Blaze's Perpetual High Brix Empire

I'd wait out the flowers you have now until they are finished.

Bush in hand
worth 2 in the pot.

On your ambers - there are 3 different types of trichomes. They have different shapes and smaller ones on the sugar leaves usually amber first. I don't really go by them I look at the trichomes on the outside of the calyx (bract) - the female bit that the pistols are coming out of.

If you have some white pistols and also some orange pistols, look on the outside of those 2 calyx and see the difference in trichomes.

I don't mind harvesting with all 3 - a little clear, mostly cloudy and smattering of amber. But thats just me. I like a little lift off followed by exciting flight and a proper 2 foot landing, hopefully with a head to pillow follow thru. lol

I don't go by the trichomes on the sugars, I just like to see some ambers there.

Also look at the shape of the calyx. They should look plump and fatty like she's ready to turn into a seed. Once the pistols are amber the calyx begins to shrivel followed by all the trichomes loosing some potency.

So for me I first look at the fatty calyx. If there are ambers on the sugars, its a pretty good sign get the loopers out.

But then I pace back and forth.... are they done? are they done?
Put the loppers down and step back slowly.

You cant fix an early harvest. I've never been dissapointed waiting a little longer.
I'd wait out the flowers you have now until they are finished.

Bush in hand
worth 2 in the pot.

On your ambers - there are 3 different types of trichomes. They have different shapes and smaller ones on the sugar leaves usually amber first. I don't really go by them I look at the trichomes on the outside of the calyx (bract) - the female bit that the pistols are coming out of.

If you have some white pistols and also some orange pistols, look on the outside of those 2 calyx and see the difference in trichomes.

I don't mind harvesting with all 3 - a little clear, mostly cloudy and smattering of amber. But thats just me. I like a little lift off followed by exciting flight and a proper 2 foot landing, hopefully with a head to pillow follow thru. lol

I don't go by the trichomes on the sugars, I just like to see some ambers there.

Also look at the shape of the calyx. They should look plump and fatty like she's ready to turn into a seed. Once the pistols are amber the calyx begins to shrivel followed by all the trichomes loosing some potency.

So for me I first look at the fatty calyx. If there are ambers on the sugars, its a pretty good sign get the loopers out.

But then I pace back and forth.... are they done? are they done?
Put the loppers down and step back slowly.

You cant fix an early harvest. I've never been dissapointed waiting a little longer.

Oh ok awesome thanx for that bit of info that really helps me out a ton. So lmao ive been growing herb totally wrong this whole time lmao. Well not totally wrong but thats prolly why my yields and sometimes quality arent always the best lol. Ive always been going by the leaves once they get a tad of amber dwn she comes. Man im kicking myself in the ass now thinkn of how much bud ive sacrificed due to prolly harvesting 2 early haha. Well shit brother thanx for the wake up call and good growers lesson lol.
I'd wait out the flowers you have now until they are finished.

Bush in hand
worth 2 in the pot.

On your ambers - there are 3 different types of trichomes. They have different shapes and smaller ones on the sugar leaves usually amber first. I don't really go by them I look at the trichomes on the outside of the calyx (bract) - the female bit that the pistols are coming out of.

If you have some white pistols and also some orange pistols, look on the outside of those 2 calyx and see the difference in trichomes.

I don't mind harvesting with all 3 - a little clear, mostly cloudy and smattering of amber. But thats just me. I like a little lift off followed by exciting flight and a proper 2 foot landing, hopefully with a head to pillow follow thru. lol

I don't go by the trichomes on the sugars, I just like to see some ambers there.

Also look at the shape of the calyx. They should look plump and fatty like she's ready to turn into a seed. Once the pistols are amber the calyx begins to shrivel followed by all the trichomes loosing some potency.

So for me I first look at the fatty calyx. If there are ambers on the sugars, its a pretty good sign get the loopers out.

But then I pace back and forth.... are they done? are they done?
Put the loppers down and step back slowly.

You cant fix an early harvest. I've never been dissapointed waiting a little longer.

Actually i had another question or 2 lol. Can a plant hermie without making any nanners. Also can a plant seed itself but not get any others seeded cause i dnt see any seeds being made on any of my other plants that where flowering out with my GSC clone. but i think it hermied or sumthn but i never found a nanner. An plus none of my other plants as far as i can tell n ive lookd pretty gud have any seeds forming.
Ok so let the girls go abit longer but they prolly cuda went even longer like another week or so. But im leaving an have to leave the girls in my uncles care so definitely didnt wana take a chance n ruin these girls an all my hard work. So guna leave an instruction sheet on how to feed the veg girls i think he shud be fine with doing hahaha. But yea here are the girls right b4 i cut them n washed them

So up first we got the White Alien's. I left some leaves on these girls to keep for concentrate or oil or what have you.

Then here is the Ice Cream also right b4 the cut an wash. I left leaves on the White Alien's but the Ice Cream made more frost on the buds versus the leaves. So not fully disappointed since the buds are frosty as shizz lol. Just not alot of trim to keep with this strain. But thats ok since the buds kinda make up for it. So im hoping the buzz is gud an these end up pretty potent.

I'd wait out the flowers you have now until they are finished.

Bush in hand
worth 2 in the pot.

On your ambers - there are 3 different types of trichomes. They have different shapes and smaller ones on the sugar leaves usually amber first. I don't really go by them I look at the trichomes on the outside of the calyx (bract) - the female bit that the pistols are coming out of.

If you have some white pistols and also some orange pistols, look on the outside of those 2 calyx and see the difference in trichomes.

I don't mind harvesting with all 3 - a little clear, mostly cloudy and smattering of amber. But thats just me. I like a little lift off followed by exciting flight and a proper 2 foot landing, hopefully with a head to pillow follow thru. lol

I don't go by the trichomes on the sugars, I just like to see some ambers there.

Also look at the shape of the calyx. They should look plump and fatty like she's ready to turn into a seed. Once the pistols are amber the calyx begins to shrivel followed by all the trichomes loosing some potency.

So for me I first look at the fatty calyx. If there are ambers on the sugars, its a pretty good sign get the loopers out.

But then I pace back and forth.... are they done? are they done?
Put the loppers down and step back slowly.

You cant fix an early harvest. I've never been dissapointed waiting a little longer.

Hey brother how goes it over on ur end good i hope ill have to swing by the journal after i update mine here in a sec with the veg girls. An oh guess what i got the Mandarin Cookies now flipped to flower. I flipped her on the 7th. So things should be on a roll now. I got her an my White Berry and my L.A S.A.G.E CBD now in flower. And soon ill be flipping 2 Sweet Tooths and 2 Red Leicester Tease. Jus trying to let them bulk up alot i wana get them jus freakishly big lol then ill flip them. But still things are chugging along over here.

Now time to get back to the gud stuff the girls and the pics lol.

Up first we got my L.A S.A.G.E CBD now in flower. An i gotta say she is really stacking the nodes nice and tight. She is making some nice sized colas i cant wait to see how much they frost out. I hope she stretches alil more it would really be nice to see those nice long frosty fat colas all you big time highbrix/Los growers keep getting lol. Im in hopes of the Mandarin Cookies clone u gifted me of getting those really long giant colas u always have in ur garden jus flopping all over the place. Am if not then this girl here im in hopes of doing u proud lol. If it wasnt for you showing me the way to organics and starting me off with some great meds i would have never thought this way was better/tastier n over all jus better bud come harvest lol. An if done right the yields are fantastic which who complains of havn more bud ya no lol. But yea man thanx for all the help and encouragement along the way ive greatly appreciated it.

Now here we got the big girl herself. Here is the Mandarin Cookies clone. I vegged her for about 3 months or so give or take n check how beastly she is lol. I prolly could have flipped her b4 now but i wanted to get some nice long colas. I was also trying to tighten the node spaces as well so I could get a super long fat cola that is all solid bud. I wana get those 3 to 5 foot colas u see some people on here growing. They are just beasts and its all solid bud. Each time i let my plants grow out super tale they jus make alot of side branches n those branches usually end up with big gapes inbetween the buds. Till u get to the main top of the plant if i didnt top it then i might get a really nice fat cola sometimes long sometimes not. But i see others with fat long colas sticking out all over on a plant i wana learn how to do that. Is it jus strain specific like certain strains jus make big fat colas where as others make big fat buds or what got any tips or pointers brother. I could use the help lol.

And here is my White Berry also jus flipped to flower on the 7th.

Then here is the veg girls. Up first we got my dual Red Leicester Tease in a 30 gallon tote filled with 25 gallons of highbrix soil. Im trying to make a perfect even canopy but i also wanted more tops. So i since i was topping certain braches anyway i decided to go with jus cutting the whole top all even. In hopes of seeing if that will give me an even canopy along with more bud tops. And from what ive read online about this strain is its pretty powerful and alot of people like it appearntly lol. Cause it took me like almost a year of waiting for it to be available. Cause every chance i had to look at it as soon as i would see they were available i would try an order some an by the time i would get back ready to make the order they would be out again. An finally one day it was available on the day i got my check so i put everything off an made a seed order right then an there :rofl: :rofl:. But yea so far its seeming worth it cause she is growing like a beast. Altho i reccomend start training her early. Or you can end up with a giant beast of a plant but the branches are like hollow so breack easily. Unless they harden up during flower i would think that would be a bad thing. Cause i let mine get alil bigger then i wanted to without much training. Am when i went to train her i ended up breaking 3 branches while trying to do some LST n pin some branches down. So that was when i decided to go for the more tops and an even canopy an trimmed her all the way back to where i felt nice hard sturdy branches. Then with the new growth i could train right away they would have the best sturdy base i could give them. plus then I was able to train the new branches sooner so they werent as hollow an weak as b4 an now look we got ourselves a beast here in the making lol.

Then here is the dual Sweet Tooths i got in a 30 gallon tote. The girl on the right is growing like dam beast super fast super tall an bushy. Plus massive amount of side branching so a very gud specimen for breeding as long as the buds are quality. Which as ive been reading Sweet Tooth seems to be a pretty potent strain an gud medically so im in hopes the clones from this girl really make it. Plus the left girl is shorter but maybe that means she will give me those tight fat long colas ive been wanting. So either way im in hopes of both clones making it lol.

Im thinking since im starting up my breeding program again i wana make some organic fem seeds using docs kit. I bet those seeds will be super healthy and strong. But anyway since im starting that up again im guna hit a few of these clones so i dont lose these new strains. The White Alien's and the White Berry plus the Mandarin Cookies i cant lose that lol plus these 3 the Sweet Tooth an R.L.T and my CBD strain L.A. S.A.G.E CBD. But then the major work will be with my autos. Im planing on doing an auto run using docs kit. Jus need to wait for soil to finish cooking then ill start. But i wana create an auto chem cross an i already got stardawg auto which is a cross of chemdawg 4 x with a tres dawg cut so ill be able 2 have my auto chem for quick needs lol. But i also wana make one with a twist i was thinking some kind of berry or a purple strain of some sorts but im guna be putting in the work so i dont lose to much of the chemdawg in her. Im trying to keep as much chem in her as possible while being able to tweek it alil an see what i can come up with. Then ill also be doing a photo chem as well. @Pennywise suggested I go with chem 91 s1 from Humboldt csi i believe for a gud photo chem. Jus waiting till i got the funds for an xtra seed purchase for that or some kind of good chem anyway lol. But for now i got the seeds to start my auto chem. One idea i was tossing around is since i love Bluedream so much an i got i think 2 BD auto seeds left was maybe using those to make a cross with the Stardawg. Some Bluedream chem man that shit would jus knock u into the dirt lmao. The Bluedream auto i got is my all time favorite of all my seeds i currently have am ive been saving my last 2 BD auto seeds so i vould jus make more BD auto seeds but this sounds like it would be way way more fun and beneficial lol.
Oh looky what showed up in the mail 2day. I got my highbrix super order i got a big bottle each of the cat drench and trans n growth drench as well. Plus got another bag of recharge and then some third run ammendment. So it seems 2day is guna be a soil mixxing day get this second run soil back cooking so i can get ready for my auto run with the third run soil. Oh boy i cant wait lol but yea here is my super order i got today. Man this cat drench bottle is so dam big. It will last me 5 years lmao.

Actually i had another question or 2 lol. Can a plant hermie without making any nanners. Also can a plant seed itself but not get any others seeded cause i dnt see any seeds being made on any of my other plants that where flowering out with my GSC clone. but i think it hermied or sumthn but i never found a nanner. An plus none of my other plants as far as i can tell n ive lookd pretty gud have any seeds forming.

There were prolly nanners. A hermi is an Hermaphrodite. The plant will have (loosly) 1/2 male and 1/2 female flowers and bits. Pretty obvious there's something different going on.

Those plants should be culled.

Sorry if that's not PC but we talking plant world.

What probably happened is you there was a nanner produced close to the stem or main stem early in flower. The plant then grew female flowers around the nanner. You get like 1 or 2 seeds if you're lucky 5 seeds and there are very few of those sites on the whole plant.

The seeds are what is called "S1 fems" in the cannabis world.

Those seeds are worthy to grow out and clone if you like where they came from.

The hermi gene is not going to be selected/promoted as its a recessive trait in all cannabis.

Some plants nanner traits are more prone or maybe promoted by environmental conditions. Some plants like a 120 day Sativa will nanner if you sneeze in the flower room after 90 days.

The cookies variants I've run don't like it hot. All I do is keep the lowdow n LAF trimed up tidy to the stems down low. I'll get S1 seeds on hybrids in the heat too.

Nanners aren't viable enough to pollinate neighboring plants even with high air flow.
my opinion ....

You have every thing dialed in brother.

Steady the ship. full steam ahead.

Pray for the good weather.

Flowers FTW! :passitleft:
There were prolly nanners. A hermi is an Hermaphrodite. The plant will have (loosly) 1/2 male and 1/2 female flowers and bits. Pretty obvious there's something different going on.

Those plants should be culled.

Sorry if that's not PC but we talking plant world.

What probably happened is you there was a nanner produced close to the stem or main stem early in flower. The plant then grew female flowers around the nanner. You get like 1 or 2 seeds if you're lucky 5 seeds and there are very few of those sites on the whole plant.

The seeds are what is called "S1 fems" in the cannabis world.

Those seeds are worthy to grow out and clone if you like where they came from.

The hermi gene is not going to be selected/promoted as its a recessive trait in all cannabis.

Some plants nanner traits are more prone or maybe promoted by environmental conditions. Some plants like a 120 day Sativa will nanner if you sneeze in the flower room after 90 days.

The cookies variants I've run don't like it hot. All I do is keep the lowdow n LAF trimed up tidy to the stems down low. I'll get S1 seeds on hybrids in the heat too.

Nanners aren't viable enough to pollinate neighboring plants even with high air flow.
my opinion ....

You have every thing dialed in brother.

Steady the ship. full steam ahead.

Pray for the good weather.

Flowers FTW! :passitleft:

Awesome that has me relieved i was thinking oh great im guna go to break open a nice fat bud of the White Alien's and BOOM a shit ton of beaners lol. But so far they look gorgeous and tastey as hell. An thats even without a cure. They are jus getn ready for the jar in the next day or 2 but dam do they stink lol.
Ok so here is the Ice Cream all dried and going into the jar but first we do the weigh in. An not to bad a yield i guess. Considering i broke off one of the main branches when i flipped her to flower an lost half the plant then 2 ounces of some fully dried top shelf meds isnt that bad lol.

Then here we got my Mandarin Cookies clone. I was lucky enough to be gifted one from a good friend on here and an amazing master organic grower @bobrown14 . I jus flipped herto flower on the 7th am she is stacking nodes pretty nicely. An im surprised at how tight they are staying even tho she is having a gud amount of stretch. So i bet she will be making some nice fatty colas in the near future here lol. Thanx brother for this cut its been a great addition to the family. Specially since i lost my normal GSC i had going. I got 5 freebies awhile back i think it was for a sponsored run for sum1 but cant remember who right this sec. But they also gave me 3 seeds of some GirlScoutCookies but it said ape origins on it an i never got an answer as to what tht meant. But once i ran them i got one female an it had jus the most exotic flavor an smell. It was GSC but had a grapey flavor once cured. I noticed it took about 3 to 4 weeks curing to bring it out but one time i let it sit for about a month wen i went to smoke it it was very grapey flavored so started making clones. Well then one day i wanted to make some photo fem seeds of her so popped my last 3 an got the male i wanted an some how i must have gotten lables mixxed up or sumthn cause now all my GSC clones are turning out male. So idk how i lost my female but i did. So this litterally was like a sign lmao i lose my normal GSC but was then gifted a GSC cross cut lol. So cudnt have came at a better time am look how gud she is doing. Plus i made sure to get some cuts of her b4 i made the flip.

An here is my White Berry that i jus flipped to flower on the 7th. An already we got some buds starting to form on her. So i bet she guna be a quick one atleast lets hope right lol.

Then here we got some L.A S.A.G.E CBD budporn and trich shots.

An here is some trich shots of the L.A S.A.G.E CBD.

Hey there Blaze - you got the colas on that CDB gear going pretty good. Thats gonna be an epic haul.

The Mandarin Cookies has some inter-nodal spacing so gonna be nuggs. Easy to trim.

You got Docs kit cooking there bud. Looks great.

Here's a pic of my Mandarin Cookie clone I'm getting close to chop. Its a clone sister of the one you have. She's gonna be a good one. This is good weed too. Makes me happy and feel good.

The 3rd pic shows the bud spacing. Basically gonna be a tree of nuggs which I like at the trim table.

Hey there Blaze - you got the colas on that CDB gear going pretty good. Thats gonna be an epic haul.

The Mandarin Cookies has some inter-nodal spacing so gonna be nuggs. Easy to trim.

You got Docs kit cooking there bud. Looks great.

Here's a pic of my Mandarin Cookie clone I'm getting close to chop. Its a clone sister of the one you have. She's gonna be a good one. This is good weed too. Makes me happy and feel good.

The 3rd pic shows the bud spacing. Basically gonna be a tree of nuggs which I like at the trim table.

Oh jesus man that is some beautiful budporn right there congrats brother. I hope mine turns out even half that good lol. And a tree of nugs hmmm that sounds like something that I could get behind lmao. Shit if it ends up frosty like what u posted then ill definitely be wanting to save this strain. So ill be using clones of this strain to make fem pollen then some fem beans. But yea brother congrats on that beauty u got there and im sure the others are all fire as per usual lol.
Frosty nugs in your forecast... I forgot to ask. Did you take cuts?

You got this.

With Docs kit gonna be goodn's come harvest time.

Oh u know it lol. I managed to get cuts to take from all of them except my white berry those im still waiting for the roots to pop out. Altho idk if they are guna root for sure or not. The cuts are lookn alil sickly now so mite jus chuck em am get new seeds an jus start fresh with new genetics. i jus got from fast buds Rhino Ryder an some Zkittles auto beans on the way so that will be a good treat soonish lol. Plus i jus started germing another stardawg auto and a smoothie auto jus popped up so should be some good meds in my near future.
Then Mandarin Cookies is a good one to clone. I got my best ever turnout.

Last time I took cuts I got like 9 out of 10 to root. Just wait them out. Mine look almost dead then they aren't. Just about to toss them bam, roots.

Its good weed too... lol
Then Mandarin Cookies is a good one to clone. I got my best ever turnout.

Last time I took cuts I got like 9 out of 10 to root. Just wait them out. Mine look almost dead then they aren't. Just about to toss them bam, roots.

Its good weed too... lol

Haha thays funny i was thinking when i took clones i always take like 5 or 6 of each to make sure atleast 1 roots. Well wen i went to plant clones i found out this was the only strain that had every single one make roots and big ones to. It got very long pretty quickly i was surprised lol.

But yea here we got my L.A S.A.G.E CBD now on day 40 of flower. I forgot that her last feeding i wanted to start her cat drenche. So she will be almost at 6weeks in flower wjen she gets her cats so we will see how waiting alil longer affects her. Hopefully its not in a bad way but man she is bulky and frosting up like crazy. I cant wait to see her come harvest lol.

Then here we got my White Berry in flower. She is stacking buds pretty nicely and getting frosty as hell already. I havent even started her cats yet so i bet she is guna be a gud yielder an gud quality.

An here is a few trich shots.

Then here is the Mandarin Cookies clone. I got her flipped to flower now an she is putting on a nice stretch. The buds are starting to form an already getting pretty sparkly an frosty i bet she yields pretty gud.

Then here we got my other little tent with two 30 totes in there flipped to flower now. I got 2 Red Leicester Tease and 2 Sweet Tooth in each tote. An man are they stretching like crazy. Im glad i got the big pheno of Sweet Tooth cloned cause she is getting huge an stacking nodes real nice. Plus the R.L.T are getting big an have a good amount of stretch when they flip to flower. So with a decent veg time this strain can have the potential to get massively beastly. So up first is the family shot then the R.L.T then the Sweet Tooth.

Here is the R.L.T

This is the Sweet Tooth but i mislabeled them when i was uploading them to 420magazine lol i put them as the White Alien's even tho they are the Sweet Tooths lol.


Dang we had an early riser today lol. Hows everys day going so far good i hope. I planed to try an do some yard work 2day outside in the garden but all of a sudden it jus starts down pouring out there. So no yard work but i got some training i could do on some veg girls i got going an a few autos i started. I got some going tiwards the breeding project im starting up an then jus some to grow out for bud lol. But either way ill have a tastey auto treat to look forward to.

Looking good brother. You got it dialed in.

Almost got the whole garden the way i want it jus need to get like 2 or 3 more QB lights then my whole garden veg an flower will be covered in great lighting. But yea things are starting to really rock forward around here now lol.

Did u notice with the Mandarin Cookies was she a big eater or no? I dont wana push my clone 2 far an it die off or sumthn. But since its still young ill be starting off really slow anyway lol.
Looking good brother. You got it dialed in.

Hey brother hope ur weekend is going gud. I had a question about the Mandarin Cookies clone. Did urs turn purple at all around the edges? Cause mine has some purple tinges coming around the tips and edges. She was looking so good a day after a brix foiler i had to take some pics of her lol. The last pic is of how tight the nodes are on the colas. I cant wait to see her done this is a great strain thanx again brother.

Then here is the White Berry also making some nice colas and lookn shiney after her brix foiler yesterday.

Then here is both of the Sweet Tooths the tall and the shorter pheno. I notice the shorter one has way tighter nodes and started to flower quicker the the tall pheno. So i figured id try an cross them both with each other to get the combined traits of both in one plant.

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