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Are you using the full Botanicare line? If so I have a great feeding schedule. I have had great success with Botanicare and the "Weedhound" feeding schedule.Here it is if you need it:

I maintain a ph from 5.6-6.2 all the way through my grow..

Starting about week two I generally give them 2tsp (10ml/gal) of 3% H202 every OTHER day until I put them into flower....then I switch to Cannazyme.

I germ seeds in rapid rooters....generally 4-7 days until I see a taproot coming out the bottom, then they go into the w/f system with higromite rocks, RO water and a drop of Superthrive per gallon (my waterfarms generally have about 2 gals water in them)
under mh bulb 400 watts....fairly high up at first...about 2 feet and brought down slowly over time. I start counting time from the day I put them in the system....not the day they germ.

Week 2: I use Pro Grow and CalMag at a 50/50 ratio through veg ALWAYS. I put in 100 ppms ProGrow and 100ppm CalMag.
Depending upon how they do I will add about 50 more ppm of each the third or fourth day into the week, keeping ppms from 200-300 over the course of the week.

Week 3: 150 ppms/each CalMag/ProGrow plus 1ml/gallon Liquid Karma. ppms 300-350...again adding 1 extra ml/gal LK midweek if all looks good (ppms about 350-375)

Week 4 CalMag/ProGrow 200ppms apiece plus 2ml/gal LK plus 1ml Sweet for the 2 gallons. ppms 400-450. About day 4, another ml of Sweet......ppms 450-ish.

Week 5: CalMag and Pro Grow/250ppm apiece plus 3ml/gal LK and 2ml/gal Sweet. Again...up Sweet by 1 ml gallon during week. ppms 500-600. I usually top them once during week 4 as well.

Week 6: CalMag and Pro Grow 300ppms each. 4ml/gal LK and 3ml gal Sweet.......adding 1ml/gal Sweet midweek. ppms 600-700.

I usually turn them in week 6.

Week one in bloom; Cal Mag and Pro Grow 400ppms apiece. 4ml/gal MK and 4ml/gal Sweet. I also start Cannazyme at the beginning of bloom at 5ml/gallon and keep it at this dosage until flushing. Ppms 800-900

Week 2 Bloom: Cal Mag 400ppms plus Pro Bloom 500ppms and 4ml/gal of LK and Sweet both. ppms between 1000-1100

Day 10 Bloom: Second Reverse Dose according to directions on bottle.

Week 3: CalMag 400ppms, Pro Bloom 600ppms, 4ml/gal both LK and Sweet. ppms between 1100-1200.

Week 4: I start the bloom enhancer at a 50/50 ratio with my bloom nutes:

CalMag 400ppm
Hydroplex 350ppm
Pro Bloom 350 ppm
Lk./Sweet 4ml/gal ppms....between 1200-1300

Week 5:

Hydroplex 350
Pro Bloom 350
Lk and Sweet......7ml/gal. The number comes up under 1400ppms and I don't go above that.,...I actually try to keep things at around 1375-ish.

That's pretty much where things stay until flush time....and that changes depending on what I'm growing.

Adding and changing the solutions frequently are things that I've found seem to really help the plants grow well. Generally I'll drain some of the older nute solution out and toss it whehever I make some sort of change in the nutes etc....generally about twice a week. Towards week 5 and on Ill be adding several gallons of full strengh nute solutions every day or so and that helps keep things in balance as well.

With RH I was taught to always aim for the 30% and I try very hard to stick with that.


Thats a very informative helpful post, Theanswer.
Gee people I was just making a suggestion. I won't even have heat issues since I will not grow in the summer anymore. I was trying to come up with new ideas. I have never seen roots sink so having something on the bottom of the tank shouldn't be an issue. Run with the idea or not it makes no difference to me.

Dr. Who your cooler idea was great but did you see the thread with the person who actually tried it and is having heat issues. He never said why so we still have an unknown.

Just cause I make suggestions or give an idea in no way does it mean I plan on doing it or I am presently doing it. My mind is always working and coming up with stuff most of which I could never do. I have many building ideas as well but I can't build anything crippled or not. I have many designs in my head and guess I will keep them there.


so sorry you been down and under the weather. You'll bounce back soon and feel better.

I think we all see you was just thinking and being helpful, and sharing new ideas. Thats what makes you such a valuable member here.

I for one think

Simple solution is stay out of the cow pasture and only grow in winter time or in a COOL room.
Here goes nothing its kinda coming back to me.
Im sorry I don't have all the items pictured i used like glue gun and the dome post head thing and 1/4" square 22 gauge 5' roll of fencing i just bought to construct this but camera batteries where dead. All was bought at Manards (kinda like a Home Depot but closer to my location then Home Depot).
If u want i can take a pic of receipt.
Wait, filter was from Walmart $9.50.
hope pics work if not ill try later today Bro

in from of the url put [ IMG ] and at the end [ /IMG ] with no spaces,

and we'll see a pic.
I have question please(how do you like my Russian accent?) if I have a plant already started in a 3.75" netpot and I want to put it in a 5"one can this be done?
I want to move it into a 5ga. bucket and think a larger netpot would support better:morenutes:

On the 3.75 pots in the bigger net pots. Only way I would do that is putting it in a much larger net pot. Like at least a 6" and probably bigger. I have a 10" bucket top but I haven't used it yet. Figured I'd use it for triage if I had a really sick plant but that hasn;t happened yet. Lucky Me! You would want the roots to have plenty of room to spread out first and some damage is just going to happen no matter what you do on the transfer and trying to go just one size up would be worse. Either way you're going to need a whole lot more hydrotron. Not a bid deal to have a 3.75 in a bucket. I'd do 2 per bucket if I had the plants and just make sure you tape the 3.75 down really good. The size of the net pot doesn't mean as much as you think it does. They all start from a little seed.

I stacked a smaller pot into a larger pot and I think it held back the roots some. Not in a bad way mind you, but it took much longer for them to amass like I am use to. From bottom of pot number one to the bottom of pot number two is a 1-1 1/2" gap that is SOLID with roots.... BUT still it held them back from spreading out first.
I'm curious about those myths. Any chance you can relay them here?
For my Deep Water Culture Bro, sure, but I can do the ten and not the explanations.
I am using the word POT insted of cannabis:

1,Pot is Stronger than it used to be
2,The stronger the pot, the greater the health risk
3, Growing Hydro makes pot stronger
4, New Lighting Technology makes pot stronger5,
5, Nutes, additives and Supplements can make pot stronger
6, New imporved EXTRACTION methods makes Hash stronger
7, More trichs means more THC and makes pot stronger or more potent

I thought it was 10, but its only 7.

Bingo! You dont want to stay locked on a particular number otherwise you can lock out some nutes. The start low and drift up plan is a sound one.


I agree 100%. The more frequent the rez change the better. My plan is change every 7-10 days. A fully mature garden in full heavy bloom can deplete a rez of phosphor in as little as 48 hours.


My man I had nearly the same problem flying out of Vegas the other day. We were set to leave at 3:50 pm. President Obama was scheduled to fly in @ 5pm. For security they planned to shut down flights coming in and out an hour before and an hour after he landed. We thought we would get out in time but low and behold The Prez came in early so we ended up sitting on the tarmac for 2 1/2 hours. We had the crying babies, hot airplane, the works! We were one of 75 planes sitting. What a mess! It was kinda cool seeing Air Force 1 land though. + SWA gave us free beer on the flight and a flight attendant with an outstanding personality kept the situation light.

Don't we all love Obama? Bless his heart.

Let it flow Alien8! Let it flow! I know I've had my good and bad moments. I mean shoot, I use an R2D2 cooler for a cloner for crying out loud! I can only imagine the crazy feedback I would have recieved on that one if i would have talked about it before i did it.


A very effective way to cool a rez is with another rez used for cooling. It takes up space so it may not be feasible for some but here it goes.
You take another tub or preferably a cooler and you use the ice bottles w/ water to cool it. You can use a bunch of bottles, as many that you can fit and get the water super cold, like in the 40's or 50's in the cooler.
A pump is placed in the ice water and an insulated tube is ran from the pump to either a titanium or stainless steel tube or coil (no copper), back into some insulated tubing and then back into the ice water.
You then take the ice water line with the stainless steel tube spliced in it and submerge the stainless steel tubing into the bottom of the growing rez. The ice water travelling thru the steel tubing will have a chilling effect and cool the growing rez. This works the same as a chiller except it uses much less energy and is manually operated by having to change out ice bottles every day. :peace:

That cooler idea is one I will save and show to others with HEAT issues. Great post, OB!
It depends on the stage of the grow. I like to stay around these numbers:

Week 1- nothing
Week 2- 200-250ppm
Week 3- 300-350ppm
Week 4- 400-450ppm
Week 5- 500-550ppm
Week 6- get the picture
Week 10 1000ppm or so

Some people go way higher, but I find this a good baseline. Obviously it varies, due to different nutes and the strains requirements.
thanks bro im in my first week of flower nutes and probly 10 weeks or more

Cloning can be an art that takes time to master both the cutting aspect and how to dial in your particular machine for optimal performance.
We all have our special formulas and cutting techniques. Some like the Answer cut and nip leaves while some like myself do not. Some dip, some dont dip etc.
If any of you are interested in my technique with R2D2 I can lay it down here. So far we are 24 for 24 on our clones. 100% success in an 8 day average. I do things that some may deem unnecessary but I feel it helps with my success rate. I dont want to step on any toes or debate this method vs that method since there are so many different ways to have consistent success in cloning.LK can be used throughout the grow. I'm kinda doing mine ass backwards and using the LK during veg and switching to Hydroplex for bloom to see what happens. I'm also thinking about using LK for a cloning solution to see what happens.
if you would like to explain your method i would like to hear it.i dont think it would turn into a debate .pm it if you would like
bendog420, how the heck are ya?

I've used both Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma but not at the same time. I don't think you use both at the same time. Directions are on the bottle for how much as a supplement. I always use half as much as suggested.

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600

(this excludes the ppm of your water)

And any additive or supplement will increase the pH slightly but not any concernable amount. Most are pH balanced to 5.9 to 6.5. It will definitely raise the ppm tho.....alot!
hey rose,doing good bro just trying to understand the ppm thing,so when i do a res change i need to know the ppm of the tap water,and the ppm of my nute solution? ..i tried my truncheon last night in the res and it lit up on i use ec x 700 or ec x 500?

so sorry you been down and under the weather. You'll bounce back soon and feel better.

I think we all see you was just thinking and being helpful, and sharing new ideas. Thats what makes you such a valuable member here.

I for one think

Simple solution is stay out of the cow pasture and only grow in winter time or in a COOL room.

BTW, best wishes and get well soon Alien8.

Hey Roseman, couple observations on my end regarding res heat as you know I have been battling it.... and I have been watching closely... this might be redundant, sorry...

*Frozen bottles: To reiterate what everyone else has said.. Uh-huh, yes they DO damage the roots. Just recently I started to use them out of curiosity and I noticed that the ends of the roots become, well, brittle is best way I can describe it. I also think the bottles floating around loosely, bobbing and bouncing off the res walls, damages the roots against the res sides. I never had bits of roots in my res before until I started putting frozen bottles in, with the bottles in there I had root tips floating around constantly no matter how careful I was or placed the bottles in.

*Make more nutes than needed: This has worked out great so far, I think it was Trunk5 that turned me on to this. I now mix 4 gallons of nutes instead of 3 and keep one in the freezer (or fridge) and swap them out. Of course when sleeping I leave the extra gallon in the fridge, not the freezer, so I do not have a block of ice in the morning.... anyhow, my res temps stay in the high 60's, only reaching a mid 70 when I am sleeping, but first thing in the morn I do a water swap.
I've had success in the 3.75, but I now like the 5 better. It seems more stable. With the 3.75 in late flower big plants tend to wobble around especially when doing res changes. I've had plants topple in 3.75, that is why I use 5 in now. I just like them better.

:thanks: Appreciate the response infexion1134. I'm just setting up a new res for future use. Wanted to know the pro's and cons of netpot size. Your response satisfies that curiosity. I'll make the holes for 5" pots.

Sorry to hear about the trouble your Mother is having,, shes going to be alright though !! .. :) .. She has an awesome Son looking out for her,, and she is in many of our Prayers as well.. ..

You shouldnt be too bad off with the CRX though,, you could purchase a whole entire Short Block for the Car for about $400.00/$500.00 for a Long Block.. Just be SURE to Label the 200 different Vaccum Lines,, lol ,, been there,, done that.. Crazy why Honda puts soooo many of them damn things on such a little Motor,, wouldnt think such a tiny Block could even pull that much Vaccum.. lol .. ..

Anywho,, Best of Luck to ya my Friend.. Ill be keeping your Mother and yourself in our Prayers.. ..


well i thank you all, but my car wont be running anytime soon.. i got to manny bills to take care of especially now. and finding the d16a6 for 500 is a hard task to do. last one i saw had 90,000 miles on it, but still i cant evan afford that.
hey rose,doing good bro just trying to understand the ppm thing,so when i do a res change i need to know the ppm of the tap water,and the ppm of my nute solution? ..i tried my truncheon last night in the res and it lit up on i use ec x 700 or ec x 500?

You have to learn how to determine a TARGET ppm and then arrive at that target.
When I first start a new grow I start with 1/4 dose nutes to be safe. A day or two after I see the second node or 4th leaf, (two sets of two leaves, not counting those first two round leaves), I introduce 1/4 strenght nutes. I increased them to half strenght, or a 2nd dose of 1/4 strenght nutes two days later when I see the 3rd node. I could safely do this with the Stealth Hydro Nutes. They are not too strong to cause damage at that strenght becuase they ae designed for CFL grows. HID light users can and should use higher NPK nutes, or stronger strenght nutes.
A day or two later, I see a 4th node, and increase the strenght of the nutes again by adding another 1/4 dose, bringing me to FULL-Strenght nutes.
That is when I measure my ppm, but by then, the plants are eating the nutes too. My ppm is only 200 to 300 then, and 75 to 100 of that is my well water. (I am still in the Feeding Sprouts Stage) In no way am I saying that is what your ppm should be too. I am just telling you what mine normally is. I try for a weaker strenght feeding to make sure I do not burn them up and get nute burn. In past grows, I did use more nutes, strongers doses, more often. And consequently, I always get some nute burn.

After the first two weeks pass, I do a Drain and Replinish. I add back a full dose of nutes and my ppm is 280 to 350, telling me my target ppm to stay at the same level during the late Sprout Stage or Early VEG or GROW cycle.
As I daily added a half of gallon of water, and a 1/12 packet of nutes, my ppm grows to 350 to 400, or bounces between 250 and 350 as they eat. (Before the feeding, it is 220 ppm, after the feeding it is up to 350)

By the time I am in my 3rd week, and they are drinking a full gallon of water a day, and I am adding back 1/6 dose of nutes, my ppm is between 360 to 440 daily. But that number is not important to me or you. What is important is tracking it, writing it down daily, to determine how much more nutes I should add or not add.

Let me rephrase this.
Do not worry about the exact ppm number, or any number from a chart or from me and my grow. Instead watch, record, and track how it rises or falls from day to day. The differences between what you have in there on one day, and the readings you get the next day will tell you how much your plants are eating. Of course, you do this daily, at the same time of day.

And remember, just because a gallon of water is gone, does not mean they also ate 1/6 of the nutes. Maybe you had HIGH HEAT and they were very thirsty but not as hungry.


First, determine the ppm of your water sourse. Say it is 100 ppm. Then fill the tank with the proper amount of water and a complete dose of nutes and read the ppm. Say it is 350 for example. If tomorrow a gallon of water is gone, and the ppm says higher than 350, or is still close to 350, then they did not eat and they do not need more nutes, they only need more water. Your reservoir's water and nute solution is more concentrated, telling you to add more water only to dilute the concentration.

If the ppm went down to say 250 from 350, and a gallon of water is gone, they need a gallon of water, plus enough additonal nutes to bring the ppm back up to 350. And that is the real purpose and use of a ppm meter, to determine that need and how much.

No one can tell you what your ppm should be PRECISELY OR EXACTLY. It will vary from garden to garden, to Different Sources of WATER, and vary from different nutrients too.

If your plants are very happy, and drinking and eating at the same level, then the ppm will remain the same daily.
If for example, 1/8 of the water is gone, and 1/8 the nutes are gone, then the concentration remains the same and the ppm will remain the same.

I would like to offer a ppm chart as a rule of thumb or ball park target ppm, but each grow or garden is going to be different.

These numbers are based on EC readings, .500 readings, TDS readings converted from EC or the common Hannah Chart:

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600

(this excludes the ppm of your water)


IF growing with CFLS, reduce the ppm numbers by 20%.

Posting these long answers are not so easy, but sometimes the answer is just long.
You have to learn how to determine a TARGET ppm and then arrive at that target.
When I first start a new grow I start with 1/4 dose nutes to be safe. A day or two after I see the second node or 4th leaf, (two sets of two leaves, not counting those first two round leaves), I introduce 1/4 strenght nutes. I increased them to half strenght, or a 2nd dose of 1/4 strenght nutes two days later when I see the 3rd node. I could safely do this with the Stealth Hydro Nutes. They are not too strong to cause damage at that strenght becuase they ae designed for CFL grows. HID light users can and should use higher NPK nutes, or stronger strenght nutes.
A day or two later, I see a 4th node, and increase the strenght of the nutes again by adding another 1/4 dose, bringing me to FULL-Strenght nutes.
That is when I measure my ppm, but by then, the plants are eating the nutes too. My ppm is only 200 to 300 then, and 75 to 100 of that is my well water. (I am still in the Feeding Sprouts Stage) In no way am I saying that is what your ppm should be too. I am just telling you what mine normally is. I try for a weaker strenght feeding to make sure I do not burn them up and get nute burn. In past grows, I did use more nutes, strongers doses, more often. And consequently, I always get some nute burn.

After the first two weeks pass, I do a Drain and Replinish. I add back a full dose of nutes and my ppm is 280 to 350, telling me my target ppm to stay at the same level during the late Sprout Stage or Early VEG or GROW cycle.
As I daily added a half of gallon of water, and a 1/12 packet of nutes, my ppm grows to 350 to 400, or bounces between 250 and 350 as they eat. (Before the feeding, it is 220 ppm, after the feeding it is up to 350)

By the time I am in my 3rd week, and they are drinking a full gallon of water a day, and I am adding back 1/6 dose of nutes, my ppm is between 360 to 440 daily. But that number is not important to me or you. What is important is tracking it, writing it down daily, to determine how much more nutes I should add or not add.

Let me rephrase this.
Do not worry about the exact ppm number, or any number from a chart or from me and my grow. Instead watch, record, and track how it rises or falls from day to day. The differences between what you have in there on one day, and the readings you get the next day will tell you how much your plants are eating. Of course, you do this daily, at the same time of day.

And remember, just because a gallon of water is gone, does not mean they also ate 1/6 of the nutes. Maybe you had HIGH HEAT and they were very thirsty but not as hungry.

First, determine the ppm of your water sourse. Say it is 100 ppm. Then fill the tank with the proper amount of water and a complete dose of nutes and read the ppm. Say it is 350 for example. If tomorrow a gallon of water is gone, and the ppm says higher than 350, or is still close to 350, then they did not eat and they do not need more nutes, they only need more water. Your reservoir's water and nute solution is more concentrated, telling you to add more water only to dilute the concentration.

If the ppm went down to say 250 from 350, and a gallon of water is gone, they need a gallon of water, plus enough additonal nutes to bring the ppm back up to 350. And that is the real purpose and use of a ppm meter, to determine that need and how much.

No one can tell you what your ppm should be PRECISELY OR EXACTLY. It will vary from garden to garden, to Different Sources of WATER, and vary from different nutrients too.

If your plants are very happy, and drinking and eating at the same level, then the ppm will remain the same daily.
If for example, 1/8 of the water is gone, and 1/8 the nutes are gone, then the concentration remains the same and the ppm will remain the same.

I would like to offer a ppm chart as a rule of thumb or ball park target ppm, but each grow or garden is going to be different.

These numbers are based on EC readings, .500 readings, TDS readings converted from EC or the common Hannah Chart:

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600

(this excludes the ppm of your water)


IF growing with CFLS, reduce the ppm numbers by 20%.

thank you roseman
Yes thank u rseman. I definately needed to see that agaiin, and I totally agree. I had to play with my ppm to see where the plants liked it the most. When. I was in mid flower my ppms were up to 1250-1300 and they loved it! They were under 4302 agrosun red. And I'm definately doing another grow soon. Probably around the same time as you Roseman, but with a few new toys. 600W lumatek, x4 silver edition hydrohut, and some Liquid karma and hygrozyme are gona get thrown in the mix as well. I'll be able to use the kool bloom full strength this grow since I'm stepping up to the 600. MC gave me one hell of an analogy involving a rocket ship, and fuel which made me cautious, so I used only 1/2 strength the whole grow, but the LOVED it. I'm definately sticking with the floraliscious plus though its an excellent organic enhancer and your roots explode! All of my netcups were kaput from the last grow. I was really mad that I ran outa room boh in the res and in my 3x3. Forgive me for babbling but just watching all the ingenuity from this group of wonderful individuals gives me more and more inspiration. Plan on doing 4 AK -48, and I might sneak one of my wonder women in the 5 gal bucket. ('Maybe). Lol
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