What nute deficiency is this?


Active Member
I’m on my first day of flowering however I’ve had this probelm for a day or three, I’ve flushed the plant and am just patiently waiting however does anyone know what this is a sign of?


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You probably need to tell us more about your medium and nutrients, but to start, are you giving her CalMag?
What Strain is it?
Purple queen from royal seeds

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?
Sativa 25% Indica 75%

How Many Plants?

Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage?
First day of flowering

Indoor or Outdoor?

Soil or Hydro?
Coco Hydro Gold Label

If Soil... What is in your Mix?
The 60/40

If Soil... What Size Pot?
17.5 litres

Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many?
400w one light

Is it Air Cooled?

Temperature of Room/Cabinet?

PH of Medium or Reservoir?
Never tested ph of the cocohydro only input water

Any Pests?
Not sure

How Often are you Watering?
Every other day, or daily depends on pot

Type and Strength of Fertilizers used?
Shogun Cocohydo multipack

Size or Square Footage of Room?

Yeah sorry I forgot to add this to the main post, I’ve been feeding here shogun coco hydro multi pack and yeah I’ve been using calmag, but haven’t for the past 3-4 days been trying to cut on the nutes


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How’s it growing Mr Potter?
Sorry I didn’t reply to your last message, I tried cutting nutes cause it was the first thing I thought of however I listened to your advice and used calMag and new growth is flourishing however the old leaves are still the same, should I be worrried or just trim them on my next trim?
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