Blueberry - So far no luck


420 Member
I finally got my order of blueberry in and started them right away. I followed the recommended seed starting as per the website and the inclosed instructions and the first two were a no go. Soaked them in spring water (ph ~6.5) for about 14 hrs then put them on wet paper towels with a single layer covering. My bathroom has no window and is warm so I kept them on a plate in there with the fan going. Need dark and warm, right. I let the paper towel dry out a bit and sprayed them daily with spring water, making sure they didn't get too wet. The seeds cracked open but after four days nothing happened and both seeds turned black on the inside. No rooting at all. I just started soaking the last three I got and I'm hoping I have better luck this time.

Has anyone else had this issue, or am I doing something wrong?
They like it warm! Use a germinating mat or set them on something like a warm cable modem.

Either bad seeds, not warm enough, dried out or overwatered.
Try putting the moist paper towel inside a ziplock and blow air into it, this creates a small scale propagator. Then place it on something warm in a dark place. A power cord, modem, andriod box etc etc. anything that gets slightly warm and can run 24/7. A friend showed me this method and everyrhing usually has a taproot in 30 hrs.
Here is what I did with the new batch: I have an old laptop that I set-up (always on, screen off) in a dark room with a bunch of different apps open (and wireless turned off) which will cause the processor to be under load, and create heat. I put 1 cup of the spring water into a measuring cup and a length of butchers string running from it and under the seeds on the paper towel. The string is natural (unbleached) cotton and chemical free so there is no worry about chemical contamination. It slowly wicks the water from the measuring cup to the paper towel. I just checked them and all three have sprouted!!!


Mine had a rough start as I had my light too far up and we had crappy weather so very little sun. Then my bulb went and I wasnt able to get one for a week. I now have the lamp sitting about 10inches away from the plants and they're really taking off. I'll try to get photos up later today.
I've found a simple desk lamp works wonders for the first 2 odd weeks. Simple and easy to use, fairly cheap and only need a standard light bulb, and you can bend the neck and move the light closer or further as needed.
I joined this forum toward the end of last year. I just tried to post some pics of mine. They are about 1 week in. I used the paper towel method to germinate and they all germinated. The two empties you see in the pic are seeds that sprouted from True North but so far, nada. to go figure out how to upload a photo. I had purchased a grow light but just started using it last night after I saw read your strand here. Hope you don't mind me following along.
Hi, I had a bit better luck with my CK Blue Berry, 4 out of 5 germinated and came out of the dirt, one was sickly so it's gone, the others are doing nice, but much slower and smaller compared to some kush, and CK's original Skunk (5 out of 5)! , which seem to really be loving it. Included some pix for comparison, @ 15 days old.
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