when do I start feeding my sprouts?

The hempberg

New Member
whats up guys, I got right now two little 2 week old seedlings sitting under 3 23watt light bulbs. FFOF was my choice of soil. This is my first grow and I don't know when to start feeding ? what to feed it ? and what nutes are good? so all you experienced growers let me know Happy 420 :thumb:
I love Fox farms nutes and the two grows in my Sig Show why. If you are using ocean forest they are fine with the food in the soil for a while. Probably the next two weeks you won't need food. When you transplant to larger pots. Mix B1 vitamin into the wet soil and that will help reduce shock
I'm with HK and DP on this, water only for the next couple of weeks will be fine.
Not every day though, let them dry out a little, but only just. Keep a close eye on them for the next couple of weeks, then maybe 1/4 strength nutes for a week or two, building to half strength. I wouldn't suggest full strength of any brand nutes in any medium unless you already know that strain can take it.
Cheers n Peace
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