Am I ready for the switch?


New Member
Hi all, first time grower here.
Just wanted to get some educated opinions on whether I should switch now or not.
I've had the clones myself for 4 weeks now, They are all 10 inches each in height. I had a bit of newbie problems with nute burn at the start and the normal things new people go through (struggling with ph, temp, RH ...etc) But I'm all sorted now and everything's looking up.
So tonight marks the 4 weeks of me having the cuttings.
Big it time to switch 12/12 yet?

Thanks all.

oh 1 more thing, I have no idea if they are indica or sativa as different parts of the plants resemble both in my eyes so I can't really call it lol ... I'll let the experienced decide!

Thanks all
(ignore temp in image, just opened the tent and it dropped as I'm in the attic)
I think that you are to early to switch over. With that being said how tall is this tent and what type of light do you have. As in how much ceiling height ?
They would probably flower at this point, but they would only get maybe 1.5-2 times as large as they are now so you have to think with that small a plant it won't put on that much bud.

Going 12/12 from seed, plants start flowering at 3-4 weeks, about the size you have, and end up about 1.5-2 feet tall.
in that space they are not far from flower at all. I veg 4 weeks max from germination and still hit no less than 500g per 600w hps based on 4 plants per light. That is hydro and in a small space it will fill out when you flip. If plants are staying in that tent i would flip now. they will minimum double if not treble in size.
You said these were clones, correct? That will reduce the amount of stretch. I don't do hydro so I can't say how much difference. But I wouldn't expect more than 2x height, so you can wait a little and build more support for buds.

Also, if you misjudge height there are ways to deal with that later on, but you can't make a short plant bigger.
ok so I've measured from the top of the clay balls to the 600w HPS light and I have 45 inches to work with. So I'm assuming I need to minus 12 inches off that so that it doesn't grow too close to the light so now I've got 32 inches of growing height. If I wait until the plants are 12 inches they may grow to 24 inches or bigger, so should I let them get to 12 or do them all at 11"? some people say they may triple in size so that would be 33" If I done them at 11.

thanks for replies all.
yes but you dont really increase anything if you consider the extra veg time over a year and also you can only pull so much per square meter. Its just not necessary to top and mainline for extra yields and quality in any hydroponic set up including coco coir. Soil is different bEcause its so slow.

You will never see me veg more than 5 weeks ever from seed and 4 weeks from clone. I average 4 weeks from germination in seed and 2-3weeks from clone and i always hit minimum 500grams/m2 but average 600+. Ive grown thousands and thousands of plants and tried just about everything you can think of in hydroponics and coco growing. The only thing you need to do is bend the plants as they veg, its not even necessary to tie them down but it helps a little with stretchier strains. For example my Amnesia Haze is 3 weeks veg on Sunday from clone and its tied down as it will stretch like crazy when i flip it on sunday. But for most other strains that i grow i just bend. People spend far too much time doing things to plants that just arent necessary. Will it increase yields over standard growing where you do nothing? yes. But there are simple, fast ways to improve yield and canopy without slowing veg time much at all. I have yielding 16oz dry of plants in DWC with 14days veg from clone, they in one of my journals somewhere for evidence.
oh yeah, that goes without saying mate and that is preferable. I guess my point with hydro growing is that its much much faster than soil. you can only fit so much weed in a square meter and you dont need to spend a long time manipulating the plant, especially topping when you can max out the m2 without doing it. But again if people dont know how to do it then i can see why people top.

personally i think those techniques are better suited to soil growing.
Thanks for the help all.
I have switched to 12/12 based on the fact I have a limited grow height as I'm in the attic. I'd rather work out my height off the first grow and if I can get used to the strain a few grows down the line I can manage it better and know when to switch perfectly.
Cultivator I tried to PM you to say thanks personally pal but it wouldn't allow me. I'll let you know how it goes mate. I'm in the Wilma 4 Pot system with Aqua Vega. I've changed now to 12/12 so I'll change the nutes in a few weeks to bloom.
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