Water pH during final flush


New Member
2 weeks away from harvest (hopefully!) and a question popped into my head :

Is there any point in pHing the water I'll be using for my final week's flush if I'm using pH 7 tap water?

My understanding is, baring any super acidic / alkaline levels, the pH is important for nutrient availability, but if I'm purposefully trying to remove any residual stuff left in my growing media so the plant uses what it already has, I would assume it wouldn't matter.

Growing in coco by the way, for whatever difference that makes.

Edit : Oh, and I've been using H&G's Drip Clean throughout the grow, anyone have any experience using this during the final flush? I was thinking of possibly adding some for the first 2 "flush feedings" but then just using straight water. Thoughts?
Is there any point in pHing the water I'll be using for my final week's flush if I'm using pH 7 tap water?

I wondered about that myself and finally decided that I just wanted to cut off the nutrient supply and not to cause any pH shock, so I went ahead and pH'd the flush water. Frankly, though, I don't think it made much difference. For my hydro grow, the flush was just three days.
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