3 White Widow & 1 BC Big Bud, Hydro Drip

I may have to look into a carbon filter. I’m growing in my non attached garage, so I’m not worried so much about the smell right now. If people walking up the road start to smell it though, that may be a different story.

I use two carbon filters and still have a faint aroma in the house.
They are growing well. Not stretching too crazy yet.


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The nutrient solution is holding at pH of 6.0, EC at 1.5. Temp is 67'. Plants have reached 24" tall now. They are stretching but not too much which is exactly what I am looking for. Only 10 days into flowering so they have another 1-2 weeks of stretch left I would guess.

The tight node spacing is impressive. Your going have some really nice colas. A really good grow to watch.:nomo:

Thanks, sure hope that is how it turns out.

I have a couple questions for those with experience with hydro...

I am reading that my pH should be higher as I get further into flowering cycle. I vegged at between 5.4 and 5.8 For flowering cycle I have moved it up to 5.9 to 6.0 for the second reservoir tank ( 80 Liters ) How high should I be looking to get in this cycle?

Secondly, I have EC at 1.5. If I go by aggressive flowering instructions on the GH nutrient bottles EC would be at a crazy number. I halfed the instructions and EC was still over 2, I think it was 2.2 actually. I ended up taking 20 l of solution out of the tank and replacing with 20 l of pH 6.0 straight water to get my EC down to 1.5. How high can I go or is a case of gradually go up every week and let the plants tell me how we are doing? I am only 10 days into flowering cycle so they are still drinking a lot of water daily.
You want to feed each strain as much as they will take. Like you said, increase till you see a hickup and then back off a little. Keep some kind of journal so you have a record of the right recipes for the strain when you grow it again.

I use the GH Flora Series of nutes as well and I believe we have the same size res. Heres my recipe for "Early Flower" that I've developed after several successful White Widow grows.

As far a ph goes, I keep mine at 5.8 throughout the entire grow. Heres a table that shows the plants ability to uptake nutrients at various ph levels.
Hope this helps...
That is awesome info. I will adjust back to 5.8 on the next reservoir clean out. I do it weekly, I have the time so my motto is why not, it can only help.

In terms of the nutes I used very similar amounts. That is of the flora bloom, micro and gro. Same with Cal mag, I used 45 ml, close enough. I don't have the others. I assume one is silica, have to look up Z7. Is Koolbloom some kind of booster for flowering?
You'll want Koolbloom liquid for early and mid flower. Then Koolbloom dry for late flower.

Armor Si is a silica, it'll make tree trunks on your plants.

Z7 by Flying Skull is the best thing you can do for your roots. If my res temp gets high during the summer I don't give it a second thought. You just don't have any root issues, Z7's that good. Just ask around this site. Shitty thing is, you can't get it in Canada. I had a friend buy it and send it up to me from the states, thats not a problem.
I was going to wait till about day 18-20 of flowering to trim just about everything off the bottom. Figured I would let them get through the stretch first. But most of the lower bud sites I was going to sacrifice for the bigger higher bud sites. What do you think about that strategy?

I did pull some of the bigger fan leaves that were hiding bud sites near the top. Again I was going to wait a few days to do more.
So this pant for example, my plan was to strip the lower third off at day 20 say. Let all resources go to the top colas and some side ones. The pic was edited to take some of the orange out from 2 hps lights going.


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Hey Scrowdawg, have a look at this link. It says a Canadian version of Z7 called Z9 o_O

Z9 - Canadian Formula

I have to top up nutrient tank. Would you use straight ph'ed water or water with nutrient mix? I am leaning to mixed because the ph and EC are constant. Sorry for all the questions , just trying to soak up as much knowledge as possible.
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