Using smartphone to monitor grow?

I honestly wouldn't recommend using your cell phone to track your grow. Especially in states that they have passed laws that police can scan your phone in the event you are pulled over and detained or arrested. I believe Michigan is one of these lets say you get pulled over and arrested or detained for something stupid (non mmj related).... In those states where its legal to scan your phone, now everything on your phone can be used against you... I mean its a worst case scenerio type thing, but hey, the less you have on you the better, and that doesn't apply for drugs, but anything, including incriminating data. Even though we are supposed to have legal medical weed, doesn't always mean that the local authorities recognize these laws, or understand them so I would advise against using any growing aps that "track, take photos, live stream monitor" or anything like that...... especially if you have an android phone linked to a google account, google tracks everything you search for on the web through your phone, and you never know who made the app and what exactly they have access to. I know my android, even without GPS on, can locate me within a few hundred feet... would hate for the wrong people to track your grow location... :)
I copied this off Newser | Headline News Summaries, World News, and Breaking News just to explain what I was talking about better:

Michigan Cops Scan Your Cell Phone Data: ACLU - State police have device that extracts information from mobiles

Michigan troopers use a forensic device called the CelleBrite UFED, which is capable of collecting photos and video off a phone in 90 seconds. The company boasts it also grabs email, instant messages, GPS locations, call logs, contacts, etc., notes Popular Mechanics.
Icemud said:
I copied this off Newser | Headline News Summaries, World News, and Breaking News just to explain what I was talking about better:

Michigan Cops Scan Your Cell Phone Data: ACLU - State police have device that extracts information from mobiles

Michigan troopers use a forensic device called the CelleBrite UFED, which is capable of collecting photos and video off a phone in 90 seconds. The company boasts it also grabs email, instant messages, GPS locations, call logs, contacts, etc., notes Popular Mechanics.

I will now always carry water with me to drown my phone.
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