Cannabis plant 911! Help!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I was in the middle of taking measurements for my screen for my indoor grow.

I turned around and there is my son holding my 10 day old cannabis plant in his hands, ripped clean out of the soil.

Luckily the roots were still in tact ( some I cannot say for sure all of them were there but the main root that was longer then the plant stands tall out of the soil was still there.

I immediately dug a little hole to plunk her back into her medium and watered instantly.

She's drooping like mad and looks like any other plant after a transplant, do you think she will recover??

Probably have a day or so of droopy then perk back up I hope.

damn thats not good news, if you think the plants lost a lot of roots then cut some of the bigger fanleaves in half, make the fingers on the fan leaf shorter then it will lose less moisture as quick, if the roots are now gone then it can support the whole plant with water and nutrients like it was before, so cutting the bigger leaves down a bit will slow down the amount of water it loses and should recover a bit quicker, just dont over water as them roots will now need to grow so it can support the plant, if oxygen cant get to the roots then the roots wont grow and the plant will keep wilting, so water it in like you have then leave it to dry out before watering again, it should be fine though once the roots start to recover,
Vit. B ...reduces shock, you can buy a transplant mix at the garden store. I dropped one baby on its head in the hole once, told my partner to never tell anyone I dropped the died. We put a Cinderella in its place, in July close to aug. It grew two feet started budding grew another two feet and was done by the end of August beginning of sept. This year...we tripped out, I read once that you can put a tomatoes in the ground at the beginning of sept and it would grow taller then the ones you put in the ground in April ( use to be February, our grow season starts in April now.).. Except this year, I took the gamble started everything veggies and all, betting on no freeze, I was right. Lucky!
Right now she has went from being droopy to perked back up.

There is 1 fan leaf distorting/twisting and 1 leaf of the new growth distorting/twisting.

I'm letting her be and see how she will recover, I hope she does not hermie!!

Edit :: Just trimmed the distorting leafs tips since they looked like death, curling and yellowing a touch.

I'll be adding a pic of her to my journal tonight when I update. ( Links in sig for those who want to see her )

Thanks for the responses!!
yep id say foliar feed with 1/5th of the stated dose per gallon or 1/4 stated dose per gallon and give it a good spray but not while its directly under hids,

the yellowing may be because you watered it in to well and the roots are now not able to take in what the plant needs, so foliar feeding for a few days will certainly help keep the plant going,
foliar feedings is the most efficient way the plant can take in nutrients, so that will give it what it needs until the roots have recovered.

great bit of advice cultivator, have some reps
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