Asesino's Mystery Girl and Clones ScrOG - Coco Coir

Gonna need u when I defoliation. My plants are so thick with leaves I don't know what to do. Coming up on four weeks since seed pop. When or what are your triggers to do the defoliation. Do u do any defoliation in veg? Can't wait to see what the freebie gives u! Keep up the fantastic work.

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017

Now if you thought topping vs fimming caused a lot opinions then you will really get a mixed bag with defoliation. I'd guess there are a lot of people that think what I am doing is wrong.

In veg I pretty much defoliate them once a week and I take a ton off, pretty much all the fan leaves. This helps get light to everything so it stay compact and short. It also gets the plants used to getting leaves pulled so I can defol in flower without much shock.

In flower I am defoliating really heavy on day 14-16, kind of heavy on day 29-31 and then a lighter defoliation day 44-46. The plant does slow down for a couple days but I feel like it's worth it so that light gets to the whole plant. I'm a firm believer that light is the most important thing, why not make sure all the plant is getting light and not just the top? If light doesn't get to lower stuff it becomes really light green and to me it's not worth smoking. Since I use a ScrOG and can't rotate my plants it's especially important to me. If you can move your plants around you don't have to defol quite as much to make sure everything gets light.

I used to just randomly defol all the time but that's not a great idea. In veg that is fine but in flower that can slow the plant down unless done at the right times. What most people can agree on is that defoliating a little around day 15 flower is ok. After that it's all theories and opinions, like you've discovered with all your questions here on these forums.

If you are nervous about it just take the really big fan leaves off. The ones that really are blocking a lot of light. If I was you I'd defol a little here and there and then about a week before you want to flip do a larger defol. Let them recover and get healthy again and then flip.

I veg for 10 weeks because of the way my tents are setup. If I had another flower tent then I'd probably veg for 6-8 weeks. Really the key is flipping when the roots have filled the pots. Since I use fabric pots that is easy to tell where the roots are. It takes forever to fill them in much larger than a 3 gallon pot which is why that seems to be a good sweet spot for coco growers. 5 gallon seems to be that spot for soil. If you want giant plants you can grow with bigger pots but you need to veg a lot longer. Once again, just got to choose what works best for you and your space.
Thanks yea I have some huge fan leafs blocking everything m gonna pull the tonight. Do u pinch and pull or use shears and cut?

Shears for the bigger stuff and pinching for whatever I cant get to. I get rid of a lot of little growth on the inside that I know wont do anything and have to pinch it out. However this really doesn't matter too much. Either way is fine. You really can be rough on these girls they respond back pretty well, they are a weed after all and weeds love to grow in adversity.

Look at how bent out of shape that Chemdawg was a few weeks ago.

Now look at the tent. It's my prettiest structured plant. I defoliated hard yesterday. Already perky and looking really happy again. Point being that you could do some light defoliating for sure and the plant might not even notice.

Day 33/17/11 - The last few days have been pretty easy. Feed and water with my normal feedings. Nothing to really train or do at this point. The clones in my veg tent I'm excited to put into flower, they are pretty much ready. I've got to sit down and do some planning. I have autos and I think I can sneak an auto grow in without breaking the cycle of my flower tent (every 10 weeks). It'll cut a few weeks off of my vegging time but thats not a big deal either. Since I will be using root enhancers my pots will fill up quick.

The last bit of good news is that I have some bud enhancers coming tomorrow. I should have got these earlier but I was going to wait until next grow. I figured that I should just get them now and can start using a little bit as these are in mid flower and they can still help. I really like the structure of these girls so I want to give them whatever I can to help with the fattening while at the same time not going too overboard with a new thing! I try to start small and keep building on something.

The little one that is on day 11 is at the net now. I have it propped up on some plastic pots. I likely will remove the pots or put smaller ones underneath it. I don't want this to go over the net. Should see a few days of good growth now and then I will only do I small defoliation. Will be fun to see what it looks like because right now it is so bushy it's hard to tell. This is the first time I see salt all the way up to the top of the pot. Good sign.


The small Ayahuasca Purple will have far less tops than her sister. Remember that this one is propped up on smaller pots so even though it will likely be a little taller at the net, it is ultimately smaller overall. She should have bigger buds than her sister but that's probably going to be it. She was put into the tent at the same time but is a couple days behind in terms of budding.


The larger Ayahuasca Purple looks like a rectangle. I left a little bit on this plant that was below the net. Both of these sisters have bounced back really quick from the defoliation. Barely looks like they missed a beat and didn't slow hardly at all.


Lastly the freebie. I'm really attached to this plant. Maybe it's because I don't know what it is so I can't do any research on it, just sit back and watch. Right now I am in awe. I'm so happy with her.

Day 37/21/15/1 - Yeah there is a lot of numbers there now, I know. I flipped my veg tent to flower last night. After realizing I could probably sneak an auto grow in without messing up my 5 regular grows, I realized that I had to get it going yesterday to make that happen. I transplanted my Chemdawg clone to its final pot and then I flipped my lights to 12/12 last night. I know it's not ideal for the little clone but it's kind of an experiment. It's the other 3 clones I am excited about. No screen and all the training I need to do for shape has pretty much been done. These will just grow. Back left is Purple Trainwreck, back right is White Rhino and the front two are Chemdawg. If that is indeed the Purple Trainwreck (and I didn't mix it up) then I am excited for it, but really the star of this grow will be the larger Chemdawg.


I elevated the bigger Ayahusca Purple a few more inches. It was either that or I was going to have to cut a lot of undergrowth off. We will see how she responds but looks good so far. It was a little stressful for her I'm sure. Both of the older Ayahusca Purples are starting to show frostiness and smell. Love the frost on this strain.


Smaller Ayahuasca Purple

Smallest Ayahuasca Purpler just got her 14 day defoliation. Only took some bigger fan leaves off the top but exposed a ton of fresh greenage.


Lastly, the large freebie. I thought I'd see more budding right now. Instead the hairs just keep getting longer and whiter and thicker. That is a good sign and the hairs from some of the nodes are starting to bump into each other. I think I'll get to see some pretty decent colas on some of these. Expecting to see some of that budding here in the next week. All of the girls seem to be responding to the bud enhancers I am now using pretty well. It also seems like the net level nodes are similar size to the top nodes. That means they are getting plenty of light. That is likely why the budding isn't too noticeable yet, everything is growing evenly.


Stacks on stacks on stacks!!!

The top 4-5 nodes have started to grow into each other, maybe I will get some good sized colas after all! It just seems a little behind for where it should be in terms of days. It is a giant plant though and I have heavily defoliated this time so maybe it will go 10-11 weeks. I'm just going to take another puff and try not to worry about it.

Every time I see a perky Ayahuasca Purple leaf I think of you CK! 100% agree with you on how pretty that strains leaves are.
The top 4-5 nodes have started to grow into each other, maybe I will get some good sized colas after all! It just seems a little behind for where it should be in terms of days. It is a giant plant though and I have heavily defoliated this time so maybe it will go 10-11 weeks. I'm just going to take another puff and try not to worry about it.

Every time I see a perky Ayahuasca Purple leaf I think of you CK! 100% agree with you on how pretty that strains leaves are.

Haha that's great I love it! I bet those colas will be monsters by the looks of it! In about two weeks she's gonna be huge!

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Haha that's great I love it! I bet those colas will be monsters by the looks of it! In about two weeks she's gonna be huge!

Thanks for the continued support CK! Always positive vibes. You realize we've almost been doing this on here for a full year? Seems like just yesterday...
Well another great update by a great grower and neighbor in a great community!! Hope u get what u deserve. That freebie is gonna turn out spectacular. I need to update my journal. Just did a transplant to the three gallon soft pot because of your recommendations. The roots were pearly white but real close to being rootbound in the one gallon pot. And one of my three plants showed pistils in vegging. So I have at least one and hoping for one more out the three. Wouldn't of made it this far without your help and wanted to thank you. Everything u told me helped. The defoliation showed the benefits immediately and soon gonna clone the three then bloom. Hope u visit when I get a chance to update sometime tomorrow. Thanks n keep the updates packed full of knowledge!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
Thanks for the continued support CK! Always positive vibes. You realize we've almost been doing this on here for a full year? Seems like just yesterday...

Always! You know I'll always be around!

I can't believe it's almost been that long too... Right?!?! 1 whole year of growing experience and sharing it all here with this wonderful community!

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Well another great update by a great grower and neighbor in a great community!! Hope u get what u deserve. That freebie is gonna turn out spectacular. I need to update my journal. Just did a transplant to the three gallon soft pot because of your recommendations. The roots were pearly white but real close to being rootbound in the one gallon pot. And one of my three plants showed pistils in vegging. So I have at least one and hoping for one more out the three. Wouldn't of made it this far without your help and wanted to thank you. Everything u told me helped. The defoliation showed the benefits immediately and soon gonna clone the three then bloom. Hope u visit when I get a chance to update sometime tomorrow. Thanks n keep the updates packed full of knowledge!!

I'm glad you like the defoliation. I personally think it makes a big difference. With coco you are giving the plant everything it needs. Leaves are just there as a safety net so if the plant needs something it can pull from them. If you have a set schedule and have the feedings on point for each stage of the lifecycle, it is my opinion that the leaves aren't as essential as many people preach. You do have to have some for sure but I've seen grows where people defoliate harder than I do with great success.
Day 41/25/19/5 - At only 5 days into flower the clones, in my veg tent turned flower tent, are looking pretty perky. I am pretty excited to see what the really small Chemdawg clone will do. It's just for fun. The big Chemdawg is looking fantastic. Pretty proud of the training on that one. I brushed my hand against the one that is labeled Purple Trainwreck (and I thought was Ayahuasca Purple). It had the same exact smell as the Purple Trainwreck last grow. I thought I was pretty careful not to mix things up. If it is indeed the Purple Trainwreck it has way more stretch then it's mother. Hopefully it keeps it up because that would be a very pleasant surprise.

Chemdawg Mother and Clone

The Ayahuasca Purple clones are looking very white and frosty already. I can't remember a plant that had such vibrant white healthy hairs that I've grown. I think I started my bud enhancements at a great time for these two. I think it was a little late for the freebie. These also smell way sweeter than last grow. I'm excited to see how the finish compared to last time. I am going to be able to test and see the differences which will also be fun.

Larger Ayahuasca Purple

Smaller Ayahuasca Purple

I decided to do some backbuilding on the freebie. It seems like a logical thing to try. I did it on all but a few of the colas just to see the difference. For those that don't know what backbuilding is LA's Guide - Click Here!

The lights ended up being about 6-8" away at one point and I think that is what has made for the really thin leaves that are a little droopy on this girl. I moved the lights up to about 10" now. They are not dark green so I don't think its having too much nitrogen in bloom phase. I've limited the Nitrogen quite a bit. I also am going to just give her plain water today and tomorrow and see if there was any sort of salt build up or lockout starting. This is just precautionary as I really think it was the lights being too close. The leaves on the top layer are much different looking and droopier than the rest of the plant. By next update I think she will be fine and hopefully perky again. Just the tips are droopy as well so I know it's not under watering, the coco is also still just a little moist between feeds which I think is perfect. I've read some strains just have droopy leaves and not knowing what it is kind of sucks in this scenario but I'll adjust some things slightly and see if that helps. Nothing looks burnt or anything.

Lovely looking ladies! I did some backbuilding on my Delicious Candy this last grow and I really like what I saw! The only thing is that was my first time growing that strain so I don't know what the buds look like normally. All in all they were super fat though!

Hopefully you'll get the same affect as I did with the back building method! Have a good one homie!

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Lovely looking ladies! I did some backbuilding on my Delicious Candy this last grow and I really like what I saw! The only thing is that was my first time growing that strain so I don't know what the buds look like normally. All in all they were super fat though!

Hopefully you'll get the same affect as I did with the back building method! Have a good one homie!

Not knowing what strain it is is driving me nuts. It's hard to diagnose anything that's happening to it. Whereas I can tell my Ayahuasca Purple clones are way frostier and smell sweeter than my last grow. They look very healthy and I think my less is more strategy is paying off as well as my additives.

Glad you had good results with back building. I'm sure it will help. Makes complete sense.
Day 45/29/23/9 - I will admit that with the freebie looking a bit droopy I was very hesitant to do the day 45 defoliation. It's a fairly light defoliation but I just don't like doing stuff like that unless the plant looks 100% healthy. I went through with it anyways though because I'm really trying to stay on a schedule. I also started using a new PH pen and I think my other one was slightly off. I have PH solution coming so I can tell for sure but that might have caused some droopiness if it wasn't able to absorb some of the lower end nutrients. If it's true I was pHing around 6.1-6.3 instead of 5.7-5.9. Not a huge deal. Still don't see any signs of burn and the leaves are still a good color green. The Ayahuasca Purples looking happy and healthy with no droop.

Day 45 defoliation

Ayahuasca Purple Day 29. I defoliated them today as well.

Flower Tent #2 Day 9

Ayahuasca Purple Cola starting to get really frosty and a little bit of purple tips already. No backbuilding done on them yet.

Lower stuff on freebie looking great due to backbuilding. Defoliation to the bottom should help continue to get good light down there. Excited to see these bulk up.
Looking good Asesino as always! Hey maybe it's a freebie for a reason. Either way looks like she is still producing. Keep up the great work. Always look forward to your updates!!

After getting my PH calibration kit I thought I was measuring at 5.8 while in reality it was probably 6.3. Likely the plants are not able to absorb Phosphorous or Manganese really well because of it. I think it had to do with that a little bit. Luckily 6.3 isn't crazy off. Can't wait to get this back in line though and see if they bounce back a little.

My other plants all look fine with no droop but they had lots of leaves to pull from. The disadvantage to heavy defoliation is there is much less of that safety net so things need to do more dialed. Looking forward to the last few weeks now.
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