About RedZedHead & Poll: Favorite Way To Consume Cannabis

What is your favorite way to consume cannabis?

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is already posted on my profile but I thought I'd put it here as well, and I added more to it.

About RedZedHead:
Over the past year I have been diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and cannabis has saved my life through that painful period. I am since on SSRI's and cannabis helps me control my panic attacks. Ever since middle school, I struggled with gut-wrenching stomach pain. My very busy recession-parents waved it off for many years. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrom) that I knew I had to watch what I was eating.

If I wasn't a regular user of medical Cannabis my life would be incredibly painful, and my mind, work, and friendships would be tortured. Cannabis makes it so I can enjoy my young life while I'm still young. I know this site is full of wise old stoners and I am listening carefully to their tales and lessons.

Ever since I was a young boy I loved playing in the dirt and that soon translated to gardening. At the age of 10 I had a wicked 4' x 8' outdoor fenced garden (that I convinced my dad to build). I grew strawberries, watermelon, dill, potatoes, and cucumbers (and the nauseating pickle attempt that followed). I loved gardening. Then puberty hit. Fast forward almost 12 years and I miraculously managed a 1 oz Ak-47 harvest with almost no resources and knowledge. Here's a bad pic under 20x.

Ever since that harvest any new attempts at further grows have been hopeless. I have been busy, but I knew I wasn't doing enough for my plants. I came here a week ago to learn more about DWC in anticipation of my newest grow, and I was learning something new with every click. I fell in love with the long-term community you guys have here and I know I had to make an account. Heads up, I have never been in a forum environment but I intend to follow the rules. Doesn't mean I won't fuck up lol.

Maybe some of you can relate to some of the following details about me
Where am I from? I live in a small northern college town in the states
Favorite way to consume cannabis: RAW 1 1/4 organic hemp cones! Take the poll, I want to know what you think!
Favorite music: rap, but I was raised on classic rock
First smoked cannabis: Too young! but not toooo young. believe it or not, I first consumed cannabis through dabs. after a small dab, I felt nothing. They said, "some people don't feel it the first time". As an avid listener of Joe Rogan, I said "that's horse ****. Give me another". Infamous last words. I was in love.
Favorite time to smoke: in the AM, I'm a morning person.
3 Favorite activities while high: talk with friends, write lyrics, listen/ watch podcasts
What smoking tips can a young new member to 420magazine offer?
1. We're all familiar with the bong, but adding a $20-$30 perc off of amazon makes the hits easier, less coughing, and a more flavorful taste. (just make sure you get either 14mm or 18mm to fit your stem). Check this out!

2. Moles! If you are not avert to smoking tobacco, maybe I can import this piece of college wisdom to you. Moles are just smoking tobacco mixed with cannabis in a bowl. usually a 50-50 mix. start slow because you can get a wicked head rush especially if you don't use nicotine regularly. I recommend smoking out of a bong, to make the hits tolerable. Of course, it turns the bowl to a green-brown mix, changing it from a bowl to a 'mole'. I am sure I'm not the first person to hear about/do this, so if you call it something different let me know!
Indica, Hybrid, or Sativa? Indica alllll the way. Sativa sometimes gives me panic attacks, thanks to GAD.
Unique fact: To add to my list of ailments, during my rough period with anxiety I was also diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome. This is actually quite harmless but to explain it simply, my liver doesn't pull out dead cells from my eyes as well as they should, so the whites of my eyes will sometimes turn yellow when I'm stressed, hungry, or tired.
This is important because it tends to block out any eye redness. I have to get very zooted before my eyes turn even the slightest tint of red. Talk about a superpower.
Thanks for reading. I can't wait to learn more.
Good to meet you.
I'm VG. :ciao:
Discovering edibles was a life changer for me. I have subluxation degeneration. Its a degeneration of the spinal column.
I will require multiple back surgeries throughout life. Edibles make my pain tolerable.
:welcome: Is there an “all of the above” option to your poll? :rofl: If I could, I would choose dab/concentrates and vape/cartridges for my consumption protocol. I end up eating too many edibles since I’m a really big guy with little patience who then wakes up on the couch 10 hours later wondering what happened. I seriously thought the guy behind the counter was joking when I bought a 1000mg brownie and told me to cut it up into a hundred servings. I thought it was impossible to cut up a 4”x4” brownie that small without making mush out of it so I just broke off a chunk the size of a shooter marble and are it. Fast forward 14 hours later and I’m waking up on my couch at 1 pm (thank god it was a Sunday) not knowing what had happened. Now I just stick to the 10mg edibles and eat a couple without any narcolepsy worries. I will admit it was really hard to pass up a $35 1000mg brownie that was actually the bought same day/420 special as my current grow’s bag seed came from.

Good luck in your grow!
Hey guys, this is already posted on my profile but I thought I'd put it here as well, and I added more to it.

About RedZedHead:
Over the past year I have been diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and cannabis has saved my life through that painful period. I am since on SSRI's and cannabis helps me control my panic attacks. Ever since middle school, I struggled with gut-wrenching stomach pain. My very busy recession-parents waved it off for many years. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrom) that I knew I had to watch what I was eating.

If I wasn't a regular user of medical Cannabis my life would be incredibly painful, and my mind, work, and friendships would be tortured. Cannabis makes it so I can enjoy my young life while I'm still young. I know this site is full of wise old stoners and I am listening carefully to their tales and lessons.

Ever since I was a young boy I loved playing in the dirt and that soon translated to gardening. At the age of 10 I had a wicked 4' x 8' outdoor fenced garden (that I convinced my dad to build). I grew strawberries, watermelon, dill, potatoes, and cucumbers (and the nauseating pickle attempt that followed). I loved gardening. Then puberty hit. Fast forward almost 12 years and I miraculously managed a 1 oz Ak-47 harvest with almost no resources and knowledge. Here's a bad pic under 20x.

Ever since that harvest any new attempts at further grows have been hopeless. I have been busy, but I knew I wasn't doing enough for my plants. I came here a week ago to learn more about DWC in anticipation of my newest grow, and I was learning something new with every click. I fell in love with the long-term community you guys have here and I know I had to make an account. Heads up, I have never been in a forum environment but I intend to follow the rules. Doesn't mean I won't fuck up lol.

Maybe some of you can relate to some of the following details about me
Where am I from? I live in a small northern college town in the states
Favorite way to consume cannabis: RAW 1 1/4 organic hemp cones! Take the poll, I want to know what you think!
Favorite music: rap, but I was raised on classic rock
First smoked cannabis: Too young! but not toooo young. believe it or not, I first consumed cannabis through dabs. after a small dab, I felt nothing. They said, "some people don't feel it the first time". As an avid listener of Joe Rogan, I said "that's horse ****. Give me another". Infamous last words. I was in love.
Favorite time to smoke: in the AM, I'm a morning person.
3 Favorite activities while high: talk with friends, write lyrics, listen/ watch podcasts
What smoking tips can a young new member to 420magazine offer?
1. We're all familiar with the bong, but adding a $20-$30 perc off of amazon makes the hits easier, less coughing, and a more flavorful taste. (just make sure you get either 14mm or 18mm to fit your stem). Check this out!

2. Moles! If you are not avert to smoking tobacco, maybe I can import this piece of college wisdom to you. Moles are just smoking tobacco mixed with cannabis in a bowl. usually a 50-50 mix. start slow because you can get a wicked head rush especially if you don't use nicotine regularly. I recommend smoking out of a bong, to make the hits tolerable. Of course, it turns the bowl to a green-brown mix, changing it from a bowl to a 'mole'. I am sure I'm not the first person to hear about/do this, so if you call it something different let me know!
Indica, Hybrid, or Sativa? Indica alllll the way. Sativa sometimes gives me panic attacks, thanks to GAD.
Unique fact: To add to my list of ailments, during my rough period with anxiety I was also diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome. This is actually quite harmless but to explain it simply, my liver doesn't pull out dead cells from my eyes as well as they should, so the whites of my eyes will sometimes turn yellow when I'm stressed, hungry, or tired.
This is important because it tends to block out any eye redness. I have to get very zooted before my eyes turn even the slightest tint of red. Talk about a superpower.
Thanks for reading. I can't wait to learn more.
Moles- Absolutely love lighting up a Marlboro after doing deep knee bend hits from a bong sucking in deep hits... The tobacco intensified my high taking it to the next level.. The cigarette also tastes lighter-smoother for some reason. The herb i was smoking had creeper effect giving me notice with a couple small rushes before the big one arrived. You wont believe it but he best bongish devise I ever smoked from was a home made jar bubbler for some reason may have been the right proportion but never coughed while doing one of those squatting knee bend hits standing up while drawing a hit into my lungs..


  • jar1.png
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:welcome: Is there an “all of the above” option to your poll? :rofl: If I could, I would choose dab/concentrates and vape/cartridges for my consumption protocol. I end up eating too many edibles since I’m a really big guy with little patience who then wakes up on the couch 10 hours later wondering what happened. I seriously thought the guy behind the counter was joking when I bought a 1000mg brownie and told me to cut it up into a hundred servings. I thought it was impossible to cut up a 4”x4” brownie that small without making mush out of it so I just broke off a chunk the size of a shooter marble and are it. Fast forward 14 hours later and I’m waking up on my couch at 1 pm (thank god it was a Sunday) not knowing what had happened. Now I just stick to the 10mg edibles and eat a couple without any narcolepsy worries. I will admit it was really hard to pass up a $35 1000mg brownie that was actually the bought same day/420 special as my current grow’s bag seed came from.

Good luck in your grow!

Haha I wish we had access to reliably dosed edibles here. usually if someone comes by with a 250 mg edible you're lucky if its even 100 mg.

Moles- Absolutely love lighting up a Marlboro after doing deep knee bend hits from a bong sucking in deep hits... The tobacco intensified my high taking it to the next level.. The cigarette also tastes lighter-smoother for some reason. The herb i was smoking had creeper effect giving me notice with a couple small rushes before the big one arrived. You wont believe it but he best bongish devise I ever smoked from was a home made jar bubbler for some reason may have been the right proportion but never coughed while doing one of those squatting knee bend hits standing up while drawing a hit into my lungs..
aww man I hate to admit it, but a camel crush is a go-to right after a nice dab/bong sesh.
I love moles. I've been mixing some tasty honey bourbon backwood tobacco into my moles and it tastes oh so good! I think a lot of people would agree with you by saying tobacco amplifies their high. That's why rappers like blunts so much :rofl:
My local smoke shop does this cool drawing on 4-20 at 4:20. They couldn't do it this year because of COVID. Last year, 1st prize was a 600$ jar bong like that but with colored glass fruit on the inside! the inhale was through a candy cane red straw just like back in the day! It was the coolest! they also had one that was an elephant - you hold onto the big ears and inhale through the trunk :rofl: I didn't win but it was fun to be apart of.
Haha I wish we had access to reliably dosed edibles here. usually if someone comes by with a 250 mg edible you're lucky if its even 100 mg.

aww man I hate to admit it, but a camel crush is a go-to right after a nice dab/bong sesh.
I love moles. I've been mixing some tasty honey bourbon backwood tobacco into my moles and it tastes oh so good! I think a lot of people would agree with you by saying tobacco amplifies their high. That's why rappers like blunts so much :rofl:
My local smoke shop does this cool drawing on 4-20 at 4:20. They couldn't do it this year because of COVID. Last year, 1st prize was a 600$ jar bong like that but with colored glass fruit on the inside! the inhale was through a candy cane red straw just like back in the day! It was the coolest! they also had one that was an elephant - you hold onto the big ears and inhale through the trunk :rofl: I didn't win but it was fun to be apart of.
Cigar store.. try a Jamaican Macanudo, a blond leafed, thinner size than the fatty's. Also a good shop will carry the cherry and whisky flavored thin's like a back woods.. I usually walk out with a few different things..
I used to smoke my cannabis with tobacco but have since moved to blunts as the tobacco use has begun to catch up with me. I'll probably end up vaping or something else in the future but for now I enjoy the art of rolling and sensation you get from smoking. Edibles ive found to be much more powerful but I just don't get the same satisfaction I get from rolling and lighting one up.
Like you I had serious issues regarding my mental health. I didn't really get a proper diagnosis but they would refer to it as clinical depression. I ended up going to several psychiatric appointments but they never could work out what was wrong. All that became apparent was that cannabis was the only thing which could help me to be normal. The doctors tried their hardest to persuade me to give it up and even went as far as to suggest that it was most likely the cannabis which was causing the problems. I tried to explain that I had the problems from a young age, way before I had even heard of drugs let alone cannabis lol. I was apparently a nervous toddler who hated social interaction and was only happy when I didn't think anyone was watching me lol. I tried SSRI's and several other meds but none worked and I just couldn't focus. Things got much worse and eventually I decided that growing cannabis was better than sitting back and suffering everyday. Cannabis is very expensive and is only available every now and then where I live and you always have to go and see an absolute prick to get some. I didn't want to associate with the kind of people who we're selling absolute crap anyway and took the plunge to grow my own.
I'm a completely different person now and managed to sort myself out with the help of our beloved herb. I know that I'm much better as I have had occasions where I have messed up a grow and been without cannabis for long periods of time and I don't feel the way I used to anymore. I would have seriously panicked during the first few years of growing if I was running out of bud but now I'm pretty cool with it.
Hope your brain decides to take it a little easier on you over the coming years Red.
Peace buddy
I used to smoke my cannabis with tobacco but have since moved to blunts as the tobacco use has begun to catch up with me. I'll probably end up vaping or something else in the future but for now I enjoy the art of rolling and sensation you get from smoking. Edibles ive found to be much more powerful but I just don't get the same satisfaction I get from rolling and lighting one up.
Like you I had serious issues regarding my mental health. I didn't really get a proper diagnosis but they would refer to it as clinical depression. I ended up going to several psychiatric appointments but they never could work out what was wrong. All that became apparent was that cannabis was the only thing which could help me to be normal. The doctors tried their hardest to persuade me to give it up and even went as far as to suggest that it was most likely the cannabis which was causing the problems. I tried to explain that I had the problems from a young age, way before I had even heard of drugs let alone cannabis lol. I was apparently a nervous toddler who hated social interaction and was only happy when I didn't think anyone was watching me lol. I tried SSRI's and several other meds but none worked and I just couldn't focus. Things got much worse and eventually I decided that growing cannabis was better than sitting back and suffering everyday. Cannabis is very expensive and is only available every now and then where I live and you always have to go and see an absolute prick to get some. I didn't want to associate with the kind of people who we're selling absolute crap anyway and took the plunge to grow my own.
I'm a completely different person now and managed to sort myself out with the help of our beloved herb. I know that I'm much better as I have had occasions where I have messed up a grow and been without cannabis for long periods of time and I don't feel the way I used to anymore. I would have seriously panicked during the first few years of growing if I was running out of bud but now I'm pretty cool with it.
Hope your brain decides to take it a little easier on you over the coming years Red.
Peace buddy
At the stage I'm at, if I wasn't on anti-depressants, even with cannabis my anxiety would be out of control.

Hope your brain decides to take it a little easier on you over the coming years Red.
I need it to take it easy on me. GAD causes so many complications in my life. Sometimes I wish my brain was a little bit more normal. Then I remember I'm awesome.
I'm trying to get my parents to become more accepting of my cannabis use. They haven't seen me in the past year without me having to use cannabis to control my anxiety. I ended up leaving after only 2 hours at thanksgiving dinner
Something that's really sad is that I get anxiety as soon as I enter my hometown city limits! :( I don't feel at home in my childhood home. and it hurts me and my parents.
I'm trying to make them understand while also being respectful of their feelings. the fact that I grow is definitely far too scary for them.

I'm good to go and these :yummy: keeps me on the right path. and @ProfessorFlora you are one of the few I look up to on this forum, believe it or not.
All happy thoughts and :love:
Hey guys, this is already posted on my profile but I thought I'd put it here as well, and I added more to it.

About RedZedHead:
Over the past year I have been diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and cannabis has saved my life through that painful period. I am since on SSRI's and cannabis helps me control my panic attacks. Ever since middle school, I struggled with gut-wrenching stomach pain. My very busy recession-parents waved it off for many years. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrom) that I knew I had to watch what I was eating.

If I wasn't a regular user of medical Cannabis my life would be incredibly painful, and my mind, work, and friendships would be tortured. Cannabis makes it so I can enjoy my young life while I'm still young. I know this site is full of wise old stoners and I am listening carefully to their tales and lessons.

Ever since I was a young boy I loved playing in the dirt and that soon translated to gardening. At the age of 10 I had a wicked 4' x 8' outdoor fenced garden (that I convinced my dad to build). I grew strawberries, watermelon, dill, potatoes, and cucumbers (and the nauseating pickle attempt that followed). I loved gardening. Then puberty hit. Fast forward almost 12 years and I miraculously managed a 1 oz Ak-47 harvest with almost no resources and knowledge. Here's a bad pic under 20x.

Ever since that harvest any new attempts at further grows have been hopeless. I have been busy, but I knew I wasn't doing enough for my plants. I came here a week ago to learn more about DWC in anticipation of my newest grow, and I was learning something new with every click. I fell in love with the long-term community you guys have here and I know I had to make an account. Heads up, I have never been in a forum environment but I intend to follow the rules. Doesn't mean I won't fuck up lol.

Maybe some of you can relate to some of the following details about me
Where am I from? I live in a small northern college town in the states
Favorite way to consume cannabis: RAW 1 1/4 organic hemp cones! Take the poll, I want to know what you think!
Favorite music: rap, but I was raised on classic rock
First smoked cannabis: Too young! but not toooo young. believe it or not, I first consumed cannabis through dabs. after a small dab, I felt nothing. They said, "some people don't feel it the first time". As an avid listener of Joe Rogan, I said "that's horse ****. Give me another". Infamous last words. I was in love.
Favorite time to smoke: in the AM, I'm a morning person.
3 Favorite activities while high: talk with friends, write lyrics, listen/ watch podcasts
What smoking tips can a young new member to 420magazine offer?
1. We're all familiar with the bong, but adding a $20-$30 perc off of amazon makes the hits easier, less coughing, and a more flavorful taste. (just make sure you get either 14mm or 18mm to fit your stem). Check this out!

2. Moles! If you are not avert to smoking tobacco, maybe I can import this piece of college wisdom to you. Moles are just smoking tobacco mixed with cannabis in a bowl. usually a 50-50 mix. start slow because you can get a wicked head rush especially if you don't use nicotine regularly. I recommend smoking out of a bong, to make the hits tolerable. Of course, it turns the bowl to a green-brown mix, changing it from a bowl to a 'mole'. I am sure I'm not the first person to hear about/do this, so if you call it something different let me know!
Indica, Hybrid, or Sativa? Indica alllll the way. Sativa sometimes gives me panic attacks, thanks to GAD.
Unique fact: To add to my list of ailments, during my rough period with anxiety I was also diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome. This is actually quite harmless but to explain it simply, my liver doesn't pull out dead cells from my eyes as well as they should, so the whites of my eyes will sometimes turn yellow when I'm stressed, hungry, or tired.
This is important because it tends to block out any eye redness. I have to get very zooted before my eyes turn even the slightest tint of red. Talk about a superpower.
Thanks for reading. I can't wait to learn more.
i also use cannabis For GAD i have other dis-noses i use it for as well
Hey guys, this is already posted on my profile but I thought I'd put it here as well, and I added more to it.

About RedZedHead:
Over the past year I have been diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and cannabis has saved my life through that painful period. I am since on SSRI's and cannabis helps me control my panic attacks. Ever since middle school, I struggled with gut-wrenching stomach pain. My very busy recession-parents waved it off for many years. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrom) that I knew I had to watch what I was eating.

If I wasn't a regular user of medical Cannabis my life would be incredibly painful, and my mind, work, and friendships would be tortured. Cannabis makes it so I can enjoy my young life while I'm still young. I know this site is full of wise old stoners and I am listening carefully to their tales and lessons.

Ever since I was a young boy I loved playing in the dirt and that soon translated to gardening. At the age of 10 I had a wicked 4' x 8' outdoor fenced garden (that I convinced my dad to build). I grew strawberries, watermelon, dill, potatoes, and cucumbers (and the nauseating pickle attempt that followed). I loved gardening. Then puberty hit. Fast forward almost 12 years and I miraculously managed a 1 oz Ak-47 harvest with almost no resources and knowledge. Here's a bad pic under 20x.

Ever since that harvest any new attempts at further grows have been hopeless. I have been busy, but I knew I wasn't doing enough for my plants. I came here a week ago to learn more about DWC in anticipation of my newest grow, and I was learning something new with every click. I fell in love with the long-term community you guys have here and I know I had to make an account. Heads up, I have never been in a forum environment but I intend to follow the rules. Doesn't mean I won't fuck up lol.

Maybe some of you can relate to some of the following details about me
Where am I from? I live in a small northern college town in the states
Favorite way to consume cannabis: RAW 1 1/4 organic hemp cones! Take the poll, I want to know what you think!
Favorite music: rap, but I was raised on classic rock
First smoked cannabis: Too young! but not toooo young. believe it or not, I first consumed cannabis through dabs. after a small dab, I felt nothing. They said, "some people don't feel it the first time". As an avid listener of Joe Rogan, I said "that's horse ****. Give me another". Infamous last words. I was in love.
Favorite time to smoke: in the AM, I'm a morning person.
3 Favorite activities while high: talk with friends, write lyrics, listen/ watch podcasts
What smoking tips can a young new member to 420magazine offer?
1. We're all familiar with the bong, but adding a $20-$30 perc off of amazon makes the hits easier, less coughing, and a more flavorful taste. (just make sure you get either 14mm or 18mm to fit your stem). Check this out!

2. Moles! If you are not avert to smoking tobacco, maybe I can import this piece of college wisdom to you. Moles are just smoking tobacco mixed with cannabis in a bowl. usually a 50-50 mix. start slow because you can get a wicked head rush especially if you don't use nicotine regularly. I recommend smoking out of a bong, to make the hits tolerable. Of course, it turns the bowl to a green-brown mix, changing it from a bowl to a 'mole'. I am sure I'm not the first person to hear about/do this, so if you call it something different let me know!
Indica, Hybrid, or Sativa? Indica alllll the way. Sativa sometimes gives me panic attacks, thanks to GAD.
Unique fact: To add to my list of ailments, during my rough period with anxiety I was also diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome. This is actually quite harmless but to explain it simply, my liver doesn't pull out dead cells from my eyes as well as they should, so the whites of my eyes will sometimes turn yellow when I'm stressed, hungry, or tired.
This is important because it tends to block out any eye redness. I have to get very zooted before my eyes turn even the slightest tint of red. Talk about a superpower.
Thanks for reading. I can't wait to learn more.
That double bowl action is sweet!
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