Very slow growth


New Member
Hey all new grower here. Do you guys see anything wrong with my plant? when germinating i did quite a bit of things wrong im very surprised it lived. i was using a general fertilizer of 20-20-20 and too much heat from the first MH lamps i had.


I've had seedlings like yours before. One was eaten by some bug after it sprouted. I had about 50% of the leaflets left. the plant survived and finally started to grow but that took at least 4 weeks or more. The 2 I had like this are doing fine and seems like they're just a month behind...
As long as the leaves are green, keep on with watering on a schedule you are secure with. Sometimes it takes watering ever other day, and sometimes that could be every 4-5 days. It ALL depends on the soil, temps, etc. NO NUTES. Wait until at least 2 sets or leaves are there, and then, fertilize at 1/2 strength to 1/3. You can always give them more, cannot take it back.
seems to be doing ok now.I is just short. ph is 6.3 and ppm 800. i think the ph is a bit high im going to get some phdown tomorrow.
Hi mate, yeah to me that looks like a troouble maker!! It may grow out of it, but id hate u to waste time on it and it turn male or hermi , stunted strange growth.. when in a week you could germinate a seed and plant it in soil, within few days itll be up n youll have a healthy start again.. Youre already maybe a month behind so just something to think of mate..
And yeah no nutes as a seedling, just water then as she gets established roots and growth, maybe start her on quarter/half strength.. They dont need intense light on, CFL's are adequate for a few weeks.. Hope you she comes good for you but maybe germinate a seed just in case, and have that handy- if this one stuffs up further as a seedling ,just pull it and swap em! Goodluck mate:thumb:
Thank you for your response. Yeah I'm till new at growing the first set of seeds i bought died off but I've learned a lot.
I've ordered new seed and give it another go.
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