(1) M-K Ultra and (2) Wild Outdoor Strains Under a 300W GLH LED

Well I tried to clone the girl awhile back, you can see a pic of them maybe a page or two back. I just took a pic right now to show you too. I dont know though, like I said before, Ill be lucky to get any survivors. Oh well though, I have plenty of seeds of this strain and also have an unopened package of the TH SEEDS MK-Ultra strain to compare with the ones I obtained from bagseeds. The one growing right now in the big clay pot is one from bagseed that a friend started for me. He has at least 50 of these seeds and ensures me that all the seeds he or anyone he has given have turned out to be female, so I am guessing the person who grew it out, did so with that strain only and had some go hermie.


Hey guys,

quick little update here. The plants have been doin their thing and so have I. not much has happened except for more new growth. The wild outdoor is looking to finish pretty damn early I think. It is getting too tall also. The thing is almost taller than the bamboo stick I am using to hold it up. That is not a good sign. The MK plant on the other hand is just a big bush. It has stretched up off the top of the soil much more now and is reaching for the light a little. I see more and more hairs on it everyday too. It is great. I am thinking the nutrient burn early on had to do with potassium and maybe my RO filter has water under a pH of 6.0 and thats why the potassium was locked out. So I was thinking I would check the pH sometime today.Otherwise I just fed it too much and it couldnt take it all and got burned. Also the clones arent looking that great for being a week old, but the 6 current survivors may make it out alive. Heres the pics, enjoy





Re: (1) M-K Ultra and (2) wild outdoor strains under a 300W --- LED

I just wanted to give a little picture update for ya all.

A couple clones may actually make it. My newly started seed is doing well. The wild outdoor continues to stretch. And the MK plant I beleive was not triggered correctly during flowering due to all the grow nutrients I had built up in the soil. Might not finish before I have to move... that would be a bummer.

Also threw in a random picture of some cali buds I got a long time ago and no longer have any of. Funny enough the little slip of paper came in the vacuum sealed bag along with the tree



I probably couldn't spell my name if I was smokin that all day !!:peace:
HAHA yah I am so fucking surprised that I never even noticed that until you said it also. Looks like I have been to high to realize it all along since the shit is just too damn good. It tasted really good too, but unfortunately all of that strain is gone.

A few minutes ago I tied down the stretching sativa plant and decided I had to take a picture to show you guys. You may laugh your ass off. Its almost tied to the point where the heady does a complet U-turn and heads back towards the ground. hahahaha. Also last night I helped a friend move some plants and his DR100L tent into my place so that I can babysit while he has company at his place that do not approve of this hobby. Too bad growing a simple little plant is considered such a huge crime... He has 3 plants going right now and I moved all my other plants I had going into that tent as well. Opps wait I mean 4 since the stretchier looking one hasnt been killed yet, but we're 90% sure its male. He has 1 Damn Sour by Greenhouse, 1 MK-Ultra bagseed from the same batch mine was from, and 1 of the plants was started from a seed I gave him from my last grow. The plant was a clone of Blue Cheese given to me by a friend and it ended up having a few seeds in it so I kept them. My guess is that it was pollinated by a Sweet Dreams hermie that just had to grow some balls at the begining of flowering for no reason at all. You dirty dirty bastard child. Anyways Enjoy the pics.











And here is my pride and joy

I took a bunch of pics of the leaves that have some problems. I want to make sure this issue is not getting worse while I just sit back and do nothing. I am not quite sure what is going on with her. I assumed too much nutrients and she got a little hot, but I took a bunch of pics of the leaves to ask you guys and make sure that was the problem. For the past about week or 2 I have been feeding with only pure RO water. But the older leaves seem to continue to turn this brown/yellow collor and then crisp away. Could it be pH issues? I can get a tester and check it out if that could be the problem. Otherwise I think she looks pretty good so far and just might turn out to give some good results. Thanks in advance for the help you can give me.









Bad news, I accidentally just ripped the entire top off of the plant I had bent over. Went to move the MK and forgot that one was attached.Im a Fucking retard if you ask me.
Bad news, I accidentally just ripped the entire top off of the plant I had bent over. Went to move the MK and forgot that one was attached.Im a Fucking retard if you ask me.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Hope you laughed @ yourself after it happened is quite a bit funny but it could be worse though right? Will that shock her or bit?:hookah:
shock her? the entire top was hanging on by the outside skin layer. just hanging there. like a damn plastic bag in the wind. I just choppped the thing at the base after it happened because there was no coming back after that...

Like you said though, things could be worse.

I also am afraid something is happening to the roots in that giant container the MK is in so I foliar fed with a 1ml/L solution of fish mix by biobizz. Maybe this will help it along. We will see. Thanks for the input though

Hey guys, time for a little update

I think the MK plant is turning around now. I think the pure water flushings have been doing it well. Today I gave the fucker 4 gallons of pure water to flush. Then after applying some quality worm castings from a local source onto the top of the soil, I fed with another 2 gallons of water but I added about a tablespoon of molasses to it as well. I hope this helps the plant through the tough times it is experiencing. I also made sure to keep a 5 gallon bucket underneath her while I did this and caught all of the good run-off to use in my outdoor garden and other plants. Forgot to mention that the thing was draining very slowly, so I heated up a nail and added about 5-6 more holes on the bottom of it for good measure.

She was slightly trimmed again yesterday as well and I dont think I will need to do that agian. I tried to tie down most of the heads so that none are on top of each other too. I just watered most of the plants inside the other tent as well with only pure water. Some of my friends plants are looking like god damn bushes under that little 250W MH.

Of the 8 clones I took from the MK plant a week into flowering I think 4 of them may survive. I have transplanted the black foamy things they were attempting to root in into some plastic cups filled with worm castings last night. I really do hate those god damn rapid rooters... I also sowed a SLH seed that a friend had been germing into a mix of FFOF and the same EWC mentioned earlier. It is just starting to pop through the soil.

Because I dont even fuck around anymore after my last grow I also decided to give all plants a good spray down with azamax diluted at a strength of 10 ml/L. I am pretty sure this is correct dosage but it may have been a little strong because it looked whiter than it normally does. I hope they are ok. Otherwise I will give them all a nice shower with pure water tomorrow.

Let me know how you guys think the progress is coming along. Peace











Hey guys, just checkin in to see if anyone is still watching. I was thinkin about postin an updae tomorrow, as I will be brewing up another tea, but a very different mix of stuff. Should be up tomorrow unless I get too medicated. Peace for tonight.

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