Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Yeah, it is kinda weird how it's all by itself.
Either power outages due to rolling thunder storms or fungus gnats.
I run 24/7 now instead of 20/4 so that with the power outages may have tricked it.
The lights went out and she thought, winter is coming.
Could be bad genetics, but Pyramid seeds are pretty reputable.
So stress is most likely the cause.

I tried a new soil from the local hardware store. Organic, and full of fungus gnats.
They are mostly dead now.
Those friggin gnats seem to just be part of the cannabis growing experience-I'm using
mosquito dunks to try and thin out the herd in my box,it helps quite a bit,but
They never seem to quit coming back,so I try and not let them bother me much.
But they still do....
I may have to give mulch a try-what I'm doing now is working,but only a little.
Since I'm indoors now,the little suckers tend to migrate to all parts of the house,
The wife is really not liking that.....the bad part is she knows exactly where they're coming from....
I’ve got my own experience with fungal gnats haha. I just use neem drench and foliar spray. And once I transplanted to fabric they were gone. They come up into plastic pots through the drainage holes, that’s why the fabric worked for me. No holes, no gnats.
And Neem oil becomes systemic in the plant, my understanding is if the fungal gnats eat the plant at any point in their life cycle the neem oil destroys their appetite and they effectively starve.
One thing I want to add is that my gnat problem went away when I added more perlite to my medium. If your medium dries out too quick to harbor larvae then you won’t have gnats
Well,I feel like an idiot....After stating a few days back that my plants were both girls,
I proved to myself that just because an early preflower is shaped like a female flower,that don't make it so...
When I looked at the first flowers on my "feminized" plant,they were teardrop shaped,as opposed to football shaped(no pistils yet,though),which I read as a sure sign that I had a female...And the flowers on the plant next to it looked the same,so easy-peasy-2 females!

Well it became apparent over the next day or two that I had jumped to conclusions (something I always advise others not to do) and it was time to adapt to the reality that I had just raised 2 fine boys....

That means that three out of my four plants were male,which seems like bad luck,even for me...

In my defense (if there even is one) Here's why I was so sure that I had a girl on my hands:


I guess you can't trust free seeds to be what they're labeled-I did not know that,but I know it now.

At least I've still got the little LoRyder2 (who is,fortunately, still a female) -she gets the whole box to herself for a little while.

I just recieved my seed order from The Vault yesterday,so there's not going to be any real downtime for the box, and a bright side is that it's not crowded in there anymore...

Here's a final look at the boys-really a shame-they were doing so well:


I'm going to keep a branch on the NLxBB alive,so I can harvest a little pollen,but most of him,and the whole other one are going in the greenwaste.

Anyway,that's my news for today,I'm feeling pretty stupid right about now,but at
least I learned something (the hard way,as usual)

On a bright note,my soil gnat problem is only 1/3 of what it was just an hour ago...;)

See you on Monday (ish)

Thanks for looking.:peace:
That's what I said,except louder ;) and way more times....

Yeah,I jumped the gun on both of 'em-tossed the bagseed 3 in the greenwaste,and planted the NLBB outside,next to the other male,figure at least I can harvest some pollen from him.

The LoRyder is loving having the whole box to herself for awhile-but not for too long-Got my Northern Light and Peyote Critical seeds from the Vault yesterday,so she'll have company soon enough.

They just kept looking more male all the time,finally decided that no matter how many times I looked at 'em,they weren't going to turn female....
I really wish I was...
I do have a pic- this is the one in that second pic -seems
like most of them showed up last night.The other plant looked the same yesterday morning.

Clearly not the sex I'd hoped for.....

(...that sentence reminds me of my first date in High School...:))

That last pic looks like it might be a polyploidy type branch
It may be-I wasn't really noticing much but the (disappointing) flowers when I last took a good look at him.
I can keep my eye on it,though-he's living outside now,next to the other male.

I tossed the bagseed#3 male-hell,I've already got one of those outside....
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