White spots on leaves: please help?

Can anyone tell me if this is the same thing.


  • IMG_20200813_184151.jpg
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I have had the best luck by putting a dozen habanero peppers and several cloves of garlic into a blender with water. Blend the mixture then strain , through a screen into a spray bottle. I spray the leaves until thy are dripping and it seems to keep most pests, including deer away from the plants. Do this outside. The gasses from the peppers in your house will not be pleasant. You are, in effect, making pepper spray. I don't grow indoors. Make sure the breeze is blowing away from you or your eyes will sting bad! When I first tried it I was skeptical thinking I would burn the plants. They actually love it. As the plants flower and mature, stop spraying. You don't want pepper spray in your buds.
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