Bruce Banner: Search For The Incredible Hulk

Here is why I do not like tiny underdeveloped seeds... sry for rant but apparently someone needs a lesson :sorry:


Note lack of first true leaf set (cotyledon only on the runt). The rest are all fine and healthy.

Update on the weeds. A slight hiccup in the nutes caused a little leaf burn as noted in the second pic. New growth looks good so maybe I did something right for a change. :nerd-with-glasses: The runts should begin to form initial first leaf sets in a week or two (tiny underdeveloped seeds produce tiny underdeveloped seedlings). That puts me at 8 out of 10 or 80% germination rate (was hoping 100% with some fat tiger striped seeds but such is life). The genetics look outstanding so far and could not be happier other than the lack of smell (grew some super crystal back in 2000 and the seedlings would smell all the way out the door... was very good smoke with extreme resin production).

On with the pics

By the time im ready for flower your be done. got a few bruce seeds and a few others i want to take a look at blue
sunset sherbert being one and a dos si dos. So glad she made it lets see how dank she can get:yummy: will be lurking.
So far they seem like good genetics (have to pass the smoke test for me lol) if I can just figure out how to feed them.
These girls can be quite finicky... probably not a good choice for a beginner grow. The genetics do look extremely promising and I'm hoping to get "stoned" for the first time in 20 years (fingers crossed). :headbanger:

They have been wracking my brain to figure out what it is that will make them happy but I love them all the more for it as they are forcing me to become a better grower.

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