Unknown strain, Outdoor grow, 2 month flowering and weird pot?! (Pictures)


Well-Known Member
I have a plant I've been growing for about 2 months now, it's not the biggest plant, but it has started to flower already. I have other plants just as old growing, but none of them flowering. It may be because I've been taking it inside for the past 2-3 nights early and putting it out later, but it already has pistils popping out every where (Yay! it's a girl!) :yahoo: . Will it go into flowering that quickly because of photo period? I though it took a week or more for it to show sex even with 12/12 light. Oh and I've got a problem with being able to transplant from the pot I've grown it in, it just looks like it'll be a hassle to transplant it the conventional way, any ideas? :hmmmm:

Here's a couple of photo's (with the weird pot for any suggestions?)

How to transplant out of this?:

And these are just the plant (Sorry for bad picture quality, it's off of my phone):
I dont know why it would be flowering?? One looks like it has a Deficiency to me, maybe Zinc or N?? It should nt flower with just 2 days of less than 13 hrs light? If it did in just 2 days thats pretty quick!! But yeah in regards to re potting thats easy mate..
Just get a larger diameter pot, and 1/2 fill it with your new soil mix, Make a new good soil mix and fill the pot. Then put the plants main stem between your middle and ring finger, and keep your hand to the base of plant/soil then with your other hand under neath the pot, hold it and turn it upside down, the plant and soil should separate fairly easy and you will have the plant held upside down,supporting it in your hand with stem between fingers. Then put this into the new pot, and then place some more soil on top until the pot is full. water in well. JOBS DONE:) Hope tis helps, But also from now, the plant thats in flower will need 12/12.. Or it will hermie or not grow well.. With the other, repot it too but keep it out in the light as much as possible until its big enough for you and flip it too then.. Goodluk, Smokemup
I dont know why it would be flowering?? One looks like it has a Deficiency to me, maybe Zinc or N?? It should nt flower with just 2 days of less than 13 hrs light? If it did in just 2 days thats pretty quick!! But yeah in regards to re potting thats easy mate..
Just get a larger diameter pot, and 1/2 fill it with your new soil mix, Make a new good soil mix and fill the pot. Then put the plants main stem between your middle and ring finger, and keep your hand to the base of plant/soil then with your other hand under neath the pot, hold it and turn it upside down, the plant and soil should separate fairly easy and you will have the plant held upside down,supporting it in your hand with stem between fingers. Then put this into the new pot, and then place some more soil on top until the pot is full. water in well. JOBS DONE:) Hope tis helps, But also from now, the plant thats in flower will need 12/12.. Or it will hermie or not grow well.. With the other, repot it too but keep it out in the light as much as possible until its big enough for you and flip it too then.. Goodluk, Smokemup

Thanks for the advice! I think it may be a big enough pot to last it until the end stages if it's already flowering. I don't know how long I'm supposed to leave it for, but I'll just look out for amber Trichomes I guess. Hasn't developed any bud formation yet, just the pistils.

I have fertilizer, but none with a high Nitrogen percentage. Is there anything else I could use to instill nitrogen into the soil? I was thinking about just putting some dried and cut up banana peel on top of the soil and watering it... Would this work?
Hi mate, IMO I think the pot isnt deep enough and you may get rootbound.. They look shallow to me. I use 35L pots.. 10 gallon..
In regard to Nitrogen, most supermarkets,hardware store or plant nursery s should have a basic liquid fertiliser that has some N,P,K in it, I use seaweed extract that has N,P,K in it plus other essential minerals, amino acids etc;
So just get a basic fert, possibly containing Blood n bone or Fish emulsion in it. Or if you can find a product called UREA, supplied at similar shops - plant nurseries will probbe best, this is abou 45% Nitrogen so just add a little and water, but a complete fertiliser will benefit the plant and in flower, you give less N towards end of cycle. Banana's prob wont do much as it has more Potassium than Nitrogen, but Potassium is good for flower:) Tho Id go with something that has a percentage of its nute amounts so you dont over feed or feed incorrectly.
Transplant is easy mate - your plant will thank you come bud time - trust me!!! Last thing you want is a root bound plant dying off during flower.. Goodluk, Smokemup
Hi mate, IMO I think the pot isnt deep enough and you may get rootbound.. They look shallow to me. I use 35L pots.. 10 gallon..
In regard to Nitrogen, most supermarkets,hardware store or plant nursery s should have a basic liquid fertiliser that has some N,P,K in it, I use seaweed extract that has N,P,K in it plus other essential minerals, amino acids etc;
So just get a basic fert, possibly containing Blood n bone or Fish emulsion in it. Or if you can find a product called UREA, supplied at similar shops - plant nurseries will probbe best, this is abou 45% Nitrogen so just add a little and water, but a complete fertiliser will benefit the plant and in flower, you give less N towards end of cycle. Banana's prob wont do much as it has more Potassium than Nitrogen, but Potassium is good for flower:) Tho Id go with something that has a percentage of its nute amounts so you dont over feed or feed incorrectly.
Transplant is easy mate - your plant will thank you come bud time - trust me!!! Last thing you want is a root bound plant dying off during flower.. Goodluk, Smokemup

I have several NPK fertilizers. Should I look for higher P and K or use the higher N to stabilize the deficiency?

I don't know how much longer it has to go. I thought I'd be able to leave it in there until the end because it's already started flowering. Should I still transplant it? I'm worried I'll kill it when I transplant it because the pot is such a weird shape to transplant from.
You dont need a high Nitrogen source, something with about 10N,6P,8K should suffice.. During flower, the plant sucks nutes out the lower leaves, turning them yellow, and then work its way up.
Transplanting will not harm her at all if done right, as I said in last post to ya;) Just get a wider pot mate than the width of the one its in.. And it should fit in snug, then cover with few more inches of soil to top it up, and water it in..
During flower, once theres pistils and such showing on each tip, the need for some more P&K will be needed, So an increase of this if you can every other feed will help with the flower production.
YOU CAN KEEP HER IN SAME POT IF YOU LIKE.. Its your call, its just sumthin Id do, thats all.. I use 35L pots, or over 10 gallon I think it works out to??
This will give your plant as much room it needs to stretch her roots out!! If anything, it may slow growth for a day but no probs should occur., but again, ur call, just try keep PH to 6.4 or so, and maybe still feed a little N as they do need some still.
Best of luck mate, youll be right!! Smokemup
You dont need a high Nitrogen source, something with about 10N,6P,8K should suffice.. During flower, the plant sucks nutes out the lower leaves, turning them yellow, and then work its way up.
Transplanting will not harm her at all if done right, as I said in last post to ya;) Just get a wider pot mate than the width of the one its in.. And it should fit in snug, then cover with few more inches of soil to top it up, and water it in..
During flower, once theres pistils and such showing on each tip, the need for some more P&K will be needed, So an increase of this if you can every other feed will help with the flower production.
YOU CAN KEEP HER IN SAME POT IF YOU LIKE.. Its your call, its just sumthin Id do, thats all.. I use 35L pots, or over 10 gallon I think it works out to??
This will give your plant as much room it needs to stretch her roots out!! If anything, it may slow growth for a day but no probs should occur., but again, ur call, just try keep PH to 6.4 or so, and maybe still feed a little N as they do need some still.
Best of luck mate, youll be right!! Smokemup

The tips have showed themselves a while ago, but I don't have any flowering nutes! Just a mix of all different types of NPK+TE nutes. I'll pick the one with the highest P and K percentage.

As for transplanting, I've set up a fenced off area in the bush and cleared an area east to west so they get the maximum amount of light, I'll either put her into the ground or into a bigger pot, haven't decided yet although she will be coming out of the current pot! I'll put a few small ones there to start, and if they go well for a while I'll put the rest of them there. I'm not going to move them all there and risk losing the lot.

I'll post some updates when she gets a bit bigger (if she survives! :/ )

I wouldn't say I'm the most competent grower, but it's better to underestimate yourself than over estimate and be disappointed!

Wish me luck! and thanks heaps smokem!:) Really needed the guidance through this!
Could be an auto

I think the problem is, I didn't realize how far into summer we were in my area before I planted it!
I'm not worried about a big yield, this is more of an experience grow so I can eventually get bigger and bigger.

I'll be planting new plants all year round, no matter what time it is in the year. Even if it's mid winter! haha
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