A thread for the users of Mars-Hydro lamps

I'm a street organ, busker organ fanatic. I have plans to build one (think organ grinder). I just haven't got around to building it. Other things get in the way...like two tiny plants. :yummy:
My god. That sounds hyper-interesting. Let me know how that project proceeds. You see - I am a Professional music producer. Always looking for a new sound :)
I guess the Magnus doesn't qualify as a street organ. It was more a thing that played chords instead of tones to make it easy for the soldioers in the field to play. They just have to click the button playing whatever chord the songbooks said - Later years they made success to sell the same organ as an instrument for kids. It actually has a fan inside it making it sound sort of hmmm. Google it - think you'll like it
wow!!! Great job on the hash Deville ;)
any tips for making as I will be trying something similar in the comming weeks
These I made with bubble bags. But I must warn you - You have to wash the shit at least 5-6 times. It takes hours to do a few grams. I have had my eyes on a device they call the "pollen extractor" I want to purchase. It costs like 100 euro and seems to be a much better solution if you don't want to go through that. Making bubble hash got old really fast. Now I am getting the creeps just by thinking of it So much work for so little
I believe this writeup from Icemud explains everything a light buyer should know
That was incredibly informative and easy to read! Thanks for sharing that! Just finished reading every post on this thread

As a new grower aiming to become a mass supplier someday, I'm loving the experience and knowledge! I can't wait to order me 4 80s or 1 320 for my grow tent! Currently I use 2x vipaspec 600 and the 18' hanging heights result in 520ish umols and absolute garbage low values even just a foot or 2 away. Can't wait! I wish they were like $500 or 550 even but I hear quality is great.

I've been struggling over 320 pro vs. 1600. This is what I understand so far, correct me if I'm wrong!

1600 pros:
* wider umol coverage (not a huge difference directly below but definitely better umols further out)
* nearly $200 cheaper
* blue/red spectrum are close to equal and are very fair spectrum levels.

1600 cons:
* Harder to part replacement (soldering)
* no reflectors
* has a glass cover or something? This makes heat dissipation a bit worse.
* lower quality less efficient hardware all around.
* pulls 632 watts vs 320 at 740.

Pro 320 pros:
* Reflectors for a bit higher umols directly under and to the sides, definitely more beneficial in a 4x4 tent.
* Modular inspired part replacement (No soldering)
* pulls more overall watts vs 1600. A little over 100 additional watts I believe
* Higher quality hardware all around.
* Better heat dissipation

Pro 320 cons:
* Less spread past 4x4 in umols vs 1600
* Veg spectrum is lower than red and lower than 1600

That's all I can think of so far. Both come off to me as great lights. Please let me know your opinions!
My god. That sounds hyper-interesting. Let me know how that project proceeds. You see - I am a Professional music producer. Always looking for a new sound :)
If you want to hear them, look up John Smith universal busker organ on youtube. There are quite a few videos with some good sound, some not so good (tuning). There is a guy name Wagner Mello who's organ sounds fantastic. Powaybob, and FlpBusker (user names) on Youtube have the best videos.

These are mechanical instruments, no electronics at all. Paper roll music.

Sorry to hijack the thread....now back to our regularly scheduled program........
I just noticed that my Mars Pro II 320 Epistar has a very uneven intensity of its blue LED's. If anyone else has this light could you check yours to see if its the same the pictures below? I'm a bit worried that the blue LEDs may have started burning out. And I got this light second hand without warranty card so I'm pretty much screwed if they really have burned out.


Here is a pic with the LED's covered with paper for better comparison!
Don't worry surasonac, our proII320 has very stable quality. The blue lights don't use the same NM chips, so they are not the completely same chips, their intensity shows difference.
That's a relief haha. Thanks for the reply SmokeSara. I knew I must have been panicking over nothing haha. My previous two Mars Hydro lights are still going strong. Mars quality is great
We updated the Warranty details on our website, it is clearer for you to understand the steps of warranty and we prolong the warranty to 3 years :cheer:

Welcome to clicking this link to see details: Mars Hydro Warranty - Mars Hydro
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