Why do you smoke weed?


New Member
Everyone has a reason for smoking weed, thats what brings us all together! Our stories about weed help us all understand a each other a little better.

I started smoking at my first semester at a Christian College. (a little messed up I know!) Everyone wanted this for me but I wasn't too sure on it. They kept telling me that this was one of the most prestigious schools to get into and that I should hold my head up and be proud. Honestly I could care less! There was so much pressure between being a full time student, working, helping my family out and trying to keep somewhat of a social life. I just couldn't handle the pressure, I was at my breaking point and that was the night I first tried weed. I felt so amazing when I smoked it. Every bit of stress that was pinning me down was gone, I felt completely free. Ever since that night I found my way out when things get to stressful. I don't understand why everyone thinks it's so horrible??? I think if the whole world smoked weed, the world would be a better place.
Started in 1976 cause it was the "cool" thing to do. I now smoke for 2 reasons:

1: Stress relief / chill out / etc...

2: To be able to sleep and also function during the day I can either take my script for Oxy or partake of Mother Nature, I prefer Mother Nature.

I've been smoking weed for 4 years now, my best friend introduced it to me and ever since then I've loved it.
I smoke it cause its relaxing and enjoyable and it just makes me feel great. When life gets you down, weeds always there to help you back up (if that makes sense haha)

I don't see how people find it "bad" its not like its a hardcore drug or anything.
"If we all had a bong, we'd get along" 'nuff said. ;]
I'll be 32 later this month and have been smoking many years , obviously I love it! LOL. I smoke to relax and chill, to go along with video games or after a meal (one of the BEST times to smoke), I like to smoke in the mornings on the way to work and during lunch to make the end of the day that much better. I also smoke just to keep my head right, maybe it's becuase I've smoked for so long but I find when I have to stop for awhile due to one reason or another that I'm much more irritable and short tempered. I think I'm naturally kind of an angry person so smoking helps keep me cool lol.

I DO NOT smoke weed before bedtime or even up to an hour before bed. I know some people swear by it helping them to fall asleep but it does nothing but make my mind race like mo'fo while I'm laying there in bed.
Weed would totally just make the world go round! I honestly don't think there'd be any wars, or hate, or violence or any of that bullshit!
I started smoking weed because of my first boyfriend when I was 14 who I dated for 3 years.

I was very anti-weed before be got me into it... I'm glad I let my guard down :)

Now I smoke weed mainly to help me remember to eat throughout the day and as a stress reliever :)
What an excellent question. So, why do we smoke weed? I don't know how, why and what made me start smoking weed. Maybe it's because of peer pressure or I was just being curious. One thing is for certain, it keeps me sane. It keeps my creative juices flowing. Weed is my recreational drug both to relieve pain and to unwind.
What an excellent question. So, why do we smoke weed? I don't know how, why and what made me start smoking weed. Maybe it's because of peer pressure or I was just being curious. One thing is for certain, it keeps me sane. It keeps my creative juices flowing. Weed is my recreational drug both to relieve pain and to unwind.

Weed helps keep me sane as well, and as far as the creative juices, I feel ya on that one, I won't open up or let anyone know how or what i'm feeling but when I'm high, I write, I write everything I'm thinking, I write what i'm feeling and somehow it turns into these amazing poems that I didn't even know I could write. And music is amazing when I'm high, my creativity comes out and I'll start mixing techno and electronic songs on my laptop. I really think if the world smoked weed there wouldn't be any serious problems. Everyone thinks it's so bad but weed makes people happy, A lot of beauty comes from people who are high, I have read some of the most amazing stories and poems from people who were high when they wrote it, I've seen some amazing artwork from people who were high when they painted it. . . It just sucks that we get judged based on what society told them to believe about weed.
PAIN............can be both physical and emotional ...................Safer then pharm drugs and it has a social atmosphere,, when we enjoy it we tend to share it with others which bonds us together.... gives you that warm fuzzy feeling.....
^^ Can be a social thing for me as well but I dont mind tokin on a bowl to myself :):smokin:
PAIN............can be both physical and emotional ...................Safer then pharm drugs and it has a social atmosphere,, when we enjoy it we tend to share it with others which bonds us together.... gives you that warm fuzzy feeling.....

see that's what I'm saying! Weed really does bring people together! We tend to understand each other a lot better! Weed would make the world go round!!
I smoke because I've fought depression and high stress/anxiety/insomnia for my whole life. After treating with traditional western medicine (ie pills and therapy), I finally got tired of the intolerable side effects from the pills. I stopped taking my pills and substituted in medical marijuana...14 yrs ago. So, while I consume a lot of cannabis, I don't take addictive pills that messed up my physical life and almost cost me my marriage. YMMV.

I smoke because I've fought depression and high stress/anxiety/insomnia for my whole life. After treating with traditional western medicine (ie pills and therapy), I finally got tired of the intolerable side effects from the pills. I stopped taking my pills and substituted in medical marijuana...14 yrs ago. So, while I consume a lot of cannabis, I don't take addictive pills that messed up my physical life and almost cost me my marriage. YMMV.


Wow! More power to you, I have seen what pill addiction has done to some of my family and you breaking free from it, I know that was like crazy hard for you!
Who am I to question God? (Even if I am an atheist...) / See; Genesis 1:11-12 and 1:29-30

Besides my family has a terrible history of glaucoma. I figure better safe than sorry.

It sure does have some nice side effects though.

it definded me when I was young, and now it substains me, its fun getting high...but it more than that, much more, it is me and I am it...we are one
it definded me when I was young, and now it substains me, its fun getting high...but it more than that, much more, it is me and I am it...we are one

Love it! It is me and I am it! So true!
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