(1) M-K Ultra and (2) Wild Outdoor Strains Under a 300W GLH LED


New Member
Hello nice people over here at 420. this rip is for you.

Ok, now that we have that out of the way ill tell you what I have going. I set up a new DR80 grow tent inside my bedroom to grow some vegetables under a different LED. Then I found out a friend of mine had plants growing outside his apartment in the front yard. This scared me and him after about 2 weeks because they started getting tall so we moved them into my tent with the vegetables. Now I have moved out a lot of the vegetables recently so that there is only the single MK-Ultra plant in the massive container and then each of the outdoor random plants are in 1 gallon pots. The other plants inside the tent are tomatoes and basil. I also changed to my new Grow Led Hydro 300W LED when I moved the girls in.

Both have fox farm ocean forest soil and the huge pot also was topped with a layer of manure. Im not sure if this was a good or bad idea. I have been feeding with only a few nutrients at the lowest strength suggested on the bottle. It says 2-5 mL/L and I do 2. I feed with root juice, algamic, and bioheaven by biobizz and budswel by the guano company and plant success by some company im nt sure of. I forgot about this shit called Vermi-T that I get free from a local hydro store that they brew on site. It all seems to work pretty well.

The problem is I just got back from vacation and my friend was watching the plants and it got very hot here. I came home to see the poor girls sitting in 102 degree heat. Ouch, that probably isnt good for the LED light either huh????

I have now lowered the temps down significantly, but not as low as I would like. What do you guys think?








In case no one noticed, I figured out how to add the photos myself, so its all good now.
A friend came over earlier today and we set up his carbon scrubber and centrifugal 4 inch fan in my tent. I think this will even help to bring the temps down a little and my bedroom smells like a hospital, it is great.
Just a few more pictures before the first night of 12/12




Great start Flo - I'm subscribed! Your setup is almost exactly what I'm looking to do once I move to a larger place. I'm running a combo 250W HPS/100W T5 grow in a 2x2 tent right now. Definitely planning to step up to a larger tent and that 300W light looks just right. I'll be watching with great interest.

Regarding the feeding/manure situation, I'd go easy, or not at all, on the nutrients for a while. FFOF is a pretty hot soil and that layer of manure (composted I assume) will add a lot of nutes as well. The plants are looking good so whatever you're doing - keep it up!
Thanks Usul, Its good to have someone stop on by so early on in my journal. Over at another forum I had an LED journal going for 2-3 pages before anyone else decided to post in it. As for the manure, yes it is composted with straw and it is from local grass fed cows a coworker of a friend raises on his farm. It sometimes causes them to burn on the edges of the leaves like you see with the MK plant but im not convinced that is what is doing it to it. I hope this all goes well and I am crossing my fingers as hard as I can for a female. Peace,

I am just hoping that temp did not turn and potential ladies herm that is some serious heat stress, crossing fingers! That fan probably cured a lot of problems tho!

yah this could be a huge failure if none of them turn out female. I would be pissed if the MK is male. But I swear it was a feminised seed. Oh well I guess well find out. Temps are reading at 85.5 right now on the thermometer. Damn you heat you always win.
I'm in too Flo. This is viper from over at the City. Had to use the plural of viper cause someone here already had that name. Irishboy is a household name on this site and He's won several awards for plant and nug of the month. He dragged me over here from the city and I'm glad he did. There seen to be no premadonnas here like over at the city, and people here are very LED friendly, helpful, and they know thier stuff. I'm still using my Jumbo but want my next light to be the one you are using. You lucky dog you! As was said before , go easy on the nutes. FFOF is hot with some strains and I find I can go nute free almost up until the 12/12 flip. Good to see ya here and put me on your friends list if you would like to. You'll like this place, I know I do. .V.
Thanks guys, I hope this all works out and the hermies dont come around to bother me.
Sweet setup man. Glad to see all these journals popping up using GLHs lights. Makes me happy to see people with a solid product that works. You should pull a nice yield with that light, everyone I see who has used it are very very pleased with the results. but Im jumping on with what the other people said. Go easy with the nutes. FFOF is loaded with worm castings, guano, crab/fish meal, and the such. Aside from that you said you put cow manure on top. Id tell you what, that is one rich organic blend you have there but by the looks of your plants, they dont seem like they need to be fed with any outside source nutrients. Anyways, it will all even out on its own eventually. Sweet grow brotha and keep it up.
I am trying to feed with things that dont really have much nutrients for the plants, but have a lot of nutrients for the soil. I feed the soil and the soil feeds the food web and the microbes in the food web feed the plant. Its all a big cycle. I am just trying to raise up the populations of the microbes by using the plant success product along with nutrients in the ranges of like 0.7 - 0.0 . I dont think I will have much of a problem with nute burn doing this. Although it seems like I have been adding more, so I think I will try to slow down now. Thanks for the advice though.

Hey guys, I know it hasnt been long since the last pics, but what the hell. This is almost the end of day 3 of flower. I am excited to see this thing through. One of the smaller plants may be a male too. Oh well, as long as the MK is female thats all that matters. I feel like the MK almost doubles in size in every 2 days or so. Its unbeleivable how fast the thing grows. Im gonna go head to the hydro store. I might try to make my own compost tea brewer and start that going. Would be fun and Im sure the plants would appreciate it! Thats all I got for now.




temps are hovering around 86. I think it might just be low enough to get a decent yield. Ill keep my fingers crossed that nature can be on my side this summer.
Not now But I really need to. A friend will most likely let me borrow one of his to use.
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