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at my local true value hardware store they had 2700k bulbs also same price $12.99 plus cali tax:cool:

:thanks: Appreciate the info jbargg. Were there any veg quality bulbs, i.e., 6500k, available? The highest k value bulbs (CFL's) I have been able to locate are 3500. I use strictly CFL's at this point and I'm sure the low k value noted above affects the fullness of the plant. :reading420magazine:
:oops: Sorry jbarrg. I just went back and saw RM's post about the bulbs. I was gone sailing for a few days and had 400+ emails when I got back. It was a challenge just going through and deleting. When I got to the 420 Bubblheads posts I just read the last couple of pages. There are a lot of conversations going on here. Difficult to keep up and impossible to catch up:peacetwo:.
PPM is as you say parts per million. What those parts are made of is anyone's guess. What you are looking to isolate is the amount of nute ppm in the water for a chart comparison. That why you measure your water, add your nutes, measure again and do the math. The additive ppm is what it is.

FYI TDS= Total Disolved Solids. You would not know the chemical make up of the TDS PPM of your raw water without a lab analysis. The rise in the PPM after nutes are added are those solids on the content label of your nutes. With a simple ppm meter only solids are detected through the electrical conductivity of the water. Again, no specific concentration of any particular nutrient is discernable with a simple TDS meter. Only a comprehensive lab analysis could catagorize chemical make up precisely.
Hey guys (and ladies... ) I got pics of what, I'm hoping is just a bit of nute burn, posted up, and a few new pics of the big tub girls.

Rest are in my Bubble Lab grow...

Hey Alien8/RM/Dr/Everyone who cares:
I haven't read the threads but how hot are people having issues with in their res?
I'm running at 84-86F in my high-flow buckets, and I'm not having any issues in the roots.. no slime or nothing. The roots smells like fresh cucumber and the plants are doing fine.. And I don't use any *zyme stuff, either...

I'd guess that you've just been lucky. Water that hot is really dangerous and inviting pythium. .
:thanks: Appreciate the info jbargg. Were there any veg quality bulbs, i.e., 6500k, available? The highest k value bulbs (CFL's) I have been able to locate are 3500. I use strictly CFL's at this point and I'm sure the low k value noted above affects the fullness of the plant. :reading420magazine:

the bulb I picked up was a 6500k and I was saying that they have 2700k too!
they had 85w w/ mogal base they also had some L.E.D. spotlights for $65 I don't think they would be good for growing:peacetwo:
Good Morning Deep Water Culture ..

Well I got the FoggMyster Cloner 2000 built and Set-Up.. I took a couple Pictures of it late last night and Posted them in my Journal.. And left it up and running over night,, the Water Temp. didnt seem to be too warm at all,, at least not as warm as I was thinking it would be.. ..

Ill Post one of the Pictures here,, as to not clog up the BubbleThread TOO much.. lol.. ..

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday Morning !! !!

Good Morning Deep Water Culture! I just spent a week with a houseguest that fell in LUV with my garden! This family member works 4 Medical MJ in OR and watched me care for the girls all week. she saw how easy the garden was 2 tend and the potential 4 her ill clients 2 grow even with mobility problems. she also let a little cat out of the bag about the OR program i thought I would afraid what starting a thread could do to my dear family member so here goes.....

OR is certifing patients from other states. about 60 days ago they discovered a loophole in the law. it will not allow anyone 2 grow or use in their own states, however, it does offer some credibility when dealing with law enforcement and courts in some states. their office has experienced a threefold surge in workload.

I HAVE NOT PERSONALLY RESEARCHED THIS YET AND U WILL NOT FIND IT ON THE WEBSITE. PLEASE B SOBER AND LISTEN WHEN U CALL. they r running low on patience as the phones r ringing off the hook! My family member processed hundreds of applications from other states. worth a look if urs is not a MMJ state.

now to what end? credibility and medical records if ur state see the light later. u still can't grow or use at home even with the OR card.

heres a little beauty shot of my girls at the begining of week three flower. things r getting exciting now. we had to install the carbon filter this weekend :)


had to start bending yesterday. i added co2 last week and WOW the upward growth!!! they could all b touching the glass this morning (YIKES)
i used a foam covered tomato wire that is easy to adjust daily 4 a gentle training. I really dont like 2 top but scrog may b the way 2 go in these boxes

mama luvs u all and I appreciate all of u
Good Morning Deep Water Culture! I just spent a week with a houseguest that fell in LUV with my garden! This family member works 4 Medical MJ in OR and watched me care for the girls all week. she saw how easy the garden was 2 tend and the potential 4 her ill clients 2 grow even with mobility problems. she also let a little cat out of the bag about the OR program i thought I would afraid what starting a thread could do to my dear family member so here goes.....

OR is certifing patients from other states. about 60 days ago they discovered a loophole in the law. it will not allow anyone 2 grow or use in their own states, however, it does offer some credibility when dealing with law enforcement and courts in some states. their office has experienced a threefold surge in workload.

I HAVE NOT PERSONALLY RESEARCHED THIS YET AND U WILL NOT FIND IT ON THE WEBSITE. PLEASE B SOBER AND LISTEN WHEN U CALL. they r running low on patience as the phones r ringing off the hook! My family member processed hundreds of applications from other states. worth a look if urs is not a MMJ state.

now to what end? credibility and medical records if ur state see the light later. u still can't grow or use at home even with the OR card.

heres a little beauty shot of my girls at the begining of week three flower. things r getting exciting now. we had to install the carbon filter this weekend :)


had to start bending yesterday. i added co2 last week and WOW the upward growth!!! they could all b touching the glass this morning (YIKES)
i used a foam covered tomato wire that is easy to adjust daily 4 a gentle training. I really dont like 2 top but scrog may b the way 2 go in these boxes

mama luvs u all and I appreciate all of u

OMG...OK im stoned....week 4 flower not week 3:tokin:
ok i know this is off topic but has anyone seen the new 3ds thats coming out next year ,it is a nintendo dsi that has a special parallax barrier for glasses-free 3D viewing,it will have 3 cams on bored and will support taking 3d pictures,as well as if you are a zelda fan one of the first games is ocarina of time (remade ,same world new challanges) sorry i got off topic its just cool as hell
FYI TDS= Total Disolved Solids. You would not know the chemical make up of the TDS PPM of your raw water without a lab analysis. The rise in the PPM after nutes are added are those solids on the content label of your nutes. With a simple ppm meter only solids are detected through the electrical conductivity of the water. Again, no specific concentration of any particular nutrient is discernable with a simple TDS meter. Only a comprehensive lab analysis could catagorize chemical make up precisely.

wow this thread taught me what the other meter I have does! Im still not sure where the numbers need 2 b but if i record those numbers twice a day, i can see how efficently my plants r taking up the nutes? if i see a change or slow down i know i need help?
now i should 2 ca******e the thing and start taking those readings.

YEA!the girls r up, got 2 see them this morning...thanks again all:peacetwo:
Mama, be carefull of taking that readings too close together. Plants don't generally like to be micro managed. If you are going to try on monitor you ppm levels you will need to get accurate readings on your water to start. Then if you add just nutes and no additives then you will have a good picture of what they are eating. If you use additives and even a good deal of ph down/up then you really won't know what nutes/additives levels they are eating.

I measure going in and any top offs get the same per gallon dose. The weekly res changes reset everything back to level.
PPm effects nutrient uptake causing nute lockout. You measure it to see how much your plant is eating. RM has a great Tutorial about feeding in Deep Water Culture and you should get the MMJ bible by Jorge Cerventes got it on pdf if u wish :)

Hey Myzz, thanks for answering!:thanks:

I think I got the basic idea of it down, but I was wondering what was being measured (I've read Roseman's great stuff quite a few times).
I mean I can get a ppm meter, test my water and it says (for example) 100 ppm, but I don't know if that is parts of (again example) lead in the water, and I don't know if it is important to know what is being measured.

I would like to get a copy of that MMJ bible if possible, it would be appreciated.
I don't know if I can send you a PM since that last time I tried, the system wouldn't let me send one.
My email is (remove the spaces): burple sticky punch at gmail dot com.

Thanks again! :thanks:

PPM is as you say parts per million. What those parts are made of is anyone's guess. What you are looking to isolate is the amount of nute ppm in the water for a chart comparison. That why you measure your water, add your nutes, measure again and do the math. The additive ppm is what it is.

Thanks for answering MC! :thanks:

Okay, so it's not important to know what I'm testing, just what the level is.
I think I have a basic understanding of how it works, I didn't know if was important to know what it was being tested.

So any recommendation on a cheap ppm meter? :)

Thanks again! :thanks:

Update on my grow.

BP is just humming along and it's been topped and fimmed and LST'd to max. Res temp 68, ph swings betwwen 5.7 and 6.25, ambient room temp 74, PPM 850 (AN Sensi 2 part nutes) and holding at that level, humidity 53-62%. Doing nothing special for the BP system. It gets 350 ppm water, cal-mag at 3/4 dose, Cannazyme at 1/2 dose, couple of drops of Superthrive and the AN sensi nutes. PH drift is .2-.3 per day. After a res change the ph does bounce for a day or two due to the reaction to the hard water. Micro dose the ph down just to get it in range those first couple of days and then it settles down. Do mist 2x a day at least with 200 ppm nute water. Leaves are flat and shiny.

Soil grow is chugging along. Grew about 2 1/2" this week but that's a guesstimate because I LST'd them to get some bushiness. They did fill out nicely but they are just slower. I'll FIM any top that gets close to the canopy or can at least see the light later this week. They did take a long time (4 days) to dry out this time when I gave them a full nute load.

I didn't overdo it on the last nute feed water wise but they stayed good and moist for too long for my taste. I'm figuring with the lst and the heavier nute load I may have stunned them a little but they are showing no signs of nute burn and as I said they are bushng out nicely so I'll stay patient. As a precaution I will use 1/2 my current nute load of 850 ppm the next time I nute water them. They will tell me if they get hungry.

I water the pots till I get some runoff to make sure all the soil gets what I am throwing at them. Poking my fingers down about 7-8" when checking for moisture level and I'm trying to stay patient and give them some dry time to encourage the roots to go looking for moisture.

Gave them plain 6.8 ph'd water today. Took 10 minutes for any run-off to show up but it did show up so I know they are throughly watered. Next up is an additive water with Molasses at 3/4 tsp (aka short tsp) per gallon, a second and last dose of Azamax, 5ml/gal of Cannazyme, 7ml of Liquid Karma and 1 drop of Superthrive.

So far, so good. All plants are Jack Herer fems.
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