What Are These Beasties? Spider Mites Or Something Else


New Member
Hi all.
Been to a friends grow this evening and I spotted something on all his plants. My first guess is spider mites?
But there's nothing on leaves just on the stems. There are tiny lessons around the infestations too

I must of been half asleep wen I wrote tgat reply.
Yes the material is red exactly as pictured. There are patches of it on several stems of every plant. Near the patches there are tiny leisons like as if u scratched a stem that type of sore mark
Thankyou for the links. Iv checked them out there in usa I'm in Austria but il check if my hydro store stocks it. Iv been back tonight and I can confirm the suspect red brown things are NOT moving. They almost look to be kind of bleeding out of the stems :-S
Here's a couple more piks.
The plants as a whole are dam healthy

I'm still going to stick with fungal infection on this one. I looked around a bit online, and was able to find a similarly described problem on rose plants.

If the local hydro shop doesn't have SNS, you can ask them what they would suggest for a fungal infection on a plant that's growing fruit (like tomatoes, or something in the garden). It should be something safe to use on plants that are meant for human consumption, you don't want any toxins getting on the buds at all.
That's definitely some sort of fungal or viral thing and not a pest per se. I'd try something simple like baking soda. A Tbsp in 500ml and just spray one infected area and see what happens. That don't work then try the other way and use a bit of vinegar at about the same strength. Those kind of things need specific environmental conditions to thrive so if you screw up their environment they up and die.

Neither of those attempts will cost you a thing and certainly will have no affect on your plants health or yours and both are likely to do the trick by upsetting the conditions that particular infection likes.

Some 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted 3:1 is another thing I'd try before going all chemical warfare on it. Even those "safe" plant/bug sprays have their impact and to keep it off buds or leaves means a level of care applying it that will at least be a PITA. None of the possible cures I've mentioned need that. Baking soda spray is a good cure for powdery mildew as the fungus that causes it doesn't like a high pH that the soda causes. Don't hurt the leaves none either.

If you feed your plants a good silica product from the start it likely would never have started. I use AN's Rhino Skin in all my grows. Dirt or hydro and have never had a fungal/viral disease on any plant the last dozen years.

That is what I would do first.

Good luck and good growing!

Hey Macca, still looks like scale to me mate. Roses get em along with the downy mildue you've got going on...they go hand in hand..the first shot shows a black patch looks like mildue, soot, black mold, sooty mold...any name like that...this tends to thrive under and around the scale mite..did you remove some red mites from on top of that..oh also if you squish big patches of the mite you can get that look.

Anyway, good people who've already been here, I'm not saying I'm right..its hard to tell ok?

If its scale mite, mildue, or a viral thing, spider mite...any sort of external lesion...

You've got mechanical removal as you're first easy solution.

Wash em off. I wouldnt use the chemicals if you can avoid it...she's in flower...any way..2l water, 2l milk, 1 teaspoon dish washing liquid, sponge...go to work :) or just water...

Just wash off, try not to drown your soil....if you do, or are afraid of it...do it just before watering so you can flush it all through your media.

All I'm saying is...If you get most of the 'visible' 'stuff' off....most of the 'disease' is gone...she's healthy, if it doesn't come back, or comes back a little...be vigilant....wash again....you aint gunna make it worse is all I'm getting at, this is cheep, easy, don't need to go to the shops...

Infact...wash the plant, order your stuff, by the time you get it...you'll know if you fixed the problem or not! :)

The Canna product I dont know, but reading it, sounds better to use it preventatively rather than as a remedy.

Hope I didn't confuse you more mate :)
Thanks tassie. I'm going to work on it tonight.
God knows were the problems cam from. He does have an overgrown back yard that he sorted out a couple weeks ago. Maybe contaminated his grow room after chopping through all the weeds and nettles
Guarenteed macca....

You need to give him some advice on biosecurity I reakon....get shoes and or overalls just for the room...

or if you're lazy like me...I get outta me working clothes...and into my home clothes...then its cones and then the ladies room...

that way I'm only ever in comfy stuff (which is good for indoor gardens :))

... and my outside world clothes...dont ever go in that room :)

You'll be right macca

Oh....look I like it when you get a win win.

For those of you with a ...significant other....take the infected plant into the bathroom...wash her off in the bath when the other isn't home...do a real good job of cleanup in the bathroom department after...

and you get a clean plant and brownie points for cleaning the bathroom to boot!

Happy Days! :)
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