Tolerance for Medical Marijuana


New Member
Hi guys, I have a question concerning tolerance and medical Marijuana. I was wondering if you become a long term patient and your tolerance starts to increase, does that mean the pain will increase? What I mean is, does pain get killed by the euphoric marijuana "high" or just by the other stuff in the herb.

Sorry if that does not make sense lol. :grinjoint:
What I mean is, does pain get killed by the euphoric marijuana "high" or just by the other stuff in the herb.
For me, I had my left arm ripped in half 12 years ago. I chose with my Dr's blessing and approval, cannabis. The pain in the arm is still intense at times, I have multiple strains I grow for this. Using one strain only did seem " the same" to help medicate.
For me the THC helps guide my brain somehow someway to ease what the pain can't overcome by itself. I have not been back to the Vicodens, Flexeralls, Bextra, Celebrex, or Vioxx ( they were removed from the market) GEE!!! or any other pill pain meds since Jan 25th 5 years ago.
if you become a long term patient and your tolerance starts to increase, does that mean the pain will increase?
when i notice myself developing a tolerance i switch strains and that helps me.
does pain get killed by the euphoric marijuana "high" or just by the other stuff in the herb.
i think it depends on the condition being treated. i am bi-polar. depression can actually cause pain. the pain feels real. its very real to me. i believe that the high is important in treating my depression though i'm sure all the other medicinal parts of cannabis help as well.

there are many healing and pain killing properties in cannabis. science has come up with drugs using those properties while losing the high. they can work but most patients agree that cannabis in its natural form is the best way to go. lots less expensive also.

try looking here for more specific info:
The Healing Properties Of Cannabis - An Index
Medical Marijuana Facts and Information - 420 Magazine
i have developed a crazy tolerance, but switching strains helps me a lot. I tend to try and only smoke the same strain for like a week, two tops. I have also noticed the cold issue. I used to live in the northeast, and when I smoked in the winter I never felt stoned. I thought I was just weird.
when its really cold out it can be fun to smoke up outside then go into the warmth. it seems to hit me all at once when i come in. i don't do it much anymore. hey, i'm gettin' older and it make my toes too cold ;)
a big reason there's all these new strains of super weed out here now is probaly the tolerance issue and the quest for something better

have you ever noticed how many different strains colors of tomatoes you can get
however big business usually only grows a few because they are good for factory farming same with chicken varieties

we are losing a lot of biodiversity from this and it may lead to chronic preventable health and diet issues

but that's a long way from tolerance issues except that i consistantly hear med users especially speak of havinbg access to more than one strain helping them

by the way how many kinds of mustard are in your refrideratoer door
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