Why use seeds?


New Member
If given the choice to start from clone or seeds,
Why would anyone use seeds to start their garden when clones are the same price or even less? Feminized seeds go for as much as 20 bux a pop! The lower end ones are 10 bux each. I can walk in to any dispensary and get clones for 10 to 15 bux each. I guess I'm just ranting a bit. Seems like seeds should be way cheaper than clones.
It prety much depends on your experience and how your going about doing it. There are many ups and downs to both, i would start from seed if your a newer grower, then you have the experience of growing and youl know what conditions plants need. ( also you can learn how to make your own clones, wich brings the chance of contamination of pests and other things down since your not geting a plant from another garden ) the one reason that would push me to buy a clone is if i was doing a ScrOG and didnt want to wait to make my own clone. the reason for that being that if you get it from a trustworthy place youl know the stain and sex because as u probaly know a clone has the same " DNA " as its mother :) sooo i wouldnt have to worry about puting multiple plants on one screen.
The reason I would never buy a clone and introduce it into my garden is I believe that is the #1 way that spider mite infestations occur. There are plenty of unscrupulous money hungry clone sellers with no conscience that knowing sell infested clones to the dispensaries. They could not care less that they are destroying people's gardens and all the hard work they put into them. If your goal is to grow the finest cannabis possible then selection is the key and regular seeds is how you git 'er done. You would want to clone all the females before they are put into the flowering phase. After the plants are harvested, cured and you do a smoke test you will then be able to decide what plant or plants you want to continue growing based on what is important to you. Then you clone that plant or plants that you previously cloned and use it as a mother plant which you take future clones from so you have consistent and predictable crops with all the best attributes you desire that have no history of hermaphroditism and I believe an increased chance of hermies like you will get with feminized seeds as that is how the seeds are produced and now the plant has that trait in their genes ......:smokin:....
if you can get hold of clones from someone who can give you details on the strain & what sort of selection process has occured then your probably best off doing that - you might get better genetics. On the other hand seeds from the official seedbank have considered all this also and you can choose exactly the properties you want ni your plant rather than taking someones word for it.
Not to mention getting viroid or "dudds" into your grow room. Then think of how much money and time you will save trying to disinfect your grow room or area you grow in.
As others mentioned there are pros and cons. Biggest con to clones, is possible pest or virus infestation. Even from your homie. Shit, I would hesitate to give a clone from my garden, as I've had thrips forever it seems. Under control, but I still know they're there. Lol. Biggest pro, is it will be similar to the mother, and supposed cultivar. Supposed. Also, I say similar, because grow conditions vary. Seeds are nice for many reasons. For me, I like pheno hunting. Also, there are many varieties, and you can make your own clones for free. I would say it will take a bit longer to harvest, but this is a game of patience anyway.
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