Water reservoir question?


New Member
First time grower here....

Using a 55 gallon garbage can(new and cleaned of course), water pump and tank heater, all new and recommended by another grower friend.

My question is, I get a slimy feeling to the insides of the res and on the pump and heater.. I empty it and clean it out well , with a light mix of fresh water and Hydrogen peroxide(then flush multiple times) before adding water back in and getting the Ph to 6ish.. what is the slime and is it bad?

This AM I noticed a nasty smell coming from the tank also... It has plenty of circulation.. I don't get it?

Any ideas folks?

Thanks in advance?
Those symptoms are generally indications of root rot or other fugal growth.
How hot's your water? Is there any light getting into the system anywhere? Are the roots white and fluffy still? Are the plants doing anything unusual? Does the PH fluctuate quite a bit?

I had a nasty run in with rot in my first hydro attempt. The h2o2 may be keeping it at bay, but anything other than your plants growing in the water is bad.

You might look at doing a bioflush before refilling it up again....I also had the same problem on my first 55 gal res grow. It turned out to be bad PH and I had a few plants suffering from root problems........good luck

You can get the flush at your local hydro store or on line.....
Thanks fellas, will check out the bioflush app, see if that helps!
Tead, the roots look great, I keep it abou the same temp as the room, 70ish ish..
Everything is amazingly healthy looking.. I'm a happy first timer, let me tell ya! Knock on weed..!
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