Canadian Ganja Girl


New Member
Here to introduce myself - Hi- I'm Cassia Sparkle ( I'm an alternative model) I'm a pothead/grower from Canada Toronto,- Just joined- found this website because I always browse around the net for marijuana oriented websites especially when they are fun informative threads and communities filled with chronic smokers :Rasta: Anyway- Nice to see people who share similar beliefs and political views on MaryJane, I feel at home :D Hope everyone is toking up!

Like the great Peter Tosh once sang :
Legalize it - don't criticize it, Legalize it and i will advertise it

welcome home, roll up a fatty, kick back, and read on, its fun and interesting. stay way cool, and may you always get as high as you want to!!!!isn't that what personal freedom is all about?? be well and remember to ride the winds of change when they become favorable... Tigrshark
well my fellow stoner friend this is a place were we can all discuss maruijuana peacfully together like the way the world should be keep on tokin :ganjamon:
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