What is up with my seeds Check Out The Pic


New Member
Ok so let me start with what I did first.
I put 3 seeds in one of those little plastic green houses , as my Nana told me to do. Weeks passed by and nothing grew. She told me that the seeds were probably dead. I just threw them out.
I didn't want to give up so I pulled out some other seeds I had saved. These seeds and the ones I used in the green house are about 4 years old. I then placed 3 more seeds in a flower pot outside and waited about 2 weeks and nothing grew. I then decided to read some threads and sites on how to start growing using a paper towel, cup, water, and a warm dark place. I followed the directions completely. It has been 4 days I checked to see if there has been any sprouts and there is nothing. So I decided to stat again with another 3 seeds in a paper towel, water, a small tupperware with a cover, in a warm dark place. I gonna give it sometime let see what happens

So from reading some of the postings on 420Mag Im stating to think maybe its my seeds. What do you guys think is it my seeds or my patience

The metal container is what I had them stored in. It is air tight and cool.
Average pre packed seeds & success of germination is aprox 2 years... germination success lowers afterwards.

Home stored seeds may depend on optimal storage conditions aka a cool dry place, high flucation of temps in seed storage area may effect germination success.

Fresh seeds may sprout with in 24 to 72 hours some may take longer.

Older seeds may take even longer of a couple of weeks to a month.

MJ seeds are non native to my own country which basically means they gonna take a higher temperature to successfully germinate, also some seeds may require a cold period/fridge prior to germination to trigger process.
the seeds I got came from sacks of bud I got. I happened to find seeds and jus collected them over the years. Does this have any affect.

On what you said about the cold period. Should I try this on the same seeds I already have wrapped up in the wet paper towels.
Is there anyway to know if the seeds are in fact dead seeds.
If these seeds do take weeks to months to grow should I jus keep them in the wet paper towel and cool dark place or is there some other method that you can suggest that will help the process along.
Thanks for the input.
Age of seed does have an effect on germination ratio !

However last year somebody did manage to successfully germinate 50 year old seeds found in some vietmanese tia stick sumuggled back from the days of the vietnam war in a pre sealed army ration packet found in their loft :thumb:

Suprise's do happen !

I've personal not tryed the paper towel method as i don't like handling fragile seedlings as i suffer with nerve damage/loss of feelings in my finger tips which may lead to damage...

I myself use a suitable compost for seeds/seedlings/cuttings etc for germination sown in individual small pots & kept in a heated propergator (average temp 18c) with compost kept moist, alternatively jiffy pellets or compost based root/propergation cubes can be used also.

I've not witnessed any MJ grower to date who has placed seeds in the fridge to simulate a cool/cold winter climate to effectively give seeds a dormant state before germination...

When in nature this may be achieved depending on origin of strain.

But theirs no harm in trying with a few seeds to find out :thumb:

I would not wait more than few weeks for bag seed to germinate tho... failing that check out the sponsors for seed banks Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE ® & treat ya self to fresh seed :love:
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