when I do. I just wish the kick wouldn't come. At one point my friends just started making fun like what is going to happen to you next. I take whatever happens and moves on but would be way happier if I didn't have a path like this. I mean just look at what is up now a cripple for no reason except the docs were asses. I would love to still be working and being kicked there instead lol. Don't take any of this as negative I am just explaining I have excepted this is how my life is a long time ago. I used to say I am from another planet and they put me here to torture me to see how much one person can take. I win so far.
I will think on all of this. I guess I am very jaded since I am a good person and give give give and all I get back is a huge kick in the ass in many forms. .

I've been writing a book for 5 years, I might not ever finish it.

The title tells it all and applies to what you said above.

You are 100% convinced that you are good and give and give, and get kicked in the ass for it.

I am convinced I am good and give and give, and I get blessed and rewarded for it.

What we believe is what we get. We, you and I are doing the same thing and getting different results. WHY? Because of what we believe and expect.

Reality is what we believe and expect from life and we all have different realities.

Consider this:
Members of the following religions Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism all have beads that they pray with. They all ask for a prayer to be answered and they all expect it to be answered and they all have faith and hope it will be answered as asked and they all often get thier prayer answered. WHY? Because they all believe it and expect it.

To change your reailityl change what you believe and expect.

Alien, you are a child of creation, a child of God, a child of a Higher Power, a child of The Force, a child of THE LAW. You are a wonderful creation, created "in the image of God" or created along the same laws and principles as the Force that created you. You exist and live on those same laws that made you. And within you is the ability to create too, with your mind and with your words. Today, you are creating your tomorrows. TOMORROW will be the harvest of what you created today. Try telling yourself that today is the first day of the rest of your life and from now on, everyday wil be full of peace, joy, happiness, love,, kindness, gentleness, goodness and faithfulness. Tell yourself you do not give out harsh words, so consequently you do not deserve harsh words. Tell yourself you do not give out hatred , so consequently you do not deserve hatred. Tell yourself you do not give out unhappiness, so consequently you do not deserve unhappiness. Tell youself you are going to start having a better day tomorrow and every subsequent day will get even better. Tell yourself that tomorrow and everyday afterwards wil be full of gifts and surprises and blessing and rewards. You deserve better so you wil get better.

Try it.
I have a good friend who played guiitar at my first wedding in 1970. He was 15 then. Now he is two working bands, a classic rock band and a jazz band, playing lead guitar. He teaches music at a junior college and is in the musician's union. He gets to play with lots of famous people who do not travel with their own bands. People like Chuck Berry, who travels with one piano player and that is it.

About ten years ago, I went to one of his gigs and I really admired his guitar ability. I foolishly told him
he replied

That has really stuck in my mind and sort of rules over me.

If you want what I got, then do what I did to get it.


If you want to grow pot like MostlyCrazy, and FryingPanFlyer and Major Tom, then do what they did to learn how.
I understand and will try. But you do have to live within your limitations so could never grow like they do but that is ok. I will grow to my best within my physical limitations which I push over the line daily.

I appreciate all your thoughts and will re-read them again later. I was always intrigued by that kind of stuff.

Just as a side note which you may or may not believe. I always thought I deserve good things and had a positive outlook even when kicked. I guess it just happened too many times to count and I don't believe that anymore. It is the old thing how much can one person take. Is there such a thing as luck? Am I just unlucky? We don't know how this universe works. For me it was easier to say I am an experiment. It helped me deal with all the stuff thrown at me.

A silly example is that I worked my but off when I was working always for free cause I did my job and went above and beyond. My co-workers would do a little more sometimes and get paid for it. I resented that but it didn't stop me from doing what I knew was right.

I will try to get a new outlook but it will be hard in my condition. Since I know you pray just pray for me to have the strength to fix my mental outlook.
Alien8 , I believe you have the right attitude you should be happy doing what it is you do. The $ amount doesn't really matter, or at least it shouldn't . I don't believe in luck , shit happens , sometimes it's good shit and sometimes it's just plain ol shit ! But were never given more than we can deal with ! The more you get the stronger person you must be !! I know some people we'd call lucky good health nice job , car etc , and there miserable !! I've got other friends barely makin it between checks and yet they're happier than pigs in that shit we were talkin about . it's just attitude and you got a good one Alien8 :thumb: relax smell the roses while everybody else runs by !:peace:
I have a little trick I use these days. I used it in the past but didn't have a name for it. I try to treat myself and others as I would my plants. They need it, I can get it, they got it. I'm sure you treat others very well. Now treat yourself with the same kindness and patience and general fortitude displayed here.

Imagine a pitcher of water. You go pouring your kindness and love to those in need but it leaves you drained and wanting more. Go back to the source of your "water" and get yourself some more. It is there for the asking and always will be. That will lead you to the peace you seek.
Well i guess i may be wrong but im pretty sure thats why they are pushin the issue to change your house lighting to fluorecent lighting due to the low use of electricity it causes and they keep screamin how it lowers your electric bill and saves you so much money but like i said what do i know.

Well, here is a question to ponder. Is 400 watts of HPS equal to 400 watts of CFL? Not in the sense that the electric company recognizes 400 watts regardless, but how do the plants respond to one or the other? I have been strictly a cfl grower so far but am I missing out on something even better?


Iam still having trouble posting any pics and no other functions work like fonts and colors

Dont fret its not only you,, im having issues as well..cant post photos or smile's right now...though I noticed facebook was acting off too, so may just be my comp, or issues with my ISP.
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