TinkerFarms 2nd Plant


New Member
OK so here is the deal. I started our first plant back in June.. After singing up here I found out that the 1 plant that I have put so much time and effort into is a MALE...:straightface::straightface: So instead of giving up I decided to start more :wood: This time I am doing more then one so this horrible let down hopefully don't happen again.

These are all bag seeds because I live in a place where I can not buy seeds so I am working with what I can get..
I searched through a few bags and with my little experience picked out the best ones to my ability.

I then placed them in a 8oz Tupper wear container soaked 6 seeds. 18-24 hrs later I noticed that the shells on them were beginning to crack, but not just crack but the hard shells were almost falling off. I decided that I would gently peel off the shells the rest of the way.( I have a very steady hand and a great pair of tweezers) I then put all 6 in a wet paper towel between 2 plates like a clam shell and left for 10 hours. 36 Hours ago I decided to plant them (in a ice cube tray with holes on the bottom) sense the shell was off and white part was showing and didn't want the seeds to get water logged.

I woke up this morning and turned on my lights and noticed one has popped!
I then very carefully planted them in a 8 oz Tupper wear container where it will stay until I have to put in a bigger pot. spooned 2 teaspoons of water and placed directly under the lights about 1 in from plant..

I will post pics in a few..:thanks: for taking the time to read my experiences..
Re: TinkerFarms 2nd plant. PHOTO UPDATE

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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