Cooking with The Chronic

I'm sure straight orange alone is not appealing. Half lime green helped on the eye part of things. Citrus flavors do well with the sour coating, that much is certain.
While I was out of town on vacation, my son starts texting me: Where's the gummie molds? ...and the squeeze bottles? 3 or 4 texts latter he sends me a picture of green apple gummies and some coated in sour patch. Fortunately there was still some left when I got home. They were very good - my favorite flavor so far. Was really hard to eat just 3, very nice high.
Grabbed a brick of dry ice this morning to extract keif from all the popcorn buds I've accumulated. BB Twist was first on the list...
Found a pleasant surprise as I was gathering all the materials.

I hadn't cleaned the shaker after the last run. LoL Nice little stash!

After getting it all cleaned out & collected, I ran the BB Twist through the shaker.

Pretty decent yield.

Ended with 11g of funky-ass skunk dust, that will be turned into a baby brick of blonde hash.

That’s wicked Preston! I’m saving for a bit dryice run and seeing your big pile of trichomes looks very appealing
Grabbed a brick of dry ice this morning to extract keif from all the popcorn buds I've accumulated. BB Twist was first on the list...
Found a pleasant surprise as I was gathering all the materials.

I hadn't cleaned the shaker after the last run. LoL Nice little stash!

After getting it all cleaned out & collected, I ran the BB Twist through the shaker.

Pretty decent yield.

Ended with 11g of funky-ass skunk dust, that will be turned into a baby brick of blonde hash.

Absolutely sterling thread. Bookmarked. Great job, posters. Thx for starting the thread, @Preston9mm !

Cook on!
Absolutely sterling thread. Bookmarked. Great job, posters. Thx for starting the thread, @Preston9mm !

Cook on!
Hope things pick up around here soon. LoL, always more active in the kitchen around harvest time, when the trim is plentiful.

I've got a few new ideas to try out. I'll definitely drop em here.
Grabbed a brick of dry ice this morning to extract keif from all the popcorn buds I've accumulated. BB Twist was first on the list...
Found a pleasant surprise as I was gathering all the materials.

I hadn't cleaned the shaker after the last run. LoL Nice little stash!

After getting it all cleaned out & collected, I ran the BB Twist through the shaker.

Pretty decent yield.

Ended with 11g of funky-ass skunk dust, that will be turned into a baby brick of blonde hash.

Your kief hack is awesome. Simple & me!

Thanks, compadre!
Gummy bear army on the the fridge to dry cure for a couple of days. I like to have them dry out a bit after making them. It helps make the texture more like an actual gummy bear, and also prolongs shelf life.
Gummy bear army on the the fridge to dry cure for a couple of days. I like to have them dry out a bit after making them. It helps make the texture more like an actual gummy bear, and also prolongs shelf life.
Bad ass! I love your little armies!

Look like they ready to fuck someone up, for sure! LoL
Nice gummies and I love the purple color your getting on those! Must be from the cooler nights ;).
Yes, that’s it exactly. Lol

Actually, these are sugar free, made with two sleeves of those drink packets made to mix with a half liter bottle of water, and four packets of gelatin. Seems to have worked perfectly.
Not even any corn syrup?

You may be required to post that recipe (including the size of the drink packets) for those who don't do sugar but do sugar substitutes.
Nope, no corn syrup. I haven’t been adding that to my gummies. Don’t really see much of a difference when I add it and when I don’t.

300 ml water - room temp
2 packets of sugar-free drink mix (2.2g each)
4 packets unflavored gelatin
2 tablespoons (30ml) cannabis tincture

Prepare molds. I spray them with a touch of oil, and then take a paper towel and dab any excess oil out of the molds. Others have good luck with powdering molds with cornstarch. If you don’t prepare your mold in some manner, it will be very difficult to remove the finished gummies.

Add drink packets to water and stir to dissolve.

In a small saucepan, add all four gelatin packets. Add flavored water and set aside to let rehydrate for about five minutes.

Put saucepan on low heat and melt gelatin mixture until all gelatin is melted. Heat until just bubbling at the edge, but do not boil. You could also stop right at when the gelatin is dissolved, but I think gelatin sets up firmer when heated to almost boiling.

Let mixture cool for about five minutes. You want it warm, but not hot. This allows it to become a little thicker before adding it to the molds, which means it’s going to pour easier.

Add gelatin mix to what you will use to dispense. I stole Preston’s idea of using a condiment bottle from the dollar store.

Add cannabis tincture. Cap bottle, or better, stopper with your finger, and shake to evenly disperse tincture.

Fill molds (or moulds if you use British English). Occasionally shake bottle to keep tincture from separating. I let the mix sit in the counter for about five minutes to cool and start setting up before I put in the refrigerator. I find it helps if they are starting to set before I move them, it minimizes spills if the tray gets jostled. Oh, and I put my molds on a baking sheet for more stable transfer.

Once gelatin is set in the fridge - give it an hour just to be safe, I pop them out of the molds and then stand them up in the baking sheet. Standing allows more surface area to be exposed in the fridge which means faster drying.

I give them about 48 hours, uncovered, in the fridge to cure. If they dry a little unevenly, once they are bagged up and put in the fridge to store, their moisture content will even out.

I added the cure because that’s what they do to gummy candy, and by reducing the moisture content I reduce the chance of mold growing.

After curing, they can be kept for a while in the fridge, but for longer than a couple of weeks you may want to store in the freezer. Gummies made with sugar typically won’t mold as easily due to the low moisture and sugar content, however, this is a different animal.

I have no idea how strong these are in terms of milligrams per dose. I know that this version using tincture makes the serving size for me one gummy bear. When I make them with oil, serving size is two to three gummies. I’m guessing it’s between 10-15 mg per. But I’m also a lightweight, so a poor one to judge.
Forgot to say, this recipe filled two sheets of gummy molds, so 70 gummies, with a little left over. Probably could have done 5-10 more, but I couldn’t find my third sheet of Bears, so I just put the extra in a small container to set up.
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