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Here goes nothing its kinda coming back to me.













Im sorry I don't have all the items pictured i used like glue gun and the dome post head thing and 1/4" square 22 gauge 5' roll of fencing i just bought to construct this but camera batteries where dead. All was bought at Manards (kinda like a Home Depot but closer to my location then Home Depot).
If u want i can take a pic of receipt.
Wait, filter was from Walmart $9.50.
hope pics work if not ill try later today Bro
Sorry if you thought I was in any way saying your ideas were not good. It's people like you that we need on the site to get us thinking. Thinking is hard! LOL! Keep em coming!

Great answers, Answer! FYI, LK works great in soil too! Only problem is I can't see the roots! Aghhhhhhh!

2 days without bud makes me all the way crazy! Hope that hiatus makes any sign of burnout go away! I'll find out for sure today! Moderation is not my style! LOL!
Glad to see yer back and getting twisted already !! good man!! I always say go crazy or go home !!
:geek: Another ignorant inquirey. This inquirey is being made to eliminate the foregoing condition. Is there any significant incentive to using 5" net pots as opposed to 3.5" net pots other than base area consumption? :helpsmilie:
I've never noticed any, I've seen 6' tall plants in a 3.5" net pot ! You may have to tie off the tops if they get a little top heavy ! It's whatever makes you happy, Boot ! I have acouple of 5 gallon bucket lids that have either a 5" or 8" hole too, I've never used either ! The 3 1/2" have always worked fine !
I believe I bought 5 inch net cups for my 5gal bucket grow i intend on doing. I dont think it makes much difference other than giving the plant a little extra room to grow in.

Man O Man arent the new Camaros' HAWT ?!?!? .. Im jealous !! !! .. We went and looked at a few of the new Camaros' when they first came out,, and they were wanting ruffly $50,000 for the semi-nicely equip'd V8 Small Block.. YOWCH !! !! .. We never looked for a Spare Tire though,, figured for THAT kind of money,, damn thing oughta fix its own Flats (Among other things) if it ever gets one.. lol.. ..

:rofl: figured for THAT kind of money,, damn thing oughta fix its own Flats :rofl:

We looked at the 6 cylinder fully loaded, for $31,900. he didnt buy tho. Salesman was a jerk.
Good Morning Deep Water Culture! Hope all is well! I picked this thread to dive into this morning to try and catch up with the happenings. I burned well over a 1/4oz last night so my head is still in the clouds. Hopefully my ramblings dont become too mixed up and confusing.

First and foremost my prayers are with you and your Mom Trunk5. My prayers are also with you too Alien8. Get well soon Sweetie!

I haven't started yet, just thumbed through it. I did read the ten myths at the back of the book, and found that very interesting.
I'm curious about those myths. Any chance you can relay them here?
My favorite book is the growers handbook by Ed Rosenthal. I love the way it covers the fundamentals so clearly. It's hard to fail when you follow Ed. The Sea of Green manual is also good. Especially for grow room construction. My buddy gave me Jorges' Bible several years back. It has some good info but I think it can put the cart before the horse for newbie growers having them thinking about advanced techniques before they know the life cycle and basic fundamentals of cannabis cultivation.

thanks man,it just scares me that i might have messed up,from the top of the clone i went down 2 sets of leaves and cut right above the 3rd set,set the cut clones in water while i cut the others.then one by one i dipped them in clonex,then scraped the skin and re dipped them then into the fog cloner,,i will keep my hopes up:thumb: your clones look nice btw

Cloning can be an art that takes time to master both the cutting aspect and how to dial in your particular machine for optimal performance.
We all have our special formulas and cutting techniques. Some like the Answer cut and nip leaves while some like myself do not. Some dip, some dont dip etc.
If any of you are interested in my technique with R2D2 I can lay it down here. So far we are 24 for 24 on our clones. 100% success in an 8 day average. I do things that some may deem unnecessary but I feel it helps with my success rate. I dont want to step on any toes or debate this method vs that method since there are so many different ways to have consistent success in cloning.

Nice helpfull post bendog420 !!! I see where I should start my ph a bit lower so it drifts up ! Nice !

Bingo! You dont want to stay locked on a particular number otherwise you can lock out some nutes. The start low and drift up plan is a sound one.

I have question please(how do you like my Russian accent?) if I have a plant already started in a 3.75" netpot and I want to put it in a 5"one can this be done?
I want to move it into a 5ga. bucket and think a larger netpot would support better:morenutes:

Like MC said you want to go to a much larger net pot. When you pull the plant from the small net cup your opening a pandoras box. Trying to weave the roots thru another net cup will be nearly immpossible. The task would be tedious and you will more than likely shock the plant from the roots being exposed while you try to thread them back into the cup and your more than likely going to break some off during the process.

Adding and changing the solutions frequently are things that I've found seem to really help the plants grow well.

I agree 100%. The more frequent the rez change the better. My plan is change every 7-10 days. A fully mature garden in full heavy bloom can deplete a rez of phosphor in as little as 48 hours.

OK, I'm back! Good tri business wise but a real pain on the travel. Boss booked my non-direct and the fflight in was 3 hours late so I arrived at 2am and the trip back included a 1 hr 20 min park on the tarmack and a baby crying for for the last hour of the trip. Now that tested my peace but it held!

My man I had nearly the same problem flying out of Vegas the other day. We were set to leave at 3:50 pm. President Obama was scheduled to fly in @ 5pm. For security they planned to shut down flights coming in and out an hour before and an hour after he landed. We thought we would get out in time but low and behold The Prez came in early so we ended up sitting on the tarmac for 2 1/2 hours. We had the crying babies, hot airplane, the works! We were one of 75 planes sitting. What a mess! It was kinda cool seeing Air Force 1 land though. + SWA gave us free beer on the flight and a flight attendant with an outstanding personality kept the situation light.

I think you should let the idea's flow Alien8!!! Good or bad, they get people thinking and conversation going. :hookah:

I agree! keep 'em coming guys!

Think some are :hookah::smokin::tokin::blunt:;):tokin::bongrip::bong::grinjoint::ganjamon::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::passitleft: way too much

That's me! :blunt:

ok so what is a good ppm number to stay around,is there a base number? so cal-mag throughout grow and LK only in flower.thanks chief
LK can be used throughout the grow. I'm kinda doing mine ass backwards and using the LK during veg and switching to Hydroplex for bloom to see what happens. I'm also thinking about using LK for a cloning solution to see what happens.

Lastly how long can you keep them in the cloner?

You want to keep them in there until they show roots. It can be in as little as 5 days or as many as 20. It all depends on the level of stress the cutting are having to endure

I have many designs in my head and guess I will keep them there.

Let it flow Alien8! Let it flow! I know I've had my good and bad moments. I mean shoot, I use an R2D2 cooler for a cloner for crying out loud! I can only imagine the crazy feedback I would have recieved on that one if i would have talked about it before i did it.

I try to be thought provoking but some I guess don't understand that sometimes. I will keep them flying for now.


A very effective way to cool a rez is with another rez used for cooling. It takes up space so it may not be feasible for some but here it goes.
You take another tub or preferably a cooler and you use the ice bottles w/ water to cool it. You can use a bunch of bottles, as many that you can fit and get the water super cold, like in the 40's or 50's in the cooler.
A pump is placed in the ice water and an insulated tube is ran from the pump to either a titanium or stainless steel tube or coil (no copper), back into some insulated tubing and then back into the ice water.
You then take the ice water line with the stainless steel tube spliced in it and submerge the stainless steel tubing into the bottom of the growing rez. The ice water travelling thru the steel tubing will have a chilling effect and cool the growing rez. This works the same as a chiller except it uses much less energy and is manually operated by having to change out ice bottles every day. :peace:
where we live is right on the edge of civilization you might say,we are surrounded by 100' trees.:peace::ganjamon:we get to go to the "City"(walmart,hydro store,and smoke shop)every 2 weeks or so and found a nice surprise when i checked out the local true value hardware store 65w 6500k cfls for like $12
can't post pic.s right now upload limits:peacetwo:

I've seen them with a mogul socket that cheap, but not with a regular sized socket. Lowes also has them, but its the large mogul socket.

Right! So far I like it, now I just need to get off the 'puter and read!

And thanks for posting the PH chart, I think a lot of people forget to review it.

As my wife went off to work today, she asked me what was I doing today. I told her I was goofing off and playing on the puter all day, except for some outdoor garden work I need to do.
She told me
"looking at the stack on the end table, looks like you need to get off the compter and read"!. :reading420magazine:
"the stack" is my new Greg Green Pot book, a new African Grey book, a new Rolling Stone mag, a new Pet Bird Mag, a new book on the Dead Sea Scrolls and 2 newspapers.

I'll get to it later.
Wow I finally got caught up with this thread, this thing really moves fast! Welcome to all the new members of this wonderful site! I'm really getting anxious just watching everybody's grow, and I can't wait to get started. It's been hard to keep up becuz I've got 2 little girls now 2yrs, and the baby just turned 11 wks. So If I'm not working, I'm being a full time dad. Quick question for ya'll though. I saved all of my trim from my 1st grow, I stored it in a large ziplocked bag in the freezer. They've been in there for almost 3 months, somy question is could I still use the trim to make canabutter??? I hope so being that I'm down to my last 1/2 oz.

YES, you can still use it.
rose,when should i start the cal-mag and liquid karma,and how much should i use,,what should a normal ppm be for the bubbles grow?will the calmag and karma raise the ph naturally up and down

bendog420, how the heck are ya?

I've used both Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma but not at the same time. I don't think you use both at the same time. Directions are on the bottle for how much as a supplement. I always use half as much as suggested.

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600

(this excludes the ppm of your water)

And any additive or supplement will increase the pH slightly but not any concernable amount. Most are pH balanced to 5.9 to 6.5. It will definitely raise the ppm tho.....alot!

AND we seldom see discussed the difference in feedings for CFLs and HID Lights. If CFL growing, use less, if HID Light growing, use more.
The numbers above are for HID Light growing.
I have question please(how do you like my Russian accent?) if I have a plant already started in a 3.75" netpot and I want to put it in a 5"one can this be done?
I want to move it into a 5ga. bucket and think a larger netpot would support better:morenutes:

I'd leave it in the 3.75 cup. Thats big enough. I've grown 54 inch tall plants in a 3 inch cup. Just use enough Hydroton.

Maybe next time use the larger cups.
:geek: Another ignorant inquirey. This inquirey is being made to eliminate the foregoing condition. Is there any significant incentive to using 5" net pots as opposed to 3.5" net pots other than base area consumption? :helpsmilie:
I've had success in the 3.75, but I now like the 5 better. It seems more stable. With the 3.75 in late flower big plants tend to wobble around especially when doing res changes. I've had plants topple in 3.75, that is why I use 5 in now. I just like them better.
Some people may think I'm being too cautious, but better safe than sorry if you ask me.

Agent Green :smokin:

Double Ought,

You always give good advice and I think we all need to be cautious in giving advice to lean toward being cautious and conservative, instead of liberal and care-free. I often do more or use more than I advise, but I don't drive 55, and I've never done a grow without SOME nute burn either.
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