Where should I measure humidity?


New Member
My understanding is you want 50-70% humidity during veg, 40-50% during flower, and some people drop the humidity as low as possible during the last 2 weeks of flowering to encourage resin production.

I've noticed most people have a humidistat hanging off the side of their grow. But especially in a tent, there seems to be different levels of humidity throughout the small climate. For example in my 3 x 3 x 6 foot tent, my humidity is 65% at the rim of the pots, 50% in the air, and 45% near the light. I haven't measured the humidity within the foliage, but I have a dense wall-to-wall canopy so I imagine it could be highest in there.

So where should I be reading the humidity? I'm 5 weeks into flowering my first grow now and I think the only obstacle at this point would be bud mold so I want to make sure I'm properly preventing it. A tower fan is oscillating 24/7 and the air is being extracted 3 times per minute.



Thanks for any advice.
You should hang the stat at canopy level. or as close as you can get. Esp in flower, the buds are the important part. If it's too humid at canopy level, then it's too humid for the buds. Basically putting the stat next to you pots or light is measuring the humidity in the room with interference from the most humid items in the room - the pots, which will of course be putting off some extra humidity, and from the least humid items in the room - the lights, which will essentially be helping to dehumidify the room while they are on (in a round about kind of way).
As iwltfum said :thumb:

I keep my own with in the top 6 to 8 inches of the bud canopy level it is where it most important !

As your self pointed out & what the other chap said they is a difference in humidity at various levels of the growing environment, one may think of this as a micro climate & factors that govern it !
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