Camping In The HashGround

Yes I just shove it in my hash pipe

What kind of hash pipe do you have? I just bought this one at a local headshop:


It came with filters so that's why I bought it.
Do you use whole plants for this or do you make the rest? And is fresh or dried plant better?
I'll use an entire plant for hash , hash last alot longer then bud ......... When I make hash I use a fresh plant ... The plant is alot stronger when it has NOT been dried this keeps the plant matter together ... I'll chop the buds off then put the wet fresh buds in the freezer over night , all the water stored in the buds will freeze ... Then I'll make hash .... Because the buds are fresh and frozen only the trichomes will fall off keeping plant matter from going into the screen ......... Dried bud is brittle and will cause plant matter to go into the screen will still have to dry and cure your hash when your done
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