Cooking with The Chronic

After action report:

Cookies were a success. Took about 30 min to kick in, nice mellow high for about 2 hours, heavy eyelids, and relaxed as could be.
Knocked me out at the end for an hour long nap. Still feeling it slightly after waking up.

Baggy was hiding a dirty little secret under all the ugly!
Omg I'm so glad this thread is here! I've been making edibles for some time now and really look forward to your experiments and maybe trying some myself. I'm actually planning on going with some good ol' fashioned brownies this weekend, or gummie bears.. Still debating. Anyone here familiar with using Everclear and Propylene Glycol for concentrates to microdose gummies??
Omg I'm so glad this thread is here! I've been making edibles for some time now and really look forward to your experiments and maybe trying some myself. I'm actually planning on going with some good ol' fashioned brownies this weekend, or gummie bears.. Still debating. Anyone here familiar with using Everclear and Propylene Glycol for concentrates to microdose gummies??
Share! Share! Share! I'm 100% convinced that almost any food can be infused. I want to see the creativity of others out there!
Glad to see ya!
Cookies loooook Yummmm:D

I’m cooking today!! I’ll post some pics in here

I infused avocado oil and made brownies last night. I’m making mini muffins thanks to your recipe and more GUMMIES


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My last run of cookies was done with trim & popcorn buds. I'm pretty certain @newty and @NaturalSpirit make fan leaf oil too!

Ok great! Since I'm on my first grow, I've never had trimmings to use while cooking so I'm excited to try it.
I have a load of frozen fans and no faith that they're worth making oil from if you want to get high. I'm sure they have some sort of medicinal value but where's the THCa? Only in the trichomes. Am I wrong?
You are correct... definitely not for getting high.
Just for good health then?
Here's the article I read about it:

The majority of the medicinal and psychoactive potential of the cannabis plant lives in the cola, covering calyxes with crystally resin. Yet, fan leaves do contain some of the vital cannabinoids and acids that give the plant therapeutic value. However, fan leaves only contain trace amounts of these compounds.

In 1971, the United Nations report comparing cannabinoid levels in male and female plants found that the large leaves of some specimens contained as much as 0.3% THC and 0.7% CBD. These results were from a limited number of samples from 8 different geographical regions.

However, a couple of the samples tested negative for detectable amounts of THC. Samples taken from the upper leaves of cannabis plants tested higher for CBD/THC.

Fan leaves can also be dried and used in teas. The psychoactive effect of drinking cannabis tea is debatable. The resin of the cannabis plant is what holds cannabinoids, but the resin is fat soluble. For the cannabinoids to produce psychotropic changes, the resin needs to be dissolved into a fat.

Simply adding dried cannabis leaves into a hot water for an herbal tea may promote relaxation, but it is unlikely to cause an out-of-this-world experience. Heating dried fan leaves in some coconut oil will extract and amplify whatever cannabinoids happen to be present in the leaves.

Similar to teas, dried cannabis fan leaves can be infused into coconut oil (or any other kind of fat) to be used in topical skin creams and balms. The small amount of resin and other nutrients in the leaves work well for surface application, which does not cause psychoactive effects.
Fantastic feedback from everyone, blessings!
I am definitely going to try it for my next round of topicals. Last time I made an ointment that was part lotion, part infused coconut oil, and combined with a VERY strong concentrate I made using Everclear. My mother-in-law has been on Rx pain killers for years and swears by this ointment I made for easing the pain from her fibromyalgia. Now that I'm growing, I have access to all these new goodies for my kitchen/mad scientist lab! Thank you all so much for the input!
Fantastic feedback from everyone, blessings!
I am definitely going to try it for my next round of topicals. Last time I made an ointment that was part lotion, part infused coconut oil, and combined with a VERY strong concentrate I made using Everclear. My mother-in-law has been on Rx pain killers for years and swears by this ointment I made for easing the pain from her fibromyalgia. Now that I'm growing, I have access to all these new goodies for my kitchen/mad scientist lab! Thank you all so much for the input!
Glad to help! I've got some experience with topicals and calculating strength so let me know if there are any questions I can answer.
Glad to help! I've got some experience with topicals and calculating strength so let me know if there are any questions I can answer.
Thank you so much! That's the part I'm still quite uneducated on so I greatly appreciate, and will most likely take you up on your offer.
I've gotta say, I've been part of this forum for only a few days. This is one of the most community-minded, friendly, and helpful forums I've ever come across, thanks folks.
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