Blue Dream x Tutankhamon x Green Crack

Welcome! Thanks for your input! I can't wait for the result! I ve been very patient till now as I want nice plants looking in health to produce gorgeous buds! I took time to select which strain I would grow. Saw different websites making top 10, top 100 etc... I also wanted strains that doesn't knock you out. I love the green crack. It s the best weed I ve smoked so far. I had tastes strawberry cough etc... But it wasn't as good. Maybe it s because that time I was the one who grew it :p!
This is what I would like to achieve! I wish I could find the grow journal of that plant! It s taken from the growweedeasy defoliating article :


I know it is an indica so I may not have buds that big with my mostly sativa plants. However we can always dream! When I did the training of the ladies I had this plant in my mind. I hope to see one of mine like that before harvest. All my ladies have at least 10 strong tops growing plus smaller ones. It will hopefully develop like on the picture!

You can certainly achieve that. You're well on your way.

Here's where–for me–it's hard to leave them alone and let them do whatever it is they do. They look pretty darn good to me. Keep it up.
You can certainly achieve that. You’re well on your way.

Here’s where—for me—it’s hard to leave them alone and let them do whatever it is they do. They look pretty darn good to me. Keep it up.

Thank you very much for the hope you give me! In fact at that period it s hard as I have to be patient and let things happen!

Currently no feeding last and next watering as they look so healthy with all the leaves looking perfect so the roots may have reached the new soil and started spreading in this brand new fresh oasis!
Doing great man. Just keep doing what you have been doing and keep an eye on the girls they will reward you for your patience. One of the hardest part of the grow is waiting or the girls to finish off. Most plants go for at least 1 week longer than the breeders advertise.

If you don't have one yet make sure you get a good Loupe or clip on microscope for your phone so you can check out the Trichomes to determine your harvest date.
Doing great man. Just keep doing what you have been doing and keep an eye on the girls they will reward you for your patience. One of the hardest part of the grow is waiting or the girls to finish off. Most plants go for at least 1 week longer than the breeders advertise.

If you don't have one yet make sure you get a good Loupe or clip on microscope for your phone so you can check out the Trichomes to determine your harvest date.

Thanks mate. I already have a little x60 magnifier. I used it on my first grow. It's mandatory haha! In fact I could see that in live as all the plants took a week longer. Except one green crack. The one I had defoliated finished earlier. I would really like to see defoliation comparison of two plants. One in soil and other one in dwc. Things get way faster in dwc so plants recover quicker. Soil is longer so I guess best results for massive defo seem to be in dwc from all the posts I have read so far.

Anyway thanks again for your support and sharing. It helps a lot being patient!
In my last grow I had 1 DWC and 1 Soil. I thought it would be a good comparison but they were different types - Platinum OG and Girl Scout cookies. The DWC was about 40% larger than the GSC (thicker stem, taller and more branches). The DWC did produce about 1 ounce more than soil. It would have been a better experiment to compare to of the same plant.

I'm growing in CoCo this go round (only at 3 weeks) and finding results real similar to DWC.

Your plants are really looking great and can't wait to start seeing pictures of the trichomes.
In my last grow I had 1 DWC and 1 Soil. I thought it would be a good comparison but they were different types - Platinum OG and Girl Scout cookies. The DWC was about 40% larger than the GSC (thicker stem, taller and more branches). The DWC did produce about 1 ounce more than soil. It would have been a better experiment to compare to of the same plant.

I'm growing in CoCo this go round (only at 3 weeks) and finding results real similar to DWC.

Your plants are really looking great and can't wait to start seeing pictures of the trichomes.

OH great comparison. I think it is interesting even if it s not the same strain. Whatever it seems logical dwc would give better results than soil as I guess in the water, the roots can spread faster as they don't have to create a path like in soil. They also maybe have faster access to nutrients as they don't have to take it from the soil and transform it. And as we all know a good root system is the base of a healthy and thick plant! I think I had bad results with defo of green crack cause I did it while the plant was struggling with bad pH. I thought the color it had was maybe due to genetic. At that time I didn't have ph meter and I hadn't read the tons of articles and forums I have now. When I look at the current green crack and the size and health of the leaves I understand better why the plant may not have had enough time to recover and take benefit from defoliation. The pots were also smaller so maybe she also didn't have enough to place to develop more roots. Those that maybe would have allowed to heal and develop more buds. Anyway that time things are way different and with the space I have I think I have done my best so it should go well!

Pics will come during the weekend as more changes will have occurred
Yea...we learn more and more every day. It is incredible the resources here at :420:

I liked DWC but for me it was a lot of work as I was changing out my solution on a weekly basis. I was using a hand pump and shall I say it was tedious. Near the end of the grow I bought an electric pump that really helped a lot.

My current grow is 6 plants in a 4x4 tent. I really don't think I would have been able to do DWC with this small of a tent which was the main reason I switched to CoCo. I may go back to DWC in my smaller tent (3x3) and just run 2 plants.

Look forward to seeing the pictures this weekend.
As usual to make time going by faster, I spent hours reading about weed. I was thinking of maybe pinching some branches (not entirely supercropping) as I read this has more effects than just lst as it allows the plant to push more food to the branches that were supercropped after healing etc... The plant thicken and form a kind of wider path than before in the branch. But I remembered that when I had removed all big fan leaves during vegg the plants had already thicken a lot. I can see this on each branch base. So I guess it ll be enough and as things are going well I just need to be patient and accept that I ve already done enough training during veg so should already be rewarded.

I m curious to know what kind of training the plant had to obtain that high thc! May have been stressed a lot

Tutankhamun: This Royal Sativa Is Loaded With THC
I'm sure she will do good for you with either supercropping or LST. I'm not sure if THC strength is dependent on genetics or whether you can increase it by the way you grow. I would assume that the better the light the better the buzz but just speculating but if the plant genetics is a low THC it won't help much.
I'm sure she will do good for you with either supercropping or LST. I'm not sure if THC strength is dependent on genetics or whether you can increase it by the way you grow. I would assume that the better the light the better the buzz but just speculating but if the plant genetics is a low THC it won't help much.

I won't supercrop as I don't want to risk anything now that I'm in flowering. I was thinking bout the fact that each strain as an average thc percentage. Some reports talk about tutankhamon to be even more than 30%. On some websites you they advertise more around 23%. I think even if the genetic has the first role, there may be another explanation for those measuring 23% and others 30%.i was thinking about difference in growing. Nutes, technics, maye also the age of the plant. It would sound logical to me that a 2 months vegged plant would give better overall results than a 2 weeks vegged one.... I don't know if I m clear (sorry not native English)
Hey flash. The longer veg period will give you more yield, but not necessarily stronger/ more potent buds. That is more a result of environment and nutrients. Training the plant or super cropping to create an even flow or incresed flow of hormones and nutrients, so it could help you yield more consistently potent nugs is that makes sense?

The difference in THC leaves are attributed to phenotypes. Which is how a certain genetic disposition is displayed in a given environmental setting.

Sorry if this is tough to understand in English.... but making sure your temperature and humidity are in a good range will help you a lot in your grow!
Im in. looking good so far I seen some bad reports bout tutankahmon seeds from growers so will be interesting to see how urs turns out. You can increase THC production by good growing environment and technique but each strain will have a rough average.
Hey flash. The longer veg period will give you more yield, but not necessarily stronger/ more potent buds. That is more a result of environment and nutrients. Training the plant or super cropping to create an even flow or incresed flow of hormones and nutrients, so it could help you yield more consistently potent nugs is that makes sense?

The difference in THC leaves are attributed to phenotypes. Which is how a certain genetic disposition is displayed in a given environmental setting.

Sorry if this is tough to understand in English.... but making sure your temperature and humidity are in a good range will help you a lot in your grow!

Im in. looking good so far I seen some bad reports bout tutankahmon seeds from growers so will be interesting to see how urs turns out. You can increase THC production by good growing environment and technique but each strain will have a rough average.

Hi guys thanks for the explanations! Sometime it s hard for me to find the best sentences as I always fear to make mistakes... But I think I can understand pretty well haha so don't worry you're all very clear. I thought maybe as the plant mature more maybe she develops more mature buds so thought the thc could be higher. But it s true that if I think twice about it, an orange tree will be able to give you wonderful fruits even if young. The age will just help to get more quantity and better size. I bought the king tut cause I m curious to see what a 30% thc sativa known for clear high can produce. I also had trouble with it at a time. But it was just because of bad ph. I think many people having trouble with some plants don't check enough if the grow conditions are good. That was my mistake. I had never check ph in my first grow. But I was a beginner.

Do you think I should pinch or leave it as it is? When I say pinching I mean suppercrop to get the little inside snap but without bending 90 degrees. Because I have already made enough training to get almost flat canopy for each plant and they all have at least 10 main tops so I ll say they are good for flowering. But maybe I could increase the flux of nutrients going to those tops by pinching their stems as I m still in the first week of flowering? What would you do? I m opened to any advice considering my setup viewing the last pics

I ve always read that a dry atmosphere is best for flowering so I guess my 30% RH is very good. Temps is around 25°C during day but 17°C at night as I m lazy to have to close and open the window every day. I had previously seen that colder temps at night just make the plants stretch more or can stunt growth. But as it s 25°C during the day and sometime goes up to 27°C they are good. Any advice there as well? Do you think the beyond 19°C at night could prevent them to produce high thc? I had also seen that when temps get colder the plant thinks winter is coming and may produce more in response of stress. Let me know what you think of all of this
I chose to supercrop some runaway growths in flower but have never tried it for a training technique in veg. I would water 2 hours before you do it so the plant is more flexible. The key is not to bend the stem but to first roll it between your fingers until the stem wall is softened AND THEN slowly and gently bend it at that point until you notice the plant laying sideways.
I chose to supercrop some runaway growths in flower but have never tried it for a training technique in veg. I would water 2 hours before you do it so the plant is more flexible. The key is not to bend the stem but to first roll it between your fingers until the stem wall is softened AND THEN slowly and gently bend it at that point until you notice the plant laying sideways.

So you wouldn't supercrop the main tops?
Colder temps at night can cause some strains to change terpene production and colour, so diff tastes n temps.. in my experience and reading around 10C change should be fine... the problem is more when plants drop from high 30c plus to low say 15c and below then they can be shocked n grow slow.
Plants like 25-28c in veg and around 23c in flower. but can grow absoultely fine depending on strain in higher and slightly lower temps... u will have to experiment.. thats why a lot of commercial growers only grow one or two strains so they know exactly what the plant wants and max yeild.
Humidity wants to be 70% for flower and decrease down to 25% by last week of flower.. ideally ;) but just like every human is different so are plants from seed. so its all give n take and knowing your strain :)
I wouldnt supercrop the main tops ... not unless u wana risk loosing ur biggest buds. Id practice supercropping and observe the affect on the plant on some lower buds... its a skill not a given and done wrong will kill ur harvest
I wouldnt supercrop the main tops ... not unless u wana risk loosing ur biggest buds. Id practice supercropping and observe the affect on the plant on some lower buds... its a skill not a given and done wrong will kill ur harvest

I could do all kind of training in my fridge grow. I had nine plants lool. I had to hook a light on the wall and finish two plants outside of the grow room. I started this current grow in the big box of my svs pb-1000 subwoofer lool! Which I can't stop recommanding haha. Anyway I think I can supercrop without harm the plants. That's also why I was talking about just pinching but not doing the entire supercrop process.... I think I'll just leave it like that. I wish some would just tell me "do it it will double your harvest!". But things don't work that way haha. I think the plants should already produce a nice harvest considering their age (more than 2 month from seed before flip) and how they look. I should better be scared of how big they may become as I ve seen different smaller plants of smaller pheno become monsters when flipped!


Green crack and blue dream are bigger plants than vanilla kush of this video considering their description. My pots are also bigger. Let's hope this doesn't turn into drama lool. I do think in that video it s the distance of the lights that was responsible of such a growth! He was also in hydroponics where things are going faster
Colder temps at night can cause some strains to change terpene production and colour, so diff tastes n temps.. in my experience and reading around 10C change should be fine... the problem is more when plants drop from high 30c plus to low say 15c and below then they can be shocked n grow slow.
Plants like 25-28c in veg and around 23c in flower. but can grow absoultely fine depending on strain in higher and slightly lower temps... u will have to experiment.. thats why a lot of commercial growers only grow one or two strains so they know exactly what the plant wants and max yeild.
Humidity wants to be 70% for flower and decrease down to 25% by last week of flower.. ideally ;) but just like every human is different so are plants from seed. so its all give n take and knowing your strain :)

Good to know! Cause I don't want to have to be opening and closing windows twice a day. Regarding the flowering humidity I guess it goes along with temp. I guess 25°C with 30%RH is better than 23°C with 60%RH for example
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