This is my story

I’m new to forums but we’ll give it a try. I’m 76 years old (today). I first started partaking in 1968. Weed was probably 10 to 15 dollars then. I was in the Orient at that time I started there with landrace Vietnamese and more often Cambodian Red. I came back from the Orient in 1069 and that’s when I I I had to pay I continued down that path until roughly1985. At which time Itook a hiatus of 25 year. Fast forward to 2020 A lot of time in my hands. Didn’t like the high price so decided to grow
Happy belated Birthday.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend.
Glad to have an old timer around to help out.
How is your garden doing?
If there is anything I can help with let me know.
I'm always around.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
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