

New Member
hey everyone!! i havent been on very much and lately when i get on i really havent been posting much. anyway, since my last grow went down the tubes, (the only seed i planted was male) i have started some new seeds. i decided to write an update(and i think its a lil funny story). the first seed i germinated was the remaining skunk seed, and then the next day i decided to germ some more. once the skunk cracked i planted it in a small container. i dont put them under any light until they pop up and lose the shell. so i put it on the floor in my room and left it. well, i went downstairs to get something to eat, and went back upstairs into my room and when i turned on the light i saw that my boyfriend had knocked over the container and the dirt had spilled on the floor. i cursed and started scoopin up the dirt... well i was pissed bc i couldnt find the seed anywhere... i dont put it in deep when planting, so i couldnt understand y i couldnt find the seed. so when the other seeds cracked (2) i put one of them into the same container of dirt that i had lost the other seed in, and the second one into a separate pot. the seeds popped up yesterday and today the first seed shed its shell. today i came home from my job, and i cleaned out my grow area and set up the timer, moistened them, and went to my other job. i came home from work, and went back there to moisten them again. the shell had come off of the second seedling, and i went to look at the first plant... and guess what? i had two lil babies growin in there!! i hadnt even seen the other one in there before!! it must have popped up while i was at work!!! i didnt want them to get tangled up so i used a spoon to scoop one of them out and planted it into another container. i know im not supposed to put them thru any stress right now, but i kno i did the right thing, i didnt want their roots to grow together, and it only took 2 seconds to do.

anyway, i was really happy about it so i thought i would share it with you guys... sorry this post is so long, im rambling....
Re: ~update~

nice.... its better to do it now than later on when the roots are tangled up to each other.... hope you get some girls illest... and no chicks with balls this time either :p
Re: ~update~

Glad your still out there and will be looking foward to another journal from ya.
Re: ~update~

ok so0o here is another update on my plants.. like 2 weeks ago i had gone into my area to water the plants and saw that one of the plants was dying. i didnt kno what was wrong with it so i just watered it and left it alone. then i realized that the last time i watered before that, that particular plant didnt need watering, so i skipped it, and i guess it was thirsty. so anyway, the plant turned out to be fine. then i started noticing that two of the plants were getting yellowy spotty leaves. and they were droopin pretty bad. i knew i needed to transplant but i had to wait until i got paid to go out and get soil. so i went out and got some soil, but i am NOT happy with the type i got. the damn store has ALOT of soil outside of the building, but none in the actual building, and you cant get the soil from outside bc it is still sitting there like it had just gotten delivered, and it is all strapped up and shit so no one can steal it. and the only soil they had was this cheap ass crappy 96 cent bags of soil that i was stuck buying. and i transplanted 2 days ago, but i dont kno if the two plants are going to make it bc they were pretty badly rootbound.
Re: ~update~

I keep having the same prob illest. . . I decided to give that organic MG a shot. . . so far everything seems good. . .(haven't updated my journal in a while. . lots has happend but I digress) I have 1 thats just shy of 3 weeks in flower, and 6 others still in veg. I planted them so there is 4 weeks between them. . . Just in case I don't have good results when I clone the one flowering. I still haven't located a decent grow shop. . . grr.. anyway. . . I hope everything turns out. . .:peace:
Re: ~update~

it sucks i really would give you directions to the one near me, but honestly i still have no idea where it is and i dont want to give out directions around my area in a public thread for security reasons. but ill be up that way tomorrow cuz im going to get a piercing and i think its right near the parlor im going too... if i find it ill pm you with how to get there.
Re: ~update~

hey bagz... i went up and i found that hydro store if your interested i can tell you how to get there
Re: ~update~

i started 12/12 the otherday... so now all i have to do is [un]patiently wait to see whos a lady and who isnt... ugh, i hate this part.
Re: ~update~

hey guys i just wanted to let yall kno that i am positive that at least one of my plants is a female, i thiiiiiink that one is a male, and im still not sure about the other one
Re: ~update~

its cool... cuz i just went back again to examine and tonite i am killing two of them, bc i was right, theyre males. i basically guessed it. i had a feeling my skunk plant was a female. shes nice and short and bushy, just gorgeous. and then the other two, tall, skinny and spidery. i had knew in my heart they were males. i kinda feel bad that i have to kill em, even though ive killed a few males already. i may keep the best looking one, im thinking about saving some of his pollen.
Re: ~update~

hey guys... there is something that has been bothering the hell out of me. it has been almost a month since i last posted in this thread. my female has exploded with pistols. but she has no smell to her what-so-ever. all of my other plants had started to smell when they were still in veg. its been about a month since i started flowering. does ANYONE kno what this might be? the plant looks extremely healthy. absolutely gorgeous with tons of budsites. i dont kno what its about.
Re: ~update~

hey guys... there is something that has been bothering the hell out of me. it has been almost a month since i last posted in this thread. my female has exploded with pistols. but she has no smell to her what-so-ever. all of my other plants had started to smell when they were still in veg. its been about a month since i started flowering. does ANYONE kno what this might be? the plant looks extremely healthy. absolutely gorgeous with tons of budsites. i dont kno what its about.

I don't think it something to worry to much about. . . I have had a few that smelled in veg and a couple who didn't have a smell till the last 3 or 4 weeks in flowering. . . It smoked fine. . .

Nice to see your still at it. . . :peace:
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