420 Mag Vaultmas Re-Post + 2 Winners

The WINNERS are:

@Virgin ground & @improvise - Well done to you both.

Please PM me with your name, address and t shirt size so I can get your prize to you. You can also email me if you prefer.

Thanks to everyone else who entered too. Remember you guys get 12.5% off now so use code 420mag125 if you want to buy some beans at www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk !

Cheers - Gary Eff #TeamVault
Congratulations You Two. Gary and The Vault Have awesome prizes!
Dat is one cool / hot pic ;-)

You ought to see a picture of the outside his grow "shed" - and of his "front yard" (hint: I think it contains about 2,903 cubic miles of water ;) ).

Congratulations to Virgin ground, improvise, and Emilya.

Hey @Gary from The Vault , is there any chance of you inviting forum members to participate in another one of these community/comparative grows? I'm really starting to see the value in having someone to grow the same strain with, and for many folks that's not really feasible "in the real world" - but the virtual version seems safer and easier. Might be useful to the breeder, also, because it lets them see how the strain performs in different setups/environments/etc.
Woo-hoo!!!! Thanks for the beyond awesome Vaultmas present. I'm going to be styling in my new polo. And 3 strains to boot! I'm super happy!! Thanks Gary, I love my present!
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